Softblow poetry. Her poems have earned five Pushcart nominations.

Softblow poetry For a $10 CDN submission fee you can submit up to 80 lines of poetry or a short fiction piece up to 3,500 words. They hold an MFA in Poetry from the Mississippi University for Women. Metaphorosis. Ink-laden, rows of type ring out reports of brooding voyages: the bark Lafayette, spoken to at sea last November with twelve hundred barrels sperm oil, the Abigail, seen four months ago at Oahu, bound home with sixteen, a Lady and her Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 110-year archive of POETRY magazine. And I'm mad that someone built me to fall apart one thing at a time Kent Leatham's poems and translations have appeared in dozens of journals, including Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Fence, Zoland, Able Muse, and Poetry Quarterly. Maudlin House is an e-journal that publishes one new issue every month. His head is a dint, or a cap. Ren Chun was the founder of the Cambridge University Poetry and Prose Society, the first university-wide literary society. When the nearby town passes by, they try to circumvent the lean man. The poems below are taken from her debut collection of poems, The Attic Bedroom, is forthcoming with Milk & Cake Press. He writes A Brief History of Poetry Northwest. BYRON BEYNON Byron Beynon lives in Swansea, Wales. Their work most recently appears in Mojave He[Art] Review and Sonder Midwest. Sun Sunlight breaks things slowly. To-Dos i. 1st prize is $100 CDN and publication. Rebecca holds a BS from University of Cincinnati, and she owns Literature. Serving as an editorial assistant for EX/POST, Rachael Lin is also the founder and editor of Vox Viola Literary Magazine—an intersectional feminist publication— which can be found at https://voxviola. 3rd prize is publication and these three SOFTBLOW has been a home for contemporary poetry from all over the world since Sep. They can be found on twitter @PluralFloral. He's the singer and primary song-writer of the indie-folk band Her Ladyship. Reconciliation I, still so much a child in your hands, cheeks kissed as if by winter, breath labored first from running away and later, running to. She is prone to 2 am laundry folding. Events & Programs. I'm mad about that: that nothing wins and lasts forever. birth cert for my mother's cancer i. The easy animal of me is outside time. Collections include Nocturne in Blue and Human Shores (both from Lapwing Publications, Belfast). His book, Tasks of Survival appeared in 1996. She reads poetry submissions for Winter Tangerine and her work appears or will appear in Hobart, Mezzo Cammin, SOFTBLOW, and elsewhere. Days and stones, the constants -- rocks -- the instances awarded the Daniel and Merrily Glosband Award in Poetry by Keith Waldrop, and she is the Associate Editor of Keyhole Magazine. @jasewee national poetry competition judged by Anthony Lawrence. After Prayers You are the ember atop the incense stick, a stillness before the quiver, the soft ashen fall that calls to fragrance the breath beneath our prayer. Alexandra Munck is a flowering hybrid of speculative fiction and poetry. Ritual The doctor leans over, his bright yellow eyes Brandon Rushton's poems appear in Denver Quarterly, Hayden's Ferry Review, CutBank, Sonora Review, and Passages North among other journals. The Unfolding I never expected to be in this position: eyes paling, kneecaps loosened, hair turning stiffly to rust poetry and short fiction have been published in several journals, including The Pedestal Magazine, flashquake, InkPot, and Heavy Glow. Her poem "Free Samples" was nominated for Best of the Net. They are part of the writing group known as The ATOM Collective. Curated by two of the founding editors, Cyril Wong and Jason Wee, We Contain Multitudes reflects the poet-editors’ omnivorous literary appetites and interests, and includes poems written especially for this and is now is working on a poetry collection at the intersection of farming, feminism, and family. LOCAL poet Cyril Wong has started a new Jacqueline Sabbagh received her MFA in Poetry at the University of Florida (USA), where she has studied with Ange Mlinko, William Logan, and Michael Hoffman. His first collection of poetry, Morning at Memory's Border, was published in 2005 and one of three books shortlisted for Her poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in Best New Poets (2021), The Rumpus, New Ohio Review, Missouri Review, Denver Quarterly, Southern Humanities Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Rappahannock Review, and in other journals and anthologies, including Erase the Patriarchy (University of Hell Press). Her latest work appears in Stanchion, VoidSpace, and One Art. He is an editor with Softblow poetry journal. He clinched the National Arts Council ’s (NAC) Young Artist Award in 2005 and is a two-time winner of the Singapore Literature Prize (2006; joint winner for 2016) for English poetry. Absolutely Mong-Lan's first book of poems, Song of the Cicadas, won the 2000 Juniper Prize, the 2002 Great Lakes Colleges Association's New Writers Awards for Poetry and was a finalist for the Poetry Society of America's Norma Farber First Book Award. His poems have appeared in Heights, Matanglawin, and The Philippines Free Press. GEOFF ANDERSON Geoff Anderson curated Columbus, OH's first poetry shows for biracial writers (The Other Box), translation (Lingua Franca), and immigration (New World). Boey Kim Cheng is a Singapore poet who has tried to make a home in Australia. Funeral On each of the eleven seats reserved for her children, there are two Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, and her poetry appears in various publications. Toledo holds a masters degree in Creative Writing (Poetry) from the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. Aguinaldo [2] Dennis Andrew S. She contributes regularly to the art section of TimeOut Singapore and when she is not painting, penning or leaving passive University and is working on her first collection of poetry. Softblow. his contribution to poetry in Texas. First Series established 1959 Poetry Northwest – June 1959 Cover by Mark Tobey. SOFTBLOW usually publishes 3-5 poems per poet, and they are SOFTBLOW highlights a handful of international poets each month. When papa said go I wondered when the baby would stop. He is a two-time Thomasian Poet of the Year and a recipient of the Angeline Yap is the author of one collection of poetry, "Collected Poems", where the first three poems here were first published. and in anthologies like A Luxury We cannot Afford (2014) and Poetry Moves (2020). She is currently planted in Illinois (USA). From Nov. Features. sg. 1977, Singapore–) is an award-winning poet and writer. Curated by Cyril Wong and Jason Wee, two of the founding editors, We Contain Multitudes reflects the poet-editors’ omnivorous literary appetites and Ann Ang's poetry, fiction and non-fiction have appeared in Eclectica Magazine, the Quarterly Literary Review of Singapore (QLRS), Poskod, Kartika Review, The Common and elsewhere. An on-line poetry journal that features poets from all over the world. Edited SQ21: Singapore Queers in the 21st Century (Math Paper Press), We Contain Multitudes: 12 Years of Softblow (Epigram), and Boring Donkey Songs: Lee Wen 2012-2016 Journal of Poetry, 24hr Neon Mag, and elsewhere. She lives on a small farm in Hamlin NY (USA). They publish flash fiction, fiction, videos, art, and poems. She lives in Los Angeles (USA). Her Her poetry and dancing redeem her. T. This morning I sent packhorses to Crete to deliver notes from the future, to commune with Carol Chan is Singaporean. He was the winner of the recent Meritage Press Poetry Prize in San Francisco and placed second in the 2006 UK Bridport Prize for his BOEY KIM CHENG. Her writing has been published in Singapore, Edinburgh and Melbourne, including Softblow Poetry Journal, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Ceriph, Cordite Poetry Review, WetInk and Meanjin. Self-Portrait as the Black Widow That Bit My Father Thrice A Springtime sky's eye droops low, lashes of light . He lives in Dublin, Ireland and is the founding editor of Impossible Archetype, a journal of LGBTQ+ poetry. I'm just passing through, says the last gurgle of star to the black hole chewing its way through galactic murk. Browse; Features Edgeland Visible Dead Poets' Society HK-SG Digital Travel Bubble Track Changes; CHENG HIM Cheng Him's work has been featured in the Quarterly Literary Review Singapore (QLRS), and the Eunoia Review. He has four collections: Somewhere Bound(1989), Another Place (1992) and Days of No Name(1995), After the Fire(forthcoming) and is in Frontier Poetry, wildness, DIALOGIST, diode, and elsewhere. 14, 2004 Cyril Wong's new online journal aims to introduce local bards to the world . In 2018, he completed a book of 100 type-written sonnets (Sonnets of The Infantile). In his later years, Huffstickler began to work actively as an artist and had shows in Houston and Austin. Browse our selection of over 80 local poets with biographical data, critical scholarship and multimedia content. He is assistant poetry editor with Flypaper Mag, and he has work on or forthcoming in The Normal PETER MITCHELL Peter Mitchell is a self-employed writer, editor and journalist. Currently, he lives in Tucson with his wife and daughter, where he teaches history and economics to high Mention at the 1st Kokoy F. Her first collection of short stories, titled Bang My Car (Math Paper Press, 2012), was launched at the Singapore Writers Festival 2012. Some New Perspectives Race, language, religion, birthplace — Timothy Yu is the author of the poetry collection 100 Chinese Silences (Les Figues), which was the editors' selection in the NOS Book Contest. Aguinaldo [1] Dennis Andrew S. She has been recognized by the Poetry Society of the UK, Claudia Ann Seaman Awards, and Hollins University, among others. Come Here When the soup isn't worth warming, come here. Currently, he's writing his centrally a Malay nation" ("Poetry and the Politics of History: Revisiting Ee Tiang Hong. Say the state is what you imagine . Her other books of poetry include Why is the Edge Always Windy? Leong Liew Geok is the author of two volumes of poetry, Love is Not Enough (1991) and Women without Men (2000). Once most of her children grew up and found other lives, she learned how to cultivate a garden in the middle of the city. Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 110-year archive of POETRY magazine. State. They also pay. There are independent judges for both poetry and prose. 31 x 62 While I was thirty-one, Genres Accepted: Poetry Medium: Online (monthly) Established: 2004 Circulation: Tagline: For unswerving lovers of poetry Payment: None About: “Founded by Singapore-based poet Cyril Wong, SOFTBLOW has been a home for contemporary poetry from all over the world since Sep. His first book of poems Occam's Razor (Writers Workshop, Calcutta) received the SALT literary award from John Kinsella and an Australian literary trust in 1995. In 2016, he was the winner of both the Gulf Coast Prize and the Ninth Letter Award for Poetry. She has been published in . About Us. This journal does not pretend to exist for a general reading audience. His work has appeared in several publications including Agenda, Poetry Wales, The Warwick Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Quadrant (Australia) and Wasafiri. Poetry Foundation. Subscribe. They publish work by three poets every month. In 2017 he served as the Theodore Roethke Fellow at the Marshall Kent Leatham's poems, translations, and reviews have appeared in dozens of journals, including Fence, Zoland, Poetry Quarterly, Poets & Artists, Pearl, Rowboat, InTranslation, and The Battered Suitcase. Let my body breathe a boundary around you. Kristina Marie Darling is the author of two full-length poetry collections: Night Songs (Gold Wake Press, 2010) and Compendium (Cow Heavy Books, 2011). SOFTBLOW is an online literary journal based out of Singapore that publishes only English language poetry. All night the semis have obliterated curious deer. Cronin has published seven books and three booklets of poetry, the most recent being a Spanish/English edition of her 2001 book, Talking to Neruda's Questions (Respondiendo a las Preguntas de Neruda) (SAFO, Santiago, Chile, 2004), translated by Juan Garrido Salgado (currently also being translated into poetry. Meg Johnson's poems have appeared in Slipstream Magazine, Word Riot, WTF PWM, Blood Lotus, Camroc Press Review, and others. She grew up in Singapore. com. This journal is for unswerving lovers of poetry who also appreciate how far poetry has come over time. He finished his Bachelors degree at the University of Santo Tomas Conservatory of Music (Music Literature and Piano Performance). They are not averse to publishing genre work. 2nd prize id $50 CDN and publication. Prior to this Joshua Ip is the author of two volumes of poetry: making love with scrabble tiles (2013) and sonnets from the singlish (2012), which won the Singapore Literature Prize in 2014. He received an MFA from Emerson College and serves as poetry editor for Black Lawrence Press. Her first collection of poetry Stiletto Scars was published in 2007 during the Singapore Writer's Festival. ISM Magazine and is currently continuing her study of the Japanese language. We only see her on the way to groceries. P oetry Northwest was founded as a quarterly, poetry-only journal in 1959 by Errol Pritchard, with Carolyn Kizer, Joel M. Poetry Magazine . are only the lines from your dreaming Cyril Wong Yit Mun (b. Her work has appeared in Three-Lobed Burning Eye, Lackington's, MORIA, Sweet Tree Review, and others. He's a Callaloo fellow and his chapbook, Humming Dirges, won Paper Nautilus' Debut Series (2017). You are the vespers of a plea, feast of dusky skies; the stark rush and ascent of Check out the Magazine Contest at Big Pond Rumours International Literary E-Zine. He holds a B. When the cashier unexpectedly asks you about the day you die, his heart almost visible like the trunk of the tree in the long window, you think of the man asleep and hiding in the bushes across the street. She is a senior at Emory University studying creative writing. I follow as I've learned to follow—seeking the blue lilt full of poems slung over a stick slung over my shoulder, shuffling after my insomniac feet, going wherever. She was a featured poet at Singapore's first poetry festival, Wordfeast. He is the author of A Visitation of Sunlight (1997) and co-editor of No Other City: the Ethos Anthology of Urban Poetry (2000) and Love Gathers All: the Philippines-Singapore Anthology of Love Poetry(2002). Submit 4-6 lined or prose poems and they’ll generally respond within a couple Gina Abelkop Aria Misha Aber Aazam Abidov Gale Acuff Barlow Adams Dennis Andrew S. Her poems have been included in many anthologies. He was awarded the Academy of American Poets, Lannan Prize for Poetry in 2000. Guevara Poetry Competition. 2004. The ghazal is composed of a minimum of five couplets—and typically no more than fifteen—that are structurally, thematically, and emotionally autonomous. He is included in the and poetry have been published in Brick, Catapult, Evergreen Review, The Goose, Isle, The Kindling, The Town Crier, QLRS, and Ricepaper Magazine. Robert is poetry editor with Indolent Books and an editor for the anthology, Bodies and Scars, forthcoming from the Ghana Writes Literary Group. Hear the lull of my blood being honeyed into bone. She won the Academy of American Poets College Prize at Sarah Lawrence College. He currently lives in Ann Arbor (Michigan, USA). AARON LEE SOON YONG. He scares off as much as he eats. sg is a home for Singapore poetry. Aguinaldo [3] Founded by Singapore-based poet Cyril Wong and later managed and edited by Jason Wee, writer and founder of Grey Projects, the site has been a home for contemporary poetry from all SOFTBLOW has been a home for contemporary poetry from all over the world since Sep. One of the most distinctive poetic voices in Australia, Jordie wrote in diverse styles; her poetry has drawn from mathematics, music and even the periodic table—combining rhymes and Description; Praise; About the Editors; Look inside the book. " Asiatic 3. He exhibits regularly with Yavuz Gallery. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2021 and her chapbook, "Anatomy of a Wound" was published by He was selected as a fellow for poetry for both the 11th Ateneo National Writers Workshop in 2012 and the 14th IYAS National Writers Workshop in 2014. poetry appears in The Journal, Portland Review, Baldhip Magazine and elsewhere. This literary journal publishes science fiction and fantasy short stories and responds to most submissions within a week. And everyday now, This is what she does: writing each one lovingly with water Until the first snow falls Solsequiem (after Pablo Picasso's Maternidad, 1905) She had known ever since she felt the miracle of his heart quickening in her, it would end the way it began: her arms The last poetry book of 𝐉𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧, 𝘍𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴, was published by Puncher & Wattmann. The New School in Fall '11 to begin her MFA in Poetry. Softblow, an online poetry journal, responds to most submissions in less than three days. Jordan Stempleman's poetry has previously appeared in such magazines as Bridge Magazine, Word For/Word, Moria, and New American Writing (forthcoming). Constance Campbell is the founder and editor of poetry journal, WILD PLUM. Often dubbed Singapore’s “first confessional poet”, forthcoming in a few journals, such as Poetry Northwest and Whale Road Review. Her work can be found in numerous journals, including THRUSH, Palette Poetry and Sky Island Journal. He has work published in Bodega Magazine, Dark Sky Magazine, Whiskey Island and others. He has been writing poetry and scholarly articles for several years, and have published in Poetry, Rhino, Weber Studies, and about 50 other journals. Among other publications his poetry appears in the Bellevue Literary Review, Crab Orchard Review, The Massachusetts Review, Rattle and Tar River Poetry. He has four collections: Somewhere Bound(1989), Another Place (1992) and Days of No Name(1995), After the Fire(forthcoming) and is MICHAEL BAGWELL Michael Bagwell received an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence. M. She writes poetry as a way of being patient with the histories of others and her own. Let's Create Our Own Norma stopped performing rituals in the front yard. Poems here are taken from Ee's 1994 poetry collection, Nearing a Horizon. He received the Cambridge Brewer Hall Poetry Prize (2017) and has been nominated for Best of the Net (2020) and Best New Poets (2021). We strive to focus the eye back on the poem. January/February 2025 Subscribe. He received an MFA from Emerson College and a BA from Pacific Lutheran University, served as an associate poetry editor for Black Lawrence Press, and currently University of Michigan, where he was the recipient of a Hopwood Award in poetry. Wong has written 16 collections of poems and prose to date. MICHAEL BAGWELL Michael Bagwell received an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence. Today, my nephew grows a Sweet Baby, but no one eats honeysuckle here, BOEY KIM CHENG. poetry. Foreshores Act, Singapore words to make land by: reclamations, validations, facilitations, foreshores and all submerged lands She has four full length poetry collections, This Thirst (Kelsay Books, 2017), Small Worlds Floating (2016) as well as Within Reach (2010) both from Cherry Grove Collections; Night Traveler (Foothills Publishing, 2003); and 5 chapbooks. The Softblow poetry journal celebrates twelve years of publishing poetry in English, from the widely acclaimed and deeply experienced, to the freshly youthful and urgent. Or Else I'm Going to Take It I'm talking misnomers and burning the whole place down. Softblow poetry journal celebrates twelve years of publishing poetry in English, from the widely acclaimed and deeply experienced, to the freshly youthful and urgent. His work has been featured in the Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Of Zoos, and the 2016 SingPoWriMo anthology. 2 [2009]: 25-37). Recent publication credits include QLRS, The Poetry Billboard, Atlanta Review and Fulcrum. He lives in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia and these poems are taken from his chapbook, The Scarlet Moment (Picaro Press, 2009). His works have appeared in publications including: The New Black Magazine, Saturday Sun, African Writer, Gobbet Magazine, Elohi Gadugi Journal, The Kalahari Review, Ann Arbor Review, Sentinel Annual Literature Anthology (SALA 2012), Poetic Diversity, and forthcoming elsewhere. She has published poetry, reviews and interviews in many national journals including Cimarron Review, Eclectica his non-fiction and an honourable mention for his poetry for the Yale-NUS Writers' Centre Literary Awards 2016-2017. The first couplet introduces a scheme, made up of a rhyme followed M. She has performed and conducted workshops in several educational institutes both locally and abroad such as Kuala Lumpur and London, with individuals of different ages to try and make poetry relevant to their lives. Cleaning the kitchen again. The Cycle of Life There is a mostly-dead forest that prizes its tall, lean man. His work appeared in publications in Malaysia, Germany, Australia and the US. Twitter: @LShirtliffe Instagram: @Leanne_Shirtliffe Voicemail The red dot is unapologetic, is Jason Wee is an artist and the author of two poetry books, including the 2020 Singapore Literature Prize finalist An Epic of Durable Departures. I wondered if cancer could be construed as pregnancy, if the surgeons raised the tumour like a faceless, bloodied Simba, gleefully Four Divers I. Arms needn't echo the emptiness of bowls. Browse; Features Edgeland Visible Dead Poets' Society HK-SG Digital Travel Bubble Track Changes; DAVID ISHAYA OSU David Ishaya Osu is a Nigerian poet. Spring Rain We are already in bed (me, half-undressed, you, in your underwear) when we hear the rain outside drumming its small fists upon the window panes, landing insistently on the clay roofs around us. Poems & Poets. The Poetry Forum/RHINO Poetry is a non-profit literary organization, primarily devoted to the publication of RHINO Poetry, an annual high-quality print journal featuring well-crafted, diverse poetry, flash fiction, and translations. A tardy writer, she has only three dozen more poems to complete before there are enough for a third collection, Passions. forthcoming from 3: A Taos Press. This is the myth of activation. It is for The last poetry book of 𝐉𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧, 𝘍𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴, was published by Puncher & Wattmann. From neck to stomach is about a string's width. She lives with her husband and two moggy cats. Listen. Say what you run up against . He won the Golden Point Award for Prose in 2013 Brian Reyburn is a writer of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. A. Our house's margins are filled with flowers and vines, plants that live in pots because the streets are too toxic for their roots. "Your Eyes Close as I Fall Asleep" Shaded Argentine and Ecuadorian, disrupted by a short English vowel, your Spanish is amphibian: uncommitted to salt or fresh water. LORRIE NESS Lorrie Ness is a poet in Virginia (USA). Her poems have appeared in over twenty journals, including Salamander, Word Riot, and RUST + MOTH, the last He won the First Prize for English Poetry in the 2003 National Arts Council-Singapore Press Holdings Golden Point Award. He was founding editor of El Aleph Press, lives in Austin (Texas, USA), and MARK WARD Mark Ward is the author of the chapbooks Circumference (Finishing Line Press, 2018) and Carcass (Seven Kitchens Press, 2020), as well as the forthcoming full-length collection Nightlight (Salmon Poetry, 2022). She is a birdwatcher. . He is the co-editor with Cyril Wong of Softblow Poetry Journal, and he directs Grey Projects, an art library, residency and exhibition space in Singapore. Sara Kaplan-Cunningham's poems appear in The Sea Letter, Prometheus Dreaming, and elsewhere. 2009, we have had a new selection and editorial team comprising Eric Low, Allan Justo Pastrana holds a Masters degree in Creative Writing (Poetry) from the University of the Philippines, Diliman. He is a literature professor at Miriam College, also in the Philippines. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Kritika Kultura, OCHO: A Journal for Queer Arts, Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Far Enough East Journal, Mascara Literary Review, Sundog Lit, Alice Blue Review, and many others. Both his poetry and short stories have been published in numerous print anthologies and online journals. Not that, when you call your mom in THRUSH Poetry Journal and The Rusty Nail. Topics & Themes. He was founding editor of El Aleph Press, lives in Austin (Texas, USA), and Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for translators, and more—that we’ve published in the Grants & Awards section of Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. Her poems have appeared in Borderlands, Lilliput Review, Di-Verse-City and online at the2ndrule. 55 Let me tell you: there is no such thing as my parents, fleshy, colliding. And in 1997, a tribute to Huffstickler opened the Austin International Poetry Festival. Maudlin House. Aaron Lee Soon Yong is a prize-winning poet and lawyer. it to be. Her poems have appeared in Revolute, Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, Connecticut River Review, Coalesce and Mock Turtle. C. Ode to Muslim Girl In the mosque, women stir in slow circles. It's about the firefighter-carry away from new embers and the moon The poems of the T'ang masters by heart. They publish flash fiction, prose poems, and hybrid forms and respond within two weeks. Francisco. Her poetry and prose can be found on the Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, the Santa Fe Writers Project, Walnut Literary Review and GASPP: A Gay Anthology of Singapore Poetry & Prose. Each line of the poem must be of the same length, though meter is not imposed in English. She lives in Austin, Texas. CRONIN. She is currently a poetry student in the NEOMFA Program, a teaching assistant at the University of Akron, and the poetry editor for Rubbertop Review. She has been awarded fellowships from Yaddo, the Ragdale Foundation, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, as well as grants from the Vermont Studio Center and the Elizabeth Lucy Wainger is a freshman at Emory University. He was a part of 52 Artists, 52 Actions, a multi-platform exhibition project at Artspace Sydney. The Telegraph, The Journal of the Poetry Society (India), Dimsum, Liminal Pleasures, Arabesques Literary and Cultural Review, Near East Review and Poetry Salzburg Review. His short stories and poems have been published in the Philippines Graphic, SOFTBLOW usually publishes 3-5 poems per poet, and they are placed on the same page, underneath the author’s biography. Huffstickler has published hundreds of poems in journals throughout the world, from the academic to the underground. He was a writing fellow for poetry to the UST Summer Creative Writing Workshop (2014) and the 52nd Silliman University National Writers Workshop (2013), and a fellow for fiction to the 12th IYAS Creative Writing Workshop (2012) in Bacolod City. One of the most distinctive poetic voices in Australia, Jordie wrote in diverse styles; her poetry has drawn from Genres Accepted: Poetry Medium: Online (monthly) Established: 2004 Circulation: Tagline: For unswerving lovers of poetry Payment: None About: “Founded by Singapore-based poet Cyril POETRY FOR THE MASSES by David Chew in TODAY, Oct. Austerity My mother loves plants. Her poems have earned five Pushcart nominations. He is also the author of three chapbooks: 15 Chinese Silences (Tinfish), Journey to the West (winner of the Vincent Chin Chapbook Prize from Kundiman), and, with Kristy Odelius, Kiss the Stranger Ghazal - The ghazal is composed of a minimum of five couplets. in Art History from University of Pittsburgh. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it in the Writing University of Singapore, and the Republic of Indonesia. to winning the Wisconsin Regional Writer's Association Jade Ring for both poetry and fiction, she has received writing residencies from the Ragdale Foundation in both 1998 and 2002. aafuh iuprb cebxy zaswf tjxsq nuqcplo xxkxqy afiy xtornd vzyya dhpjnkv xuinuanj ovbyk hzj xqae