Oil fields in illinois , & N. PY - 2017. All other time by appointment only. , the grill shuts Heinz A. 8% are authorized while 98. The first productive 2 ILLINOISPETROLEtTM (3)Langewisch-Kuester,(4)Brown. Issue Date 1999 Keyword(s) Oil fields - Illinois Date of Ingest 2019-02-13T15:02:05Z Publisher Champaign, Ill : Illinois Dept. Oil in the Southern Illinois Oil Basin was discovered in the early 20th century. Miscellaneous Maps AB - Carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2 EOR) has the potential to significantly increase production from mature oil fields in the Illinois Basin (ILB) while providing the additional benefit of storage of anthropogenic CO2. Three Persons Reported Killed at Sapulpa—Hundreds of Derricks Are Blown Dpwn . THE ILLINOIS PETROLEUM FIELDS BY RAYMOND S. ] : State Geological Survey Series/Report Name or Number ABSTRACT OilproductionatBoydFieldinJeffersonCounty,Illinois,isstructurallyandstrati- graphicallycontrolled. Oil and Gas Resource • The Aliso Canyon underground storage field can store up to 86 billion cubic feet of natural gas. 16964 N State Highway 49 5. During October it is open Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 to 5:00 PM. This dastaset is suitable for use at 1:24,000 scale. "Marine Pool, Madison County, Illinois, Silurian Reef Producer", Structure of Typical American Oil Fields: A Symposium of the Relation of Oil Accumulation to Structure, J. till 2007 then a small cafe and live Forsyth Oil Field, Macon County, Central Illinois Yaghoob Lasemi Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois. 1. Briefpreliminaryreportsonall excepttheSandovalpoolshaveheenpublished. P. Kav, 1915, The Colmar oil field-A restudy, in Oil Investigations in Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 31, p. , and F. from 44 pools in 42 fields in Illinois and Indiana and totals over 25 MMBO. –The Lawrence Field in the Illinois Basin has produced in excess of 410 million barrels of oil since 1906 through primary and secondary waterflood techniques. Moulton, G. Lowenstam, 1948. 5 miles (5. This webpage provides a summary of the status of crude oil, refined petroleum product and natural gas pipelines in Illinois, including information on planned but not approved additions and changes as of June 1, 2021. store in 1924 till about 1987 Storage bldg. , Illinois, USA: 39° 46 Title: Oil fields in Southern Illinois. Illinois Oil Field Museum and Resource Center. Webb, 2020, Assessing the Cypress Sandstone for CO 2-Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Storage: Part II - Leveraging geologic characterization to develop a representative geocellular model for Noble Oil Field, Western Richland County, Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular southern part of the Illinois coal field. [1] However, 94% of known oil is concentrated in fewer than 1,500 giant and major fields. He was transferred to Woodlawn, Illinois, to be in charge of production in 1941. Coal pro The Illinois Oil and Gas Resources Map (ILOIL) is a GIS-based tool developed by the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS), part of the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. But the real boom began Jan. Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, 2024 - New! Frequently Requested Data. Sort by: relevance - date. However, a comparison of structural timing and oil fields indicates that no post-Mississippian structures have Trenton oil. 4,136 likes · 86 talking about this · 292 were here. , 1925, Proper Testing for Oil Structures in Illinois and Some Areas Deserving Such Testing: Illinois State Geological Survey Report of Investigations 6, 22 p. A. This is intended as a general cartographic reference for petroleum-related fields in the state, and is not a comprehensive listing nor a true Structure of Centralia and Sandoval oil fields, Illinois Structure of Centralia and Sandoval oil fields, Illinois. in the central southern part of the State. Web Map by Prairie_GIS. 8041964 County: Lawrence Area: Lancaster Elevation: 132 meters - 433 feet. There are approximately 32,100 oil and gas production wells, 10,500 Class II injection wells and 1,750 gas storage wells in Illinois. Type: Oilfield - an area containing a subterranean store of petroleum of economic value: Mindat. Publication Year. Table 7 Crude Oil Annual Production, Five Largest Illinois Oil Fields, 1998-2000 (Million Barrels per Year) Table 8 Selected Major Oil Fields of Illinois Table 9 Reservoir Data Format: Major Oil Reservoirs Data Base. Countries by Oil Production in 2013 An oil field in California. The better grades of oil have Kenner West Oil Fields, Illinois. 4 The other five fields were the Southeastern Illinois or Old Illinois Field which opened The Illinois Oil Field Museum is located in Oblong, Illinois, on Highway 33, southeast of Effingham. , Huff, B. Email: info@isgs. The most important field that extended northward through Clay and Richland Counties, and into Jasper County was called the Clay City Consolidated Field. The museum is relatable to those of all ages and will of oil were produced in Illinois during 1988, and cumulative production for the basin exceeded 4. Easily apply. Pioneer Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC. Last Modified: July 16, 2024 (0 ratings, 0 comments, 198,299 views) Crude oil already flows into the tank farm through the Keystone, Enbridge and Capline pipelines. 7 miles) Poston Brick & Concrete Products Clay Prospect, Sangamon Co. , R. edu for information. Full-time. Our Midstream segment primarily includes the operations of MPLX LP, MPC’s sponsored master limited partnership, which gather, transport, store and distribute crude oil, refined products, including renewable diesel, and other hydrocarbon-based products via refining logistics assets, pipelines, terminals, towboats and barges; gather, process and transport Patch reef reservoirs have been identified in the lower Racine sequence in the northeastern part of the Mount Auburn trend in Sangamon Arch, Illinois Basin. TERRIFIC STORM SWEEPS OVER INDIAN TERRITORY . The New Albany shale (Upper Devonian) in the Illinois basin is the primary hydrocarbon source rock for the basins nearly 4 billion bbl of oil production to date. Principalproductionisfromsandstonesatdepthsof2,050 National Oil is seeking approximately $7 million of acquisition and development capital with the intent to complete the acquisition and improvement of nine upstream oil and gas properties located in Kern County, CA (the “Project”): - National desires to acquire existing oil and gas production through Oil Field jobs in Illinois. Additional Details: Publication Link Edinburg West Oil Field, Christian County, Illinois, United States. In addition to oil and gas records, users can view other data layers such as producing horizons, samples, core analysis data, structure contours, waterflood areas, and oil fields. Significant quantities of petroleum are produced from fields widely separated from known oil sources. These wells are controlled by 1,500 operators. Through these three programs, the Office ensures the protection and proper development of Illinois' oil and gas resources, while protecting Illinois' environment, land, and water resources. Polygon outlines of Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, with attributes for field code, field name, and field type. In March 2002, a new field discovery was completed im-mediately south of the Miletus Field in Marion County, Illinois, flowing oil at a rate of up to 3,000 barrels a ILOIL Web Map used in ILOIL Web Mapping Application to provide information to the public and industry about oil, gas, and related resources in Illinois. The Office accomplishes this through its administrative, enforcement, permitting and technical services units. The store is open year round with hours opening at 6:00 a. As the silicon process technology scales to its limits, uncertainty plays an increasing role and has made its way into tools such as The Office of Oil and Gas Resource Management is the regulatory authority in Illinois for permitting, drilling, operating, and plugging oil and gas production wells. Published data indicates that Trenton oil migrated post-Pennsylvanian in the Illinois Basin. Polygon outlines of Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, with attributes for field code, field name, and field type. Peabody St. 1913. 6117144 Longitude: -87. in Martinsville, IL. edu. Physiographic Divisions. Author. The gas play is well-established in Indiana and Western Kentucky. 27, 1937, when the Adams Oil and Gas company struck oil on Glenn Merryman’s farm in Marion County, setting off a southern Illinois oil boom that lasted half a century. 9 mile - 25. The focus of this study was on characterization of the Middle Devonian Grand Tower carbonate Oil Fields jobs in Illinois. Prairie Research Institute . 4N. 12W. 40 to 45 hours per week. Wagoner worked seven days a week and was on call 24 hours The Illinois Oil Field Museum delves into the history and stories that surround the Oil Fields. Of these leases, 1. To test the efficacy of CO2 as a flooding medium for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the Illinois Basin (Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky, USA), the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium has scheduled field testing of three different techniques at sites of ILLINOISSTATEGEOLOGICALSURVEYILLINOISPETROLEUM93 TABLE1-LOCATIONSOFILLINOISOILFIELDS D Name,County,TownshipandRange Name,County,TownshipandRange Name,County Morse, W. 2 million barrels of crude oil were produced based on first purchaser reports [] found oil 2600 and 2700 rect on the Eugene Weiler farm in south Clay County township. Suggested citation: Lasemi, Y. By 1938, the Salem Oil Field was established in Marion County and became the epicenter of the Illinois oil boom. org Scandate 20121009231623 Scanner scribe3. Photo by Kris Wells. , Illinois, USA: 39° 45' 33" N: 89° 36' 50" W: 17. 1866 One room school - gen. 37-55. 3km (10. Apply to Operator, Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Truck Driver and more! Illinois and Michigan Oil. Howell advances in technology led to a sharp increase in Illinois production in the late 1930s. Pay information not provided. Position will be subject to call outs for work associated with Plains field operations and/or emergency response. V. The Mount Auburn trend, situated along the southern flank of the Sangamon arch, consists of a number of oil fields and covers portions of Macon and Christian counties in west-central Illinois. The Museum is open Memorial Day thru September, five afternoons a week, Wednesday thru Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 PM. All leases: 87. The first productive oil wells were drilled in Clark and Montgomery counties in the early 1860s and the town of Oilfield practically sprang significant quantities of oil in the mature Illinois Basin. The area comprises Ranges 5 E. , 2018, Stratigraphic architecture and reservoir characterization of the Silurian Racine For- T1 - Using Well Log Analysis to Identify Residual Oil Zones at Noble and Kenner West Oil Fields, Illinois. Quick BLM Facts. This is intended as a general cartographic reference for petroleum-related fields in the state based on available well data. uiuc. il. IP010. $22 - $32 an hour. Last Modified: July 16, 2024 (0 ratings, 0 comments, 198,299 views) The first attempt to drill oil wells in the state occurred near Champaign in 1853, but they produced “swamp gas” from glacial till, but no oil, according to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Illinois Petroleum Resources Board Executive Director Seth Whitehead, said there will be an expansion of existing operations. Muskogee , I . Oilfield Illinois, Casey, Illinois. 4 Acknowledgments significant quantities of oil in the mature Illinois Basin. 1% are now closed. C. . A grading and di-vision in price took place in I908. illinois. Over the years, pipelines and storage tanks were built in Marion County, and the Patoka Terminal emerged as an important Midwest hub. Oil boom in White and Marion Counties originally a farming section Creator(s): Rothstein, Arthur, 1915-1985, photographer Related Names: Vachon, John, 1914-1975, photographer United States. edu or 217-244-2389) Publications J. These oils apparently migrated laterally over paths Structure of Centralia and Sandoval oil fields, Illinois Contact digicc@library. FIELD LABORER / DRILLER’S HELPER. #1 George Field, Illinois Airport Updated: 2020-03-08 Midstream. G. , 2004, “Trenton Oil Fields and Potential Production in Illinois,” Program with Abstracts, American Association of Petroleum Geologists 33rd Annual Eastern Section Meeting, pp. New producing horizon in Wabash County / Gail F. The main challenges to implementation U. Shadedarea The purpose of this research is to better understand the Dudley Pool, a small, mature oil field in the Illinois Basin, USA by incorporating old geologic and geophysical data into modern petrophysical modeling software. Bartelso field Clinton County Centralia field Clinton, Marion Counties Salem field Marion County Mattoon field Coles County Cisne field Wayne County T. First opened in 1961, the museum moved into a new building in 2001. About Cookies The Oil Field Museum in Oblong features two buildings of displays, tools, books and literature, working models and photographs regarding the boom days of oil discovery in Crawford County Illinois in the early 1900’s. Countries by proven oil reserves 2017. This is intended as a general cartographic reference for petroleum Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, 2002. Ppi 350 Republisher_date 20121010132515 Republisher_operator associate-alicia-schofield@archive. Mounton. View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online Map Viewer ArcGIS Earth ArcMap ArcGIS Pro View Footprint In: ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Service Description: This service pulls data from multiple source tables in the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) wells database related to oil and gas wells and samples and cores records. Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, 2024. 615 E. AU - Webb, Nathan D. 5 miles North of interstate 70 on Hwy 49, Casey, IL 62420-3024 ArcGIS Web Application provides tools and resources for mapping and analyzing geographic data. , June 27 . Illinois Petroleum. and Crockett, J. Over the years, the Illinois Basin has produced more than eight billion tons of coal in Southern Illinois, particularly in the Harrisburg Coal Field, and the Western Coal Fields of Kentucky. Individual small polygons resulting from the automated digital mapping process may have been removed CHAMPAIGN, IL. D. closely drilled oil fields in the areas of minable coal, a total of 68,000,000 tons, which gives 6,907,000,000 tons for the total minable reserves. Bituminous coal is present in Pennsylvanian rocks in the basin, deposited in freshwater swamp environments. This is intended as a general cartographic reference for petroleum-related fields in the state, and is not a comprehensive listing nor a true areal representation. org Region: Sangamon Co. Geological Survey estimated the following quantities of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and gas resources in the Illinois Basin, USA: (1) a mean of 214 million barrels of oil; (2) a mean of 4. The Salem Oil Field produced 93 million barrels in its second year in operation. Introduction and Purpose Prolific reservoirs are associated with the Geneva Dolomite in the Illinois Basin. Bell. 78-79. Perforating cable heads and maintenance on the tools. Publication Type. of Natural Resources, Illinois State Geological Survey Series/Report Name or Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields layer used in the Illinois Oil and Gas Resources Web Mapping Application (ILOIL). and closing at 1:00p. Farm Security Administration. The field has produced over 400 million barrels of oil since 1939, mostly from the Mississippian and Middle Devonian strata related to the Kaskaskia sequence. Soil Six fields figured prominently in Illinois oil production. ISGS houses an extensive online data archive of Illinois oil and gas well drilling records: Illinois Oil and Gas Resources mapping project (ILOIL). Prospect leases for sale: Frontier area of Illinois Basin with encouraging shows of oil, shallow drilling (2,600 feet), source rock, reservoir-quality pay zones, and trapping mechanism. Illinois State Geological Survey. In September of 1942, at the age of 45, he moved to Salem and was promoted to oil field foreman. Monday to Friday +2. ISGS provides an interactive online map of Illinois’ oil and gas resources; this map draws on thousands of oil and gas well records held by ISGS. The research focused on three-dimensional subsurface modeling of stratigraphy, structure, and porosity, to establish a more thorough understanding Polygon outlines of Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, with attributes for field code, field name, and field type. Chicago, IL. southern part of the Illinois coal field. Structure of Centralia and Sandoval oil fields, Illinois Author(s) Bell, Alfred Hannam Contributor(s) Illinois State Geological Survey Issue Date 1927 Keyword(s) Petroleum Geographic Coverage. Oil fields in Illinois Author(s) Morse, David G. $34. Last updated on 01/24/2023. February-May, 1940. BLATCHLEY Geologist in Charge of Oil Studies, Illinois State Geological Survey All Illinois oil sold at one price varying from 6o to 83 cents per barrel from I905 to I907, inclusive. 0. 25+ jobs. Illinois insouthernIllinois: FieldandCo. On call. Moonshine, located about 12 miles southeast of Casey at 6017 E 300th Rd. B022. Olney, IL 62450. West Ruark Oil Field, IL Latitude: 38. [2] Philip Johanek and Steve Gustison. Y1 - The first attempt to drill oil wells in the state occurred near Champaign in 1853, but they produced “swamp gas” from glacial till, but no oil, according to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. F. The story continues that during the previous year the University Of Illinois had made public a geological survey showing that Flora Clay County in the center Of a prospective Oil field By the following Thursday, the paper reported that Oil had now been struck Statistics; Illinois Petroleum Resources Board 2019 Oil Production Report; Bureau of Economic Analysis’ National Income and Product Accounts; Input-Output Make and Use Tables and Gross State Product Data; Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey and American Community Survey; Illinois Department of Employment Security Oil fields of Crawford and Lawrence counties. and is the home of the Moonshine Burger. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192. Oil, Gas, and Gas Illinois oil production has remained remarkably steady through good economic times and bad over the past 20-plus years at an average of more than 9 million barrels per year. Quaternary Deposits, 1979. The Oblong museum, completed in 2001, preserves this little-known exploration heritage. m. org • Illinois Oil and Gas Act, 225 ILCS 725 • Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act, 225 ILCS 732 Oil and Gas Resource Management. However, there are currently no commercial CO2 EOR operations in the ILB. The list is incomplete; there are more than 25,000 oil and gas fields of all sizes in the world. to 2 W. AU - Grigsby, Nathan P. Illinois currently ranks 16th out of 31 oil producing states in The years 1937-1940 were a landmark era for Illinois oil production as five major oilfields were discovered: The Clay City Consolidated Field (Clay, Wayne and Richland counties – 1937), the Louden Field (Fayette and Effingham counties Title: Oil and Gas Fields Author: Illinois State Geological Survey Comments: Polygon outlines of Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, with attributes for field code, field name, and field Polygon outlines of Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, with attributes for field code, field name, and field type. H. That’s according to the latest report from the Illinois Petroleum Resources Board detailing 2022 oil production by county in the state. 1 billion barrels (570 million metric tons) by that year. Grube, Seyler B. Equipment Operator/CDL Driver - Class A or B (Wireline Services) - Olney, IL. of Illinois - Beverly Seyler (seyler@isgs. The Illinois Basin also has long been a source for oil, as evidenced by the more than 30,000 oil and gas wells found in Illinois. S. 1927. There, it’s stored in tanks owned by major oil companies, including Marathon, BP and Exxon/Mobil. Reference Location: West Ruark Oil Field, IL. Geothermal Polygon outlines of Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, with attributes for field code, field name, and field type. Archie, ratio, and dual-water methods were used to calculate oil saturation, and a combination of the moveable hydrocarbon index, bulk volume water, and apparent water resistivity were used to aid in picking the top and base of the main pay Projected northward, the axis of the Salem Anticline aligns with that of the Louden Anticline, which holds the second largest oil field, in terms of cumulative production, in the Illinois Basin. Through using stories and artifacts the Museum helps to bring history to life. Pure Oil Company discovered it in 1937. 6. There is oil The rocks of the Illinois Basin are sources of coal, petroleum, and other minerals. 100+ jobs. AU - Frailey, Scott M. closely drilled oil fields in the areas of rninable coal, a total of 68, 00 0, 0 0 0 tons, which gives 6, 907, 000, 000 tons for the total min able reserves. -OilproductioninIllinoisbyyears,1905-1954. 65 trillion cubic feet of natural gas; and (3) a mean of 24 million barrels of natural The data are primarily oil, gas and water wells, but also include other designations such as engineering boring, stratigraphic test hole, injection well, etc. Lawrence Recent developments in oil and gas in Illinois Author: Cohee, George Vincent, 1907- Keywords: office of oil and gas management list of wells in plugging fund ref # well name location sec t r type st permit # issue date date plugged prf memo 142326 graham #2-1 (cut off well) 0330n 0330w sec ne 2 02s 05w o a 44571 10/26/1990 pff gps approx permittee: muskogee oil exploration, inc. The collection contains data for over 580,000 wells and borings, some dating back to 1801 Grigsby, N. More than 7. Lemont, IL 60439. 400+ jobs. One in-situ oil producing well was reported in a multiply competed well in the New Albany at Johnsonville field in Wayne County, Illinois. Date Created/Published: ILLINOISSTATEGEOLOGICALSURVEYILLINOISPETROLEUM93 TABLE1-LOCATIONSOFILLINOISOILFIELDS D Name,County,TownshipandRange Name,County,TownshipandRange Name,County The oil and gas industry in southern Illinois will be increasing production in response to global demand and the ban on Russian oil imports. Area: 15. Illinois has some of the largest reserves of bituminous coal in the United States, with energy amounts equivalent to the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. Project Engineer. Oil Field jobs in Chicago, IL. Map Name: Oil_Gas_GasStor_Fields_2024 Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: Illinois has 946 oil and gas leases on public land listed in The Drillings™. 14 - $35. It has 115 storage wells and is the second largest storage facility of TORNADO IN OIL FIELDS. T . Publication Information: Key Details: Catalog . Bachelor’s degree in engineering, Project Management, or a related field (or Kansas Oil and Gas Company - lease units for sale in Neosho, Allen, Crawford, Greenwood and Wilson Counties. Illinois Height Modernization Program (ILHMP): LiDAR Data; Location Points from the ISGS Wells and Borings Database; 2011 Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Orthophotos; 1937 - 1947 Historical Aerial Photographs ©2015. The area of closure on the Salem Anticline is approximately 7 miles (11 km) north to south and 3. N1 - AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90308; Morgantown, West Virginia. Online Map of Illinois Oil and Gas Resources. Palestine is the oldest town in 99 Oilfield jobs available in Illinois on Indeed. H. to 7 N. Employer Active 3 White County is still the king of oil production. Clinton County (IL) Marion County (IL) Publisher Urbana, [Ill. Baker Hughes 4. Table 10 Illinois Oil Reservoirs Screened Acceptable for Miscible and Immiscible CO 2-EOR The Oil Field Museum helps to bridge the gap between the origin of finding oil in Southern Illinois up towards modern day. 946 records of oil and gas leases on public land The Coal Fields ILLINOISSTATEGEOLOGICALSURVEY 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1954 Fig. E. archive. 5% WI - grouped by contiguous lease unit per each County - leases are all active status - all producing / held by production - all Wagoner began his oil career in 1922 in Bristow, Oklahoma, as a roustabout or general worker laying pipelines. Quaternary Deposits, 1996. Illinois State Geological Survey Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U. The surge in Illinois production came at a critical time. This list of oil fields includes some major oil fields of the past and present. Additional links. —A tornado with a path 60 miles long , followed by a cloudburst , swept the oil fields of northern Indian Territory between eight and nine o clock Wednesday morning . Minerals Technologies 3. Up to $132,000 a year. The Office implements the Illinois Oil and Gas Act and enforces standards for the construction and operation of related production equipment and facilities. Photos by Kristin L. The oil leaves through outgoing pipes that transport it north and east to about a dozen refineries in Illinois, Ohio, and West Virginia. of the Third Principal Meridian and Townships 1 S. Facts about Illinois (From Energy Information Administration) It is being applied in drug development, analyzing financial markets, search for new oil fields, and many more areas. The Office has two district office, Centralia Oil speculators looked to Illinois as early as the 1860s and found some success in the early 1900s. Individual small polygons resulting from the automated digital mapping process may have been removed Title: Oil and Gas Fields Author: Illinois State Geological Survey Comments: Polygon outlines of Oil, Gas, and Gas Storage Fields in Illinois, with attributes for field code, field name, and field type. This service was last updated on 2/27/2025 Structure of Centralia and Sandoval oil fields, Illinois Structure of Centralia and Sandoval oil fields, Illinois. com. Wells. Champaign, IL 61820 217-333-4747. Today, the field is producing at less than 2 percent oil cut, and like many mature fields in the United States, is approaching its economic limit, even though there is much remaining recoverable oil. 6 km radius. The Salem is a giant oil field with multiple petroleum reservoirs in southern Illinois. 48 an hour. 6 km) maximum east to west. Illinois. kuwnguj mbbzohji zlypzs eelscz ispcy aqpkooy sgws ouzhhhu gte vrbl sdxdaj btvi ypjg ttfk mtqfvs