Amateur repeater database. Access Location County Call Use Modes 29.
Amateur repeater database. with news, information and resources.
Amateur repeater database Band All 10 m 6 m 2 m 1¼ m 70 cm 33 cm 23 cm Feature AllStar ATV DMR D-STAR EchoLink IRLP M17 NXDN P-25 YSF Amateur Radio's most comprehensive, worldwide, FREE repeater directory. 6500 - 123. Helps you find your local repeaters and easily export them to your radio. 6800 - 88. 04000 107. This one-stop-shop offline database is derived directly from www. 2 Marlinton N8RV FM 145. Subscribe to Updates Band All 10 m 6 m 2 m 1¼ m 70 cm 33 cm 23 cm Mode FM DMR M17 Amateur radio repeater database showing all open ham repeaters in the united states by artsci We would appreciate any comments you may have and we welcome your e-mail comments at : books@artscipub. Ham Radio Repeaters and Broadcast Transmitters Websearch CHIRP File Generator This CHIRP generator is a work in progress. No network connection required. The COORDINATOR Reflector has also suspended operation pending identification of further need within the Amateur Radio repeater coordination community. Some things you should know about this data: Not all data may be parsed correctly. 64000 146. 0100 - 114. 6200 - Kalispell Flathead N7LT OPEN FM 53. 99, and your Amateur radio repeater database proximity search Proximity Search Switch to the new Proximity 2. Powered by the popular community database of RepeaterBook. · The database of AFCRAS ham radio frequency and repeater coordination is always growing. We are delighted that you have stopped by. *Please be aware that some combinations of search criteria may result in a longer wait. The repeaters listed here are entered and updated by Users like you. · Hello QRZ Hams, I hope all is well and would like to share this project, which I have finished, finally! The Google Earth Repeaters Overlay Project for the entire United States and Territories. Everything seems pretty stable and the files created have worked in testing but your results may vary. 0 / 123. Welcome to the home of the Florida Amateur Spectrum Management Association. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! These nets are open to all licensed amateur radio operators and everyone is encouraged to check-in. A 2-meter (144 MHz) antenna works GREAT for both 144-148MHZ and 440-450 MHZ!! This is true on a Home and Mobile 2-meter Ham Support community run Uk Repeater Directory for Amateur Radio, with your help we can keep the UK repeaters updated About Us Hamsupport. Amateur Radio Repeaters in West Virginia ({state->stateCode}) Output Input Tone Out Tone In Callsign Description County 145. 52000 x 71. We have the most up-to-date amateur radio repeater listings (updated by you, our admins, and repeater coordinators). 6 103. 2 PL Amateur License Search License Search Home Search Scope: Matches licenses with the following radio service codes: HA, HV. 9 Salt Rock K8SA FM, EchoLink 145. Search the site and find repeaters Update them · The well-known repeater listings/apps don't provide a database that you can download and use freely for any use in building your own app. Louisiana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. net Our network is an all-digital group of over 500 DMR-MARC repeaters in 83 countries with over 144000 registered users. Update them, comment on them, and recommend them. Subscribe to Updates Band All 10 m 6 m 4 m 2 m 1¼ m 70 cm 23 cm 13 cm 3 cm Mode FM Alabama amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. Online, paperless applications — no paper, no mailing, less waiting 📡 Ham Radar Your Ultimate DMR Repeater & ID Lookup Tool Welcome to Ham Radar, the must-have app for every amateur radio enthusiast! Whether you're a veteran ham operator or a newcomer, Ham Radar brings you everything you need to stay connected Whether you’re at home in your shack or on a cross country caravan trip, Online Repeater Map aims to quickly and easily help amateur radio operators visualise the location of ham radio repeaters. And now, for the first time ever, SERA is going ONLINE and allowing Full Members access to the SERA Database. Each package contains 2 wall display holder. 5 / 136. Then show it as a closed access repeater. Written by Lisa Nelson AK7WS or you can Find me at · RepeaterBook Amateur Radio's most comprehensive, worldwide, FREE repeater directory. All times listed are local in the Central Time Zone. All additions, omissions and amendments to the repeater data should be reported to the WIA. 8 HF Boise ID Boise WR7GEM 2025-02 · Radio Repeaters based in USA category is a curation of 40 web resources on , Sierra Amateur Radio Club, WP4MXB Repeater, 442. 66250 x Rouen Centre Ville, MJC Rouen St-Sever F5KAR OPEN FM EchoLink 144. 1500 103. 375+ Repeater in Dickson,TN. All source code and all data is free and open for everyone to use. You can add or modify Amateur radio repeater database proximity search Proximity Search 2. - Rocky Hill Welcome! The Emerging Technology Coordination Committee (ETCC) develops and enhances the UK amateur radio repeater and data communications systems and promotes the introduction and rollout of appropriate new technologies. Repeaterbook. com New for 2026 NEW MapBOOK #16 SHIPPING NOW!!!!- Only $17. Our Q-VIEW QSL holders will display 40 QSL cards. net is a UK repeater Directory, with your support we can keep all UK Repeaters up to date. 0300 The RFinder Worldwide Repeater Directory provides a comprehensive database of amateur radio repeaters globally. com P. There is an Australian focussed online repeater website here: Link that shows repeater locations throughout Australia, grouped by mode. (1 of 3) * WHATFor the High Wind Warning, south winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 70 mph. 8300 - 114. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. 60 ASTRA LINKING Greetings from the Repeaterbook Team. [] Amateur and GMRS radio repeater database showing all popular ham repeaters in the united states by artscipub. New England Repeater Database - 2 Meters as of March 13, 2025 05:00Z Column Explanations FREQ OFS ST CITY CALL MODE CODE IN OUT STATUS COUNTY VOIP LINKS/COMMENTS Last Update 145. Connecting Hams, One Repeater at a Time! United Kingdom amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . This indispensable tool helps you locate repeaters nearby using your GPS location, making it perfect for maintaining communication The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. Alabama amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. FASMA is the successor to the Florida Repeater Council. 55000 04/07/2014 ARRL has introduced its first Android app for locating Amateur Radio repeater frequencies in the US and Canada — The ARRL Repeater Directory®Powered by Travel Plus . 0875 DUP-0. 5 BOLTON MB7INK OPEN FM 50. 8900 - 127. Our primary mission is to provide frequency coordination services to all amateur radio operators in the state of Louisiana. • Displays distance, heading Check out our new Live Database Map Showing almost all repeaters in our system with Coordinates Talk Group info is available in the pins Zoom in to your desired region Data from The repeater Owners Directly Data also derived from RFinder TG Project Mappa interattiva, zoomabile e cliccabile; posizione ponti radio radioamatoriali, hotspot, informazioni, frequenze, distanze, negozi, ISS e altro! Collabora Diego IU1FIG è il CO-Fondatore, programmatore e webmaster del progetto MAP FOR HAM ma solo grazie al contributo di tanti, questo progetto può potenzialmente diventare qualcosa di unico e veramente utile. Repeater Band Channel Tx Rx Dup Split IcomMode MemMode RSGBType Ctcss/DCS Locator Location Postcode Region NGR LatDD LngDD UK_DStar_VHF_Rpt GB7GD 2M RV55 145. 3875 103. The data represents the repeaters frequency, offset, CTCSS, PL and notes such as if it supports IRLP, Echolink, autopatch, etc. Welcome to RepeaterBook. Click on a header to sort. com is different than others because we use local admins that collect repeater data. 1100-0. The DMR-MARC Worldwide Network Registration system now open, you will be transfered to RadioID. · RFinder (Repeater Finder), the premier Ham Radio repeater locating tool for Amateur Radio operators, Our repeater locator database is growing daily. 6 110. Android phone and mobile device users can download the app at no cost from Amateur Radio Repeater Graphical Database Idaho ARRL Search fields (separated by ,): Range: State: Only Issues Frequency Access RX Type City State Name CallSign Notes Club Contact Verified 29. 52000 x 82. Resources listed under Repeater category belongs to Repeaters main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Comprehensive search, selection and sorting. com easily find repeaters across the world. 5 PL K8VE K8VE 2 Meter Repeater - Philippi Barbour 145. We hope you enjoy this site and will send your by Repeater Directory Online Coordination IRC Flexweb User Guide Flexweb Reference IRC Bylaws IRC Bandplan IRC Flexweb User Guide Coordination Policy Hotspot Frequency Recommendation Recognized Coordination Repeater Spacing PL Map Digital Policy Missouri amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 2 Mayfield Heights Cuyahoga N8QBB OPEN FM 51. United Kingdom amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Repeater MapBook 2024-25 The Repeater Mapbook 2024-2025 will be available in a few months. Alabama Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search There are 439 Alabama repeaters in the database. Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. O. 7500 NA NA 146. Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search There are 0 repeaters in the database. 6200 - 107. Repeater Mapbook · Ham Radio repeater Directory MapBook and Repeater listings and maps and other Great Ham radio products. Australia Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search There are 741 Australia repeaters in the database. 52000 x 103. IZ8WNH. We will make every effort to update the online, publicly viewable database as soon as there is an addition, update, or removal of any frequency coordination. 1500 France amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 0 Search Enter an address, city (and state), landmark, coordinates, or grid square (6-characters) and a distance radius. This site will remain active as long as the recognized repeater coordinators provide support to keep the information accurate. IT: let's map together Ham radio repeaters and beacons The first interactive map of amateur radio repeaters and beacons updated in REAL TIME. 670- (no The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U. 5 Salem Columbiana KB8MFV OPEN FM 51. 3 / 127. Access to the Directory is included for one year then it will be an annual subscription for $9. This site groups the repeaters by state and is less complicated than the Google Earth file conatined in the downloadable zip file. Visit our AllStar page for additional details and resources on AllStar. 9 amateur radio repeaters at, around, or near Nashville. Is there a such a freely accessible · TAGS: amateur radio, Android smartphone, coverage maps, Crossband Repeaters, google earth, repeater frequencies, Repeaters 03/15/2016 In February, ARRL announced it had established an agreement with RFinder, the creator of a web and app-based directory of Amateur Radio repeaters worldwide, to be its preferred online resource of repeater frequencies. The 2025 edition includes 22,319 listings for US and Canada, organized by state/province, county, and city/town. There are over 6600 registered DMR repeaters world-wide in our database. The listings are a reflection of each system's true status, regardless of their coordination*. All repeater information is taken directly from the latest version of the Wireless Institute of Australia’s Repeater Directory (240614). com Amateur Radio Repeaters Repeaterbook. Search the site and find repeaters in your Europe Repeater Database - This site gives you FREE access to thousands of amateur and GMRS Repeaters. Bigger google maps make repeaters easier to find. • No network connection required. 110 - CT Vernon W1BRS Tolland 145. Offset Tone Loc. Low Level 4000' 6000' 7000' 8000' 9000' 10000' The ARRL Repeater Directory® is now powered by RepeaterBook, amateur radio's worldwide repeater database. 8 Eureka, Pinkham Mtn Lincoln WR7DW OPEN FM 53. CURRENT NEWS ITEMS · Repeater Databases Artsci Amateur Radio Repeater Database HearHam K1IW Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Transmitters Database K5EHX Repeater Map LevineCentral. Search the site and find repeaters in your area. RepeaterBook. 6000 DV DStarRptr DMF 1. 56250 x Les Gondrans OPEN DSTAR 144. Amateur Radio's most comprehensive, worldwide, FREE repeater directory. · In this episode of the Everything Ham Radio Podcast, we talk with Garrett Dow, KD6KPC, the creator of RepeaterBook. At any given time we may have one or more applications under review or pending coordination. 0 IO87WE ABERDEEN Serving Missouri's Amateurs Since 1984 Sunday, March 16, 2025 The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. Click here to tell us about a repeater. Access Location County Call Use Modes 52. 8 Tomahawk Lincoln N9MEA OPEN FM 52. Program transceiver for frequency and ctcss tones GB3RT, MB7INT, MB7IPB transmit and receive to other radio operators. 0 Brooklyn Green K9QB OPEN FM 52. Amateur Radio Repeater Database Idaho ARRL Intertie Oregon Database Map Utah Arizona Idaho Live Repeater Database 471 Repeaters, 316 Sites, 135 Visual Links, 36 Coverage Maps. Find Repeaters Fast – Search By Location, Features, or Mode. 1300-0. 55000 103. Enter RepeaterBook, a must-have app for any ham radio operator who travels frequently. List all transmitters within 5 30 60 120 miles of Band: 10m 6m 2m 222 440 902 K1IW Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Transmitters Database Websearch Use this form to generate a list of amateur repeaters and broadcast transmitters to your specifications. Maintained by local volunteers of the Amateur GMRS and Ham radio repeater database with map frequency directory listing repeaterbook Did you Know. Amateur radio repeater database showing all open ham repeaters in the united states and the world by artsci Amateur and GMRS radio repeater database showing all popular ham repeaters in the united states by artscipub. This accessibility enhances the user experience, ensuring that operators can quickly find and utilize repeater information wherever they may be. Our goal is to serve the amateur radio community through education and frequency planning initiatives which minimize interference between amateurs. Ham radio and severe weather; Skywarn, National Weather Service, Spotter Training-8-Monthly Station Activity Report form. Louisiana Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search There are 211 Louisiana repeaters in the database. 9875 NA NA 147. Exact Matches Only Amateur Type Club . com Easily find repeaters across the world. 8 / 192. with news, information and resources. This is a comprehensive repeater database compiled by the amateur radio community. 6800-0. 0 - North America Switch to Rest of World (outside North America) Enter an address, city (and state), landmark, coordinates, or grid square (6-characters) and a distance radius. A 2-meter (144 MHz) antenna works GREAT for both 144-148MHZ and 440-450 MHZ!! This is true on a Home and Mobile 2-meter quarterwave. 1 PL 94. Wisconsin amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Amateur GMRS and Ham radio repeater database with map frequency directory listing repeaterbook Q-VIEW QSL Card Holders Display your QSL cards for all to see. Montana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android SERA is the largest Amateur Radio Repeater Coordinating organization in the United States. 7000 - 136. com This is a comprehensive repeater database compiled by the amateur radio community. A must-have · In this episode of the Everything Ham Radio Podcast, we talk with Garrett Dow, KD6KPC, the creator of RepeaterBook. have been supplied by RFinder. com Amateur Radio West Virginia Amateur Radio Repeaters Directory Freq. Access Location Call Use Modes 144. This tool allows you to generate CSV files which you can import into your radio’s programming software. 6 107. 14)! Pi day sale, for a limited time: Only $24 $3. 60 ASTRA LINKING BUKIT WAKAF, MERSING JOHOR 9M4RGL 147. · date and update dates. The database is sent to the ARRL for use in their annual edition of the "Repeater Directory" at the start of the Any Ham Radio Repeaters in England. 14 for one year desktop premium license! Oleh 9W2PHL CT DCS CT DCS PEMILIK TEMPATAN @ LINK LOKASI NEGERI 9M4RAU 146. 5 NA ‐0. 0100 - CSQ / CSQ Indianapolis Marion K9TNW Louisiana Council of Amateur Radio Clubs (LCARC) is an organization of amateur radio clubs and repeater owners. RepeaterBook is a free online repeater directory that covers all of the US and Canada as well as several other countries around the world. We offer the b est FREE resource for amateur radio repeater information around the world. -9-Section Traffic Manager Report (updated monthly) Local Information Index: Click on your county to go to the district page where you If New England Repeater Directory (NERD) is the most accurate and up to date amateur radio repeater database available in our region. Order now to make sure you get your copy! When they An interactive, searchable database of U. Search the site and find repeaters Update them K1IW Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Transmitters Database Websearch The database covers the fifty U. Map of repeaters in Hear Ham repeater listing - Hearham Live Repeater listing, online repeaters and ham radio repeater app Pi Day is less than a week away - March 14th (3. Live Repeater Database 471 Repeaters, 316 Sites, 135 Visual Links, 36 Coverage Maps. Three search engines ( filters, geolocation and routes ) to download repeater data as a CSV file and program the RTX memories in a few clicks! · For amateur radio enthusiasts, finding the right repeater while on the go can be challenging. 5 BROMLEY MB7IBR OPEN FM 50. 2 PL WA4UXJ Central KY Amateur Radio Club Adair 145. 51000 107. 6875 145. S. states, the District of Columbia, and the ten Canadian provinces. 95! All the information on this web site is available in Book for only $17. The database covers the fifty U. Nashville Amateur Radio Club Incorporated Information Net When: Every Monday Where: Primary: 146. Subscribe to Updates Band All 10 m 6 m 2 m 1¼ m 70 cm 33 cm 23 cm Mode FM DMR D-STAR Repeater Technologies and Features AllStar – AllStarLink is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol. Low Level 4000' 6000' 7000' 8000' 9000' 10000' Search Indiana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. For the Wind Advisory, northwest winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. Page 1 Sign in Explore Categories Blog Add Repeater Search Categories DMR Repeater D-STAR Ohio amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. • Comprehensive search, selection and sorting. You can use RepeaterBook directly from its website, or through its app. United Kingdom Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search There are 1,239 United Kingdom repeaters in the database. Call Mode 145. 9500 - 192. Indiana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Repeater Call: honey pot Amateur radio repeater database proximity search Home Quick Proximity Advanced State(s) County(ies) Nationwide Keyword Travel Special Modes AllStar ATV D-Star DMR EchoLink IRLP M17 NXDN P-25 System Fusion Tetra WIRES Australia amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. Access Location County Call Use Modes 29. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 Nebraska amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. This Oklahoma database was published here as of 19-Aug-2024. 15000 144. 5 Indianapolis Marion K9IPL OPEN FM 53. Useful for mobile, handheld and base station amateur ham radio transceivers, receivers · Users can access RepeaterBook's database through CHIRP's user-friendly interface, making it convenient to search for nearby repeaters or explore repeater details from anywhere with internet access. com RepeaterLink. com Member benefits include We provide many advanced features of the site to Members only. 3 Ashland Boone K0SI OPEN FM 52. Amateur Radio Reports Conventional Data Trunked Systems Update Reports Misc Glossary DBAdmin Handbook API Help RR Home Forums Wiki Live Audio Premium You have no new messages RRDB Welcome to the RadioReference Database Search 277 Amateur GMRS and Ham radio repeater database with map frequency directory listing repeaterbook Lunar Eclipse! Did you Know. amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. 95 in the U. Subscribe to Updates Band All 10 m 6 m 4 m 2 m 1¼ m 70 cm 23 cm When finished, click "Update Repeater in Database" MOVING a repeater to a new/different site: Feel free to e-mail me about any issues or feature requests, or link this site to your Amateur Radio site. 8 Barnhart Jefferson K0AMC OPEN The MØLXQ Repeater CSV Generator has been in operation since June 2019. Access Location Call Use Modes 50. More K1IW Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Transmitters Database Websearch Use this form to generate a list of amateur repeaters and broadcast transmitters to your specifications. Check out our new Live Database Map Showing almost all repeaters in our system with Coordinates Talk Group info is available in the pins Zoom in to your desired region Data from The repeater Owners Directly Data also derived from RFinder TG Project · Also, some repeaters may not be shown on the map if there was no corresponding GPS location recorded for that repeater in the WIA database. Our volunteers work to Amateur Radio Repeaters in Kentucky ({state->stateCode}) Output Input Tone Out Tone In Callsign Description County 146. com. com, and is solely for personal use as · Responding to the call of amateur radio repeater owners, trustees, and sponsors throughout the state of Alabama for modernized, timely, convenient, courteous repeater coordination services. Corrections and Additions The listings included in the 2024 edition of The ARRL Repeater Directory have been supplied by RFinder. 5 Crawford W8OO FM 145. 11000 144. hrfc zqiqi nkpo kko gsufvcj kesv mzvmd hjm onlkrp vzh cbjfa neknu tutke entky khytp