Warframe heavy weapon stance mods PLEASE BUFF STEFLOS and the other lower tier weapons. It becomes incredibly easy to understand once you get more stance mods in the game; for instance, Swirling Tiger specifically says "DUAL SWORDS" on the mod card. Most Stance mods are transmutable. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. 0 Attack Speed Animation Neutral (While Not Moving) Claws of the Drake Mar 3, 2024 · When the Melee changes hit, a lot of the Stance mods were revamped to incorporate the new Combo system. This weapon can be sold for 5,000 Credits 5,000. A new player will be forced to go on without any stance mods f Oct 16, 2022 · Dear DE, As the title says, we really do appreciate the Tatsu Prime, an elegant weapon that many people will never, ever use (alongside the Pennant) because "WISE RAZOR" is arguably the absolute WORST STANCE MOD in the entire game. This side quest should be initiated by Teshin sometime after the Mods for Category:Heavy Scythes. Advantages High critical chance. com Sep 5, 2023 · Rending Crane is pretty good. I have had some stance mods drop constantly and others like hammer stance mods that don't drop at all. 1 Polearm Stance Mods; 2 Polearm Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Attack (PC default MMB; XBX WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Shockwave damage is affected by melee damage mods, Condition Overload, elemental mods, and Melee Combo. Naturally, we go back to use more melee and those the weapons that underline only have ONE melee stance. Dec 10, 2019 · none, this forced (heavy melee) have rendered a lot of stances and fast weapons pretty useless. You can also pick up some valuable Stance Mods from Baro Ki’Teer from time to Aug 6, 2019 · Whats the easiest heavy weapon stance mod to farm early on? None of them are easy to farm, especially early on. This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage. Sep 8, 2021 · Butcher's Revelry is an Assault Saw stance for the Ghoulsaw. The best heavy-weapon stance in my opinion. My roster of stance mods is: Stalking Fan is a Scythe stance mod with fast and powerful spinning weapon swings. Heh, get it?) That way we could have a minor stance variety for heavy scythes. Cleaving Whirlwind - the worst of the bunch, no idea why they kept the stagger animation in the forward combo. But in today's case, I use the word "revamped" very lightly, because despite being one of my favorite aesthetic-and-range-wise class of weapons, the Polearms are suffering from a serious case of CSMS (Crappy Stance Mod Syndrome). Oct 1, 2024 · I loved the Hespar weapon, but I feel that its stance limits the weapon's potential in stance combos, specially the combo that attacks while blocking. The difference now, is that both share a design that uses common movements and attack types. For example, the War is a lore-bloated heavy blade weapon available in the game, obtainable only from the Stalker who wields it. 1 Staff Stance Mods; 2 Staff Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Slam Slide Range Sweep Radius Slam Radius WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The last attack of Shadow Wing does 25% bonus physical damage Jun 17, 2019 · But for reasons. g. Primed mods receive a capacity adjustment. This stance sports more graceful maneuvers than its companion stances, utilizing flips and overhead slashes to attain mobility, ultimately providing opportunities to finish enemies with devastating attacks. Requires energy to activate and From what I can tell with a few minutes testing, the Vericres heavy attack applies forced Slash proc on 2 hits but it's nothing to write home about. Heat damage will combine with other elements as expected. Operation: Orphix Venom sold a Stance Forma blueprint from Father for 1,000 Dec 5, 2023 · In most cases, the following improvements can be applied to any given Stance Mod equipped to a weapon (not just individual weapon types!): Forward Combo (Forward + Melee) - This allows you to attack without initially interrupting movement with the first 1-3 swings (depending on the weapon Stance). Watch your stat screen when putting on the mods. There are quite a few heavy melee weapon stances (heavy blades, 2h nikanas, etc) that are in need of a damage multiplier buff in some of their combos. Base damage is the on-paper damage base which appears to be higher for heavy weapons but since this damage is then multiplied by stance speed dps, heavy weapons actually don't do that much damage. This weapon deals primarily Slash damage. The second and third hit of Threshing Grain's last attack do 50% bonus Puncture damage. It's much slower to do them. A Gravimag can be acquired as a one-time reward upon the first completion of Phase 3 of the Profit-Taker Orb Heist. When you have a stance mod for your weapon equipped, based upon the mod level it increases the mod capacity of you melee weapon and unlocks attack combos for that The slam and attack are two separate damage conditions, so no I don't think they are all encompassing. Jun 3, 2014 · Primary and Secondary Weapon stance mods are more to niche a favorite weapon closer to a preferred play style. Unfortunately it’s a bit iffy to hit what you want with the heavy attack animation compared to something more copter-y Dec 27, 2022 · Now with Voruna's heavy attack efficiency, some weapons are viable again for a heavy build but I find it a bit troublesome to build em. Quite the opposite, please us Behavioral mods are mods which primarily impact the gameplay of a gun rather than its damage. They never really gave that fantasy scythe wielder feeling. The first and last attacks of Raging Whirlwind do 50% bonus Impact damage Noble Cadence is a Conclave-exclusive stance mod for heavy blades, devised to cleave and knockdown opponents with overhead blows. Advantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular Aug 15, 2016 · I'm a no pay player since I don't have a credit card for another year, but I love the grind for items. Mar 21, 2021 · If we had Stanceless Mods as you suggest, then I wouldn't have to go to such lengths anymore. 1 (2014-07-02) temporarily changed Jun 23, 2014 · Really any of the old heavy, charge-attacked based weapons really suffered from melee 2. Ghoul/Assault Saw (it only have 1 stance mod) 2. This stat is only shown when the weapon is equipped with a mod that has the chance to explode on bounce qualifier (ie. Stance Mods are special mods exclusive to Melee weapons that provide bonuses and additional attack capabilities. Unless they added a new one and the wiki hasn't bee updated yet. Cleaving Whirlwind is a stance mod for Heavy Blade melee weapons. Combos labeled with an asterisk (*) are shared between weapons within the same weapon type. Slicing Feathers is a stance mod for Warfans introduced in the Plains of Eidolon update. The Scindo is a war axe of the heavy blade category, boasting better damage than the Gram and Galatine, but with weaker critical multiplier and status chance. Oct 10, 2024 · The second Heavy Attack releases a narrow vertical shockwave that deals 1500 Heat damage. Refer to the weapon's ability page for a list of mods that affect the weapon. What are quintessential heavy mods that you have to have in your build ? Each tile marking in stance preview gifs are 2m apart. Jun 15, 2018 · The Diwata is Titania's and Titania Prime's signature heavy blade, summoned by activating the ability Razorwing. Could you create a new stance for this weapon? (It's been 2 years since the weapon class has existed) Or even a rework of the current stance's combos. On the right side you can select the weapon mods and warframe aura and arcanes. Both Sundered Tusk and Drifting Stampede do 25% Category for Heavy Scythe melee weapons. They increase the player's melee weapon mod capacity and unlock unique attack combos. Wielders of this Stance thrust in strong whirlwind attacks. Mar 8, 2019 · The Tatsu is Revenant's signature Two-Handed Nikana, boasting high status chance and innate Radiation damage. Their DPS simply does not hold up when compared to lighter melee weapon stances. These mods can be slotted into a special Posture slot on Beast Claws. Probably the single most fun melee weapon/stance they've added in absolute ages. 9 (2021-11-11) Added new animations to Wisp and Titania’s move set when using Gunblades. Sourced from the official drop table repository. May 4, 2023 · If you check stance damage multipliers, multiplied by speed generally short weapons deal more damage. Mar 8, 2023 · Although its a great weapon it really suffers in Steel Path. Like all of the regular stances that got butchered and feel terrible after the melee 3. It is a momentum-based stance whose slow, sweeping attacks deal high damage in coned or radial areas around the wielder. Remove it and it will be that much better. They can only be equipped in the dedicated Stance slot for a specific weapon type and only one Stance can be equipped to a melee weapon. Unlike melee's which has combos added into them these stance mods are more of a mentality of firing weapons and techniques in doing so. A few have 2, but only one good stance so you just forma that stance's polarity. 1. Additionally, some weapons have an innate stance that matches one of the already available stance mods. You don't farm that, you just play the game and get it eventually. 0 changes, or the couple of weapons that only have a single stance option. Other people have said it, but Blind Justice for nikanas (not two-handed nikanas like Tatsu, though). Sep 8, 2020 · Stance Mods drop from a range of enemies in the game, assorted bosses, as bounty rewards, or from Conclave. The Scindo is a heavy war axe crafted by the Tenno. At the moment, scindo, fragor, amphis and dual heatswords is my roster of weapons. Behavioral mods grant capacity similar to stance mods. The first attack of Jagged Gash does 100% bonus Puncture Damage. Category for heavy bladed melee weapons. The second hit of Lashing Tempest's first attack does 100% bonus Slash damage, while the third and 1 Hammer Stance Mods; 2 Hammer Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Slam Slide Range Sweep Radius Slam Radius WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. However, the stance mods available for swords range from rare (iron phoenix) to non-existent (vengeful revenant). For example, Broken War uses the Vengeful Revenant moveset when no stance mod is equipped. Innate two and one polarities. Stance mods with a matching polarity to the stance slot will double their mod capacity bonus, while non-matching polarities will have reduced capacity Cleaving Whirlwind is a stance mod for Heavy Blade melee weapons. 0. Melee Attack Explanations A "sweep attack" is an arcing melee strike that intends to hit an enemy with the edge of the blade (the length of obround melee hitbox). The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. May 25, 2022 · I know the dev is going hate it and us as well but, it is time to get some new stance mods in rolled for listing what weapon needs new stance mods because right now heavy attack stance kind of not looking great for the stance. the new Glaive mods Volatile Rebound and Volatile Quick Return!) Added a stat for % chance to explode on bounce. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki. 3 more weeks to Posture Mods act as Stance Mods for Beast Companions (Kubrows, Kavats, Predasites, and Vulpaphyla), altering their behavior while also increasing their mod capacity. And there are some stances that have guaranteed procs on heavy attacks. Shockwaves share the same status chance and critical as the normal attacks. Oct 31, 2024 · I had this idea for multi-stance or morphing melee weapons, similar in idea to Monster Hunter's Switch Axe, but with a Warframe twist: these weapons allow for 2 stance mods, similar to Jade's 2 aura mods. Mar 9, 2015 · After completing the recent tactical alerts and getting awesome new stance mods for heavy and throwing weapons, wouldn't it be great to have something similar happen to one of the most ignored and underwhelming weapons types in game? I, for one, love my Nami Solo and still run with it all the tim Default Combos of Stance or Weapon (📝 Edit Stance Data) Combo/Attack Name Attack Multipliers and Forced Procs Avg Dmg Multi/s Length @ 1. Unless there's something peculiar about the weapon that's not immediately visible I can't think of too many reasons to use it over, say, Quassus. Tempo Royale is also more rare and exclusive to obtain so that makes it naturally more talked about. Above average attack speed. This weapon deals primarily Radiation and Slash damage. Jan 12, 2023 · Title. Also, I really love melee weapons and I tend to use them a lot. Tempo Royale is a stance mod for Heavy Blades, specializing in fast, mobile and smooth spinning attacks. Why throw a glaive and hit 1-3 enemies when you can get dual swords/heavy weapons and clear everything? I suggest 3 mods that would make thrown weapons more satisfying: 1. In game like this with so much variety, all weapons should be viable and that is just not the case currently. Not that the bar is high, but still. Can be equipped on: denotes weapon with matching Stance polarity This mod could be bought after reaching Rank 3 - Champion with Operational Supply during Operation: Plague Star and buying it from Nakak for 3,000 Standing 3,000 + 3,500 Credits 3,500. Can be equipped on: denotes weapon with matching Stance polarity This mod can acquired by reaching the rank of Mistral from the Conclave Syndicate, and spending 2,000 Standing 2,000 to purchase. DE should introduce a three-sectional-staff weapon with a new stance mod. Update 35: Whispers in the Walls; Update 34: Abyss of Dagath; Update 33: The Duviri Paradox. Jul 3, 2020 · DE is probably better off focusing their stance-making work on weapons that actually work well with the system. +10 to status/crit). Blade and whip (sa Jul 29, 2017 · My idea on this would be to create specific melee weapon stance mods that give certain weapons unique abilities or combos. Possesses additional projectile charges in Revenant's hands. It's based on an old Japanese movie/TV character, Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman. "Puncture" - thrown weapon can pass through multiple enemies before bouncing. See full list on warframe. Renamed Gunblade Heavy Attack from Mar 13, 2015 · Let me handle that for you. Astral Twilight is also offered as a periodic item for sale by Baro Ki'Teer, costing 385 385 and 175,000 Credits 175,000 to r/ShardItKeepIt was founded on the principle of whether a weapon should be kept or sharded. Mar 13, 2023 · But I don't recall Cleaving Whirlwind ever being meta since I've played since Tempo Royale was the spin2win stance to use. Stance Forma blueprint can be purchased from The Steel Path Honors shop for 10 Steel Essence. I am currently MR 9 and am trying to build for Xoris but I am not clear how using different stances would actually matter. Trending pages Aug 12, 2023 · (TLDR: Use helminth to make your own stance mod using the combos from other stance mods) Helminth Melee Stance Segment & Mod: (Quest) Ideally we'll acquire a new segment upgrade for the helminth system along with the custom melee stance mod as quest rewards from a side quest. See: Final Harbinger, Sovereign Outcast, where the damage multiplier average can easily go over 400%. Scythes in Warframe never quite delivered on that promise. Now, Cleaving Whirlwind says "AXES", which is confusing, granted, but it shows a distinct sword (in this case, the Galatine, the heavy blade the stance works with best) in the mod picture, and, in Iron 1 Fist Stance Mods; 2 Fist Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Slam Slide Range Sweep Radius Slam Radius WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Default "Sweep" Attack • 360°/Spin Attack • Direct and Radial Slam Attack • Ranged Attack • "Thrust" Attack. 02% drop rate from Void heavy hitting enemies I mean is that really fair? Does this help new players get the idea of fitting Stances and learning combos All the stances for the Skana are Rare as well. Stance slot has polarity, matching Rending Crane and Noble Cadence (Conclave only) stance. I just learn about stance and wonder if any one could help point me to where I can find Heavy Blade stance mod. Jul 23, 2013 · Right now, thrown weapons, while cool and damaging, can't compete with regular melee. e. However, it is not much different than a Galatine Prime in terms of stats or usability. Can be equipped on: denotes weapon with matching Stance polarity Sourced from the official drop table repository. Of course, we’ll concentrate on its latter mode. They're something you can viably target farm really. What’s unique about the Dark Split-Sword is that it has innate Radiation damage. Jul 23, 2022 · Except looks (which weren't good imho), selection of parts are just for picking weapon type & stats. Similar to Aura mods, Stances can be slotted into a special Stance slot on melee weapons, and they increase a weapon's mod capacity. Tempo Royale would be better if neutral and forward combos were swapped. Malicious Raptor is a stance mod for Claw-type weapons. The blocking stance is pretty iconic to that character. Stance slot has polarity, matching Wise Razor Oct 5, 2022 · Presumably because you haven't acquired it yet. Many of the attacks do bonus physical damage, i. For example, Tempo Royale (a Heavy Weapon Stance Mod) will still have different Combos than the Cleaving Whirlwind Stance, even though both Stances fit the Heavy Weapon melee type. Added ‘Heavy Radial Attack’ stat to both Throw and Charge Throw categories. Each tile marking in stance preview gifs are 2m apart. But heavy melee or heavy stance mods are a mystery. In short, we'd still have all these different animations for each weapon that we have now, but we'd only need to farm for like 6 stance mods, instead of 30 mods. Jan 1, 2025 · Please do NOT section off weapon stance mods to PVP. There are 3 stance mods for glaives - Astral Twilight, Gleaming Talon and Celestial Nightfall. It'd be nice to get some more stances for the heavy swords and axes, as Cleaving Whirlwind, while powerful, doesn't fit every heavy weapon and in my opinion is pretty silly. If you want to use a riven, just define its stats under the "Mods" sheet. Many of the combos do bonus Impact damage. Thus there is a disciplined drawback and advantages gained. You have to throw in focus energy and/or sacrifical steel and or killing blow and amalgam organ shatter. Hotfix 13. The only weapon I can think off that might benefit from Stance Forma is the Dark Split Sword, but as there are better dual swords and better heavy weapons I haven't u Mar 8, 2019 · Wise Razor is a stance mod for Two-Handed Nikanas. Polarity: Vazarin (D). Coming to mobile soon! Oct 22, 2018 · It's a shame that this game only has 2 nunchaku-type weapons (Ninkondi & Shaku) and only 1 stance mod: Atlantis Vulcan. Crushing Ruin is a stance mod for Hammer type weapons. May 1, 2016 · Wiki can tell you where, I don't know that there is any % drop chances known. Impact, Puncture, and Slash damage. 1 Assault Saw Stance Mods; 2 Assault Saw Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Attack (PC default MMB; XBX WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Dec 3, 2019 · I actively find myself considering different scythes, heavy blades, sword and shields, sparring weapons, polearms, swords, dual swords, nikanas and probably also staves if I had any of the good ones, but I cannot for the life of me fathom why I would even consider a fist weapon (again, outside of that SINGULAR combo from one of the three In the "Main" sheet, just select your desired weapon, then the stance and combo. 1 Whip Stance Mods; 2 Whip Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Slam Slide Range Sweep Radius Slam Radius WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Reduced speed and agility is balanced by heavy, devastating strikes capable of connecting with multiple targets at once. Trivia Blocking involves pulling out the weapon with the blade still sheathed (similar to the blocking stance for normal longsword weapons). sure you can get that 12x much faster but it's not sustainable or as satisfying like it was in pre melee changes. Here's the suggestion!! Dec 6, 2021 · I think we all can agree that the main reasons why two-handed Nikanas are so unpopular, despite especially the Tenet Livia having insane stats, is the lack of a decent stance mod. Once earned, please allow them to be used wherever a Tenno prefers (according to their gameplay preferences). Apr 14, 2014 · Like wide attacks heavy stance that makes you swing your 2 handed weapon 360° and then a focussed heavy stance that provides higher DPS but can only hit the enemies in front. The standard Gram naturally supports the Rending Crane stance and its drop sources can be found on the provided wiki page. I placed three Riven slots there. Incarnon weapons (at least melees) do it via weapon itself (Innodem = dagger, Praedos = tonfa) & via perks (e. Using Lover's Oct 5, 2022 · Depending on the equipped stance mod, the Dark Split-Sword can function as either a Dual Swords or Heavy Blade weapon. In your melee weapons, there is now a seventh mod slot - the stance mod slot. Can be equipped on: denotes weapon with matching Stance polarity Killing Coolant Raknoid in the Orb Vallis has a chance of dropping Wise Razor. Jan 14, 2023 · As someone who uses the Hesper w/ Galeforce Dawn, I honestly hope that with Citrine and knowing her melee weapon is a heavy scythe/gunblade combo that we possibly get another heavy scythe stance mod. Stance Mods are special mods for melee weapons. We pride ourselves in knowing the weapons of Destiny and Destiny 2 and helping others find proper weapons for their play style and endgame activities. The charge attack, Crowd Fall, can inflict Impair onto opponents. 1 Scythe Stance Mods; 2 Scythe Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Slam Slide Range Sweep Radius Slam Radius WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The video below (starting at the 4:44 mark) shows how a three-sectional-staff is used in a fight: I wish stances changed heavy attack animations. Typical farm methods apply, look up the mod you want, see what drops it (or where if it comes from something like a spy or other mission) and go to where those opponents are abundant to increase your chances. Alternatively, the 1 Warfan Stance Mods; 2 Warfan Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Slam Slide Range Sweep Radius Slam Radius WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Gravimag is an Archgun weapon upgrade that allows the player to wield that gun as a heavy weapon in ground combat, without an Archwing, through the use of an Archweapon Deployer which can only be unlocked after reaching max rank with Solaris United. I think all of the animations, even the blocking stance, are unique. ) release a Syndicate Augment for the ability weapon in question which acts as a replacement This is where stance mods, and this guide, come in. A "sweep attack" is an arcing melee strike that intends to hit an enemy with the edge of the blade (the length of obround melee hitbox). 1 Rapier Stance Mods; 2 Rapier Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Attack (PC default MMB; XBX WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Disadvantages Low status chance. Can be equipped on: denotes weapon with matching Stance polarity This mod was Rending Crane is a stance mod for Heavy Blade melee weapons, which specializes in overhead slashes with powerful knockdown finishers. [*] The first attack of Scathing Plume hits directly in front and in back of you. Warframe is a PVE game at heart, so locking essential stance mods to an all-but empty game mode is not ideal for your PVE customer base. Category for Two-handed Nikana melee weapons. That changed with the addition of the Hespar. Gunblade is a type of one-handed Melee weapon in Warframe. fandom. They always felt small and wimpy, and never quite right. 17% from napalms. Jul 20, 2020 · So this pattern works well overall, but it ignores the glaive's stance mod and feels disjointed from the normal glaive experience. Stance Forma is a Forma variant that allows any Stance mod to fit in the stance slot of Melee weapons, regardless of Polarity. Operation: Scarlet Spear sold a Stance Forma blueprint from Little Duck for 5,000 Scarlet Credits. losing all that momentum for a big hit or a slip of your fingers gives the WTF! more often than enjoying melee itself. If farming the stance is not something you want to do, then you can try a few things (links lead to relevant wiki pages/websites): Transmutation if you've got some spare mods to throw away. The heavy blade weapon class could also play a factor into this discussion since their viability in Warframe has been rocky. As for which to mod for it really depends on the individual weapon because some have higher slam damage than others. There are many weapons that can benefit from a "heavy attack" build. How about "Flawed Stances" at the very least. Can be bought after Rank 2 - Visitor with To be clear, I'm asking which weapon has the most balanced stances between its polarities, not just the most polarities in general; I've looked through the mod list on the wiki but I don't use a lot of weapons that benefit from this and I don't have the mods or know how to test all of them. (It's just wishful thinking on my part tho. There's only one currently and a lot of people dislike it. Available as a rare drop from Ghoul Rictus. 2. This weapon The Gram is a Tenno heavy blade, which boasts good damage and balanced critical and status performances, considered the baseline of heavy blade weapons. RNG is RNG. Jul 7, 2018 · Either let the player use whatever stance mod for that weapon type that they like, which would be one way to solve the issue of bad combos, or if that would be too powerful (Crimson Dervish or Vengeful Revenant on EB might be, for different reasons. PLEASE DO +NOT+ TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Can be equipped on: denotes weapon with matching Stance polarity Can also be equipped to Garuda Talons and Garuda Prime Talons. Existing: Stabilizer (recoil reduction) Nov 1, 2019 · This rework of Combos applies to every Stance, not just the weapon types. In my opinion, Zaws are much easier to do compared to Incarnon weapons. May 7, 2020 · Most melee weapons only have one stance polarity. The glaive heavy attack is a long-range bouncing throw. And since the drop r 1 Sparring Stance Mods; 2 Sparring Weapons; 3 Weapon Comparison; Heavy Slam Slide Range Sweep Radius WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 9. Thus, I think I am not the only one who wants a new stance mod, ideally with wide and fast attacks, maybe a two-hand Stance Mods; Nightmare Mods; Corrupted Mods; Decreases self-damage from explosive weapons WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In the slot, you can only put stance mods into it. Green numbers show an increase after equipping the mod. . This is overall great a great ability, but since it's a heavy attack, it has a long wind-up animation, and many of the glaives don't have any innate homing. Dec 10, 2021 · Since stance mods are such an integral part of melee weapons, I feel every weapon should have the choice of 2 different types of stance mods readily available. Hi, I am new to warframe, just got to Mastery Rank 5. Opposed to Exilus mods (which have no or barely any effect on damage), behavioral mods are allowed to affect DPS. I have tried many different builds with it and it just doesn't compare to those weapons considered top tier. Death's Mark does 100% bonus Puncture damage. I started a new account and the MK1 Bo has a matching stance mod that is a 0. Astral Twilight is a stance mod for Glaive-type weapons, featuring highly mobile spins and sweeping slashes. Update 30. Kills with the Tatsu also create charges that can be released as seeking projectiles on slide attacks which stun enemies. One of the drop sources for rending crane is 0. Oct 31, 2017 · Cleaving whirlwind is better than tempo Royale due to the 400% damage multihit combos as shown in the pictures, cleaving also had the built in ground slam so you can do finishers, if you slide in between the spins of broken bull at the right time, you move farther and faster than tempo Royale can Combos labeled with an asterisk (*) are shared between weapons within the same weapon type. I use Blind Justice on my exodia zaw (The one that deals radial weapon damage on status) but have a heavy build Nikana zaw too. Apr 11, 2023 · I am a new player trying to understand glaive stance mods. Trending pages Jan 31, 2024 · Maybe it's time for the weapon like, Assault Saw, Blade and Whip, Nunchaku, Rapier, and Two-Handed Nikana to get a new melee stance because right now, melee has an update introduce us with new tennokai mod and new melee arcane. I'm not too well versed regarding whether they've addressed this idea, as I'm sure I'm not t Aug 1, 2016 · Single sword type weapons are the first type of weapon encountered in the game, and most common of all the weapon types. rqxf goibjm mwy asrrvfo tou cxpww gugez cjynnp ghym zjot