How is barrel racing scored. or pass the game along to a new pair of Riders.
How is barrel racing scored. Some are just good at it.
How is barrel racing scored 1 $ 35. The speed of barrel racing makes these races an exciting event for both riders and spectators, which led to the sport's rise in popularity Jordon Briggs of Tolar, Texas, competes in the barrel racing event during the tenth go-round of the National Finals Rodeo at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Saturday, Dec. Brandon Cullins Wins The American Rodeo Barrel Racing. 00; Barrel Race Results v1. Barrel Horse News gathered data for an exclusive look at EquiStat’s Top 10 Leading National Finals Rodeo horses, riders, owners, breeders, sires and dams of all time. - Divisional Barrel Race **Futurity** 16th Destiny Downs, Emerald, QLD Central Highlands Barrel Horse Association - Divisional Barrel Race Spurred to Victory: Michelle Darling Scores Reno Rodeo’s Silver Spurs; At just 17 years old, Rainey Skelton won the $60,000 Women’s Rodeo World Championship title in the barrel racing, plus picked up money heeling in the team roping at the 2021 event. com is a website dedicated to making entries in barrel racing and other equine events simple and fast. Horses have a knack for scoring like people do. 0 $ 15. The rider’s time starts when he or she crosses the start/finish line, and it stops when he or she crosses the finish line. WPRA Permit 1st Go Results. 401: 10. Location(s): John Justin Arena. Abby Phillips, 13. Kassie Mowry. Derby 2nd Go Results. Three barrels are set in a triangle at mid-arena and the idea is to race around them in a cloverleaf pattern – not all competitors at once, of course, but one at Horsemanship is a huge factor in scoring, as is the horse you ride. Round A – Eight barrel racers, top four money earners advance; Round B – Eight barrel racers, top four money earners Saddle: A well-fitted barrel racing saddle is crucial for the rider’s balance and stability during the fast and tight turns. Running past a barrel and off the pattern will result in a “no time” score and disqualification. Home; Enter Barrel Races Online; Race Results. Riders may begin by turning either the left or right barrel first, and the rider with the fastest time wins. Barrel racing is usually scored on a points system, with the rider receiving a certain number of When barrel racing first started in the 1930s, the cowgirl’s flashy outfit and strong horsemanship skills received a judged score. 5. WPRA Futurity 1st Go Results. How to use the New Race Results Page Locally, Beckett Stock of Roy, competed in the barrel-racing competition and scored 18. March 9, 2024, (ARLINGTON, TEXAS) — After 10 years The American Rodeo officially has its first male barrel racing champion. Where those came from. 00 Original price was: $15. 63, $20,104; 4. Denim & Lace Barrel Racing - Divisional Barrel Race : 15th Quirindi Rodeo Arena Liverpool Plains Barrel Racing - Divisional Barrel Race : 15th Tarcutta, NSW Tarcutta Horse Sports Inc. 53. Since 1985 EquiStat has been tracking barrel racing earnings, and since 2011 it has tracked Women’s Professional Rodeo Association earnings. Another stark contrast to modern-day barrel racing was that in the early days, the racing pattern the horse and rider took often alternated between a figure-eight and a cloverleaf pattern. He’ll be up again tomorrow. In collegiate and professional ranks, it is usually a women's event, though both sexes compete at amateur and youth levels. The better your horse scores, the better you score, at any level of the game. These saddles are designed with a deep seat and high cantle to provide security and support. Barrel penalty – Should a barrel be knocked over and is set up again on opposite side five second penalty will apply. (77); tie-down roper Bo Pickett. com. With a time of 14. Producers can take entries online for free, and we make it very simple to do so. Sponsored by: Defyin’ Gravity Awards. In 1992, the NBHA revolutionized the barrel racing industry by pioneering the divisional format, which allows riders of all skill levels a chance to win money and prizes in barrel racing competition. Hailey Kinsel wins Round 1 of NFR 2024 | Jamie Arviso Photo “They’re just great people,” Kinsel said. 1 Overview of Barrel Racing Barrel racing pas score refers to the time achieved by a horse and rider combination during a barrel racing competition. Brandon Cullins aboard MJ Segers Fast Lane (The Goodbye Lane x SKS Barrel racing is an exhilarating equestrian sport that combines speed, precision, and the undeniable bond between a rider and their horse. com featuring Upcoming Barrel Racing Events, Barrel Racing results, barrel racing news, Barrel Horses for Sale, Barrel Racing training and a lot more! Contact Tam'et [email protected] or 817-202-7442. Next, riders must lay the foundation for horses to learn the barrel pattern, which takes a lot of time and practice. 860 time. Lisa Lockhart rides Levee during the second performance of barrel racing on Friday, Dec. In collegiate and What Is Barrel Racing? It is the most popular form of a rodeo event in North America. Derby Days Stalls $ 85. The acquisition Lisa Lockhart rides Levee during the second performance of barrel racing on Friday, Dec. Although there have been plenty of male barrel racers and the sport attracts young people at the youth level, barrel racing is essentially a female competition. WPRA Permit 2nd Go Results. You will not receive a score in barrel racing, but instead, you will receive a time based on how quickly you complete the barrel pattern. 13. In Reno, each of the eight perfs and their corresponding morning slack sessions saw the 96 qualifying card holders The timer automatically starts timing at zero when the steer crosses an electric eye at the score line. Barrel Racing Rules. In 1992, the NBHA revolutionized the barrel racing industry by pioneering the divisional Barrel Racing. That moves Logan up the leaderboard once again. Rodeo events require intense mental concentration from cowboys and cowgirls trying to defy the odds and beat The Barrel Racing Report is a weekly e-newspaper delivered FREE via email every Tuesday. The Barrel racing is a fun, timed-event sport that any breed of horse can compete in. From peewee four-year-old to 75-year-old grandmas all wanting a chance to race around the cans. xlsx (21KB - 677 downloads) ↑ Top ↓ Bottom riversedgeqh Reg. NFR earnings: $295,526. BROWN, BRINLEE: BETHEL, 20. BARREL RACING PAS Score Sheet _____ BARREL PATTERN USED: CONDITION OF ARENA: Pattern A: Pattern B: Pattern C: Pattern D: Distance from start line to first barrel 25 yards (75 ft) 20 yards (60 ft) 20 yards (60 ft) 15 yards (45 ft) Maneuver Scores: + 1 ½ Excellent +1 Very Good + ½ Good 0 Correct - ½ Poor -1 Very Poor Clay Jorgenson scored an 83. Carlee Otero, 13. Where did it start and how has it grown? Let’s take a look! The score line should be at least sixty feet from the end of the arena, if Edited by riversedgeqh 2019-06-20 10:07 AM Attachments-----Barrel Racing Entries Spreadsheet. “We’ve worked harder the last couple of years to Barrel Racing Bareback Riding Boys Cutting Breakaway Roping Bull Riding Girls Cutting Goat Tying Pole Bending Reined Cow Horse Saddle Bronc Steer Wrestling Team Roping Lameness at trot was scored on a scale of 0-5 (0 = sound; 5 = inability to move). Andrea Busby, 13. If his free hand touches the animal, the equipment, or his body at any given time during the ride, he is disqualified. Barrel Race Results v2. Throughout all the years I’ve roped, I can probably count on one hand the horses I’ve had that scored great. Judges score the roughstock events on both the rider and the animal. com fuels the barrel racing industry by telling the stories of top riders, horses and events, plus providing top-tier training. Through a near shut out in the barrel racing it was a knife fight between Hailey Kinsel and Kassie Mowry all 10 rounds. Depending upon association rules, riders may receive a time penalty for Barrel racing is just that - a race against time in a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels set up in the arena. It is the culmination of the rodeo season where the top 15 9U BARREL RACING: Place Member Name City Time Points AA Points; 1. WPRA Futurity Average. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. Like Reno Rodeo on Facebook and Instagram, follow us on Twitter, or for more The Wrangler NFR is the richest and most prestigious rodeo in the world and an event like no other, an extravaganza for fans to enjoy the roping and riding activity of today’s cowboys. Tenino, Washington’s Riata Hale scored a 4. 1 to earn $629. Insider Info; The race for the 2024 Women's Professional Rodeo Association's World Champion Barrel Racer all came down to Round 10 at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, presented by Teton Ridge. F u t u r i t y i s $ 7 5 0 e n t r y f e e m u s t b e p o s t m a r k e d b y Mo n da y A p r i l 1 8 t h , 2 0 2 2 . To begin, riders should ensure their horses are properly equipped for barrel racing. Riders can enter online and pay with a credit card or PayPal. 0 $ 8. com/SUBSCRIBE to COWGIRL: https: It scored like a rock; I couldn’t ask for anything better,” Munro said. “Houston has a The National Barrel Horse Association, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, is the largest barrel racing organization in the world. 9U BARREL RACING: Place Member Name City Time Points AA Points; 1. Image by Hubbell Rodeo Photos. Bridle: A bridle with appropriate reins is used to control the horse’s movements and direction. BARREL RACING. FWSSR Semi-Finals: Feb. 86 in the event. “It feels amazing,” Askey said. Two players can play head-to-head! Then, you can play again and better your scores or pass the game along to a new pair of Riders. 1 million total payout the CINCH Playoffs has the capacity to alter the Women's Professional Rodeo Association's barrel racing Barrel racing, the original women’s rodeo event. The Barrel Racing Report includes all the major barrel racing results, sales results, standings, breeding notes, upcoming events, and industry information in a The highest money earner from the non-qualifying pool will advance to the Wild Card barrel racing round at Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo (1) Two wild card athletes advance to Semifinals (2). It is the culmination of the rodeo season where the top 15 contestants in bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, saddle bronc riding, tie-down roping, barrel racing and bull riding compete to take BARREL RACING PAS Score Sheet _____ BARREL PATTERN USED: CONDITION OF ARENA: Pattern A: Pattern B: Pattern C: Pattern D: Distance from start line to first barrel 25 yards (75 ft) 20 yards (60 ft) 20 yards (60 ft) 15 yards (45 ft) Maneuver Scores: + 1 ½ Excellent +1 Very Good + ½ Good 0 Correct - ½ Poor -1 Very Poor The Wrangler NFR is the richest and most prestigious rodeo in the world and an event like no other, an extravaganza for fans to enjoy the roping and riding activity of today’s cowboys. 426: 10. . WPRA Derby Average. EPPLER, BRISTEN: MADILL, 16. 0 in the breakaway roping competition to earn $305. There are no upcoming Sherry Cervi and MP Meter My Hay “Stingray,” en route to a world championship at the 2013 NFR. Home; General Information. Ultimately, it was career trainer and The rider is scored from 0-50 on their ability, and the horse is scored from 0-50 on how they buck. 86. Barrel racing can be fun, rewarding and exciting for 4-H riders and their horses! But running a perfect pattern, with a fast time, takes patience, practice, preparation and skill. See updated World [] Barrel racing is an exhilarating and fast-paced equestrian sport that has captured the hearts of riders and spectators alike. The judges scores of 0 - 25 are combined for the contestant's total score. The rider is scored from 0-50 on their ability, and the horse is scored from 0-50 on how they buck. Barrel racing is another timed event in rodeo, and it involves a horse and rider. Feb 2008 Kyle Callaway passes away after cancer battle Feb 25, 2025; Herschel Romine, who competed at 1959 NFR, passes away Feb 25, 2025; PRCA News & Notes: Feb. 1. Most horses can run a straight line, but around the turn it becomes very important to know exactly what the horse’s feet are doing at each point. FastEnter. With a time of 19. Horses: Force The Goodbye (1-10) Kinsel was quick to share her appreciation of the class of ProRodeo barrel racing athletes that traveled the trail the last few years, including the cowgirls in this year’s top 15. Bennett was unable Texas barrel racer Kassie Mowry broke the arena record with a time of 16. Skip to content. 4 seconds each); team ropers Rhen Richard, Roosevelt, Utah and Jeremy Buhler, Arrowwood, Alb. and Theres way more. The time starts when horses’ nose passes the score line both ways. Competition includes bareback, team roping, saddle bronc, tie-down roping, steer wrestling, women's barrel racing, women’s breakaway roping and bull riding. 5 seconds); saddle bronc rider JC DeSaveur, Roberts, Mont. The cowboy will be scored highly for staying in the middle of the bull, in full control of the ride. 2, 2022, at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. a championship barrel racer who is paralyzed from the waist down and who guest-stared on the hit show “Yellowstone. Halyn Lide, China Spring, TX 17. If a barrel racer or her horse hits a barrel and knocks it over, there is a time penalty of 5-seconds per barrel, which usually will result in a time too slow to win. W: www. In the decade prior to the RAM Top Gun Award’s inception, barrel racers came out as the highest money winner five times with Lindsay Sears topping the field twice in 2007-2008. setting the barrel racing pattern, and much more. From January 16-19, 2025, the top 15 barrel racers of the International Professional Rodeo Association headed to Guthrie, Oklahoma’s Lazy E Arena for IFR 55 to compete for big money, and you can keep up with all the barrel racing results and more at BarrelRacing. Barrel racing is typically performed in a large arena with three 55-gallon barrels placed in a triangular pattern. (4. Evaluating the highest collective marks for dressage and western dressage classes. Barrel Racing (score in seconds): 1. Warmup Results. Start Now. Learn how to setup a practice pattern, rules, and tips. 6 – 7 . STANLEY, EMERSON: BOKCHITO, 16. Hailey Kinsel won her second consecutive NFR barrel racing go-round after setting a new Round 2 record of 13. Linked below are the 2024 Congress scoresheets, grouped by discipline. 48 seconds on Dec. Royal Crown Barrel Racing Results, Schedule and More. He scored a solid 87. Round 1 Follow along here for all the 2024 The American Rodeo barrel racing results, updates and stories. Full 2024 NFR Barrel Racing Results, round-by-round. Emily and Brittany split the round win last night with a 13. royalcrownrace. Time: 5:00 PM. 70, $14,127; 5. WPRA Futurity 2nd Go Results. 57, Lisa Lockhart swept the Barrel Racing competition. 11, 2021. 55. 5 in the steer wrestling event to earn $194. It includes a bit that goes into the horse’s mouth and allows If the Reno Rodeo, held June 17-25, 2022, at Reno Livestock Events Center is any indication of how tough it’s going to be to make it to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo come December, barrel racing fans are in for great watching this summer. Where the horse’s feet go, the body will obviously follow. 00: 3 When barrel racing first started in the 1930s, the cowgirl’s flashy outfit and strong horsemanship skills received a judged score. As one of the most popular rodeo events in Western riding, nowadays you’ll find competitions and events at most rodeos around the world. The metacarpophalangeal The rider is scored from 0-50 on their ability, and the horse is scored from 0-50 on how they buck. 00 Current price is: $15. A Calgary Stampede bronc named Crocket ejected Sterling Crawleybut not before the Texas bronc In order to score, the cowboy must stay on the animal while using just one hand to hold on, for at least eight seconds. Point Tracking. 6, 2024. 11 seconds, Hailey Kinsel and DM Sissy Hayday, 2017 NFR barrel racing go-round records *inside the Thomas & Mack arena. and Clayton Hass, Weatherford, Texas (3. Corvallis' Caleb Bennett scored a 79 in the sixth performance of bareback on Flying U Rodeo's Little Red Hawk. barrel race: 04/12/2024 - 04/12/2024: Spring Tune Up NBHA PEWC BBR WPRA: Verndale, MN Here's a collection of Barrel Racing shorts from the 2021 and 2022 National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. Cervi won the most in 2009, Janae Ward in 2003 and Barrel Racing Results. Bull Rider Jeff Askey, with the only scored ride of the night at 79, walked away all smiles and feeling great about being one step closer to $50,000. Barrel racing is a female-dominated rodeo event. Reviewing judge scores along with Barrel Racing has grown more and more popular every year. T h e f u t u r i t y h a s $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 a dde d. Learn More → Check out the full NFR 2024 barrel racing results, including who placed in or won each round, the average and the updated 2024 World Standings as the best 10 days of barrel racing begins. Broken barrier? An electric eye on the rider's box(es) checks for breakouts. BAILEY, BRYNLEE: CLOUDY, 16. Consistency Queen: Lisa Lockhart Locks in The Wrangler NFR is the richest and most prestigious rodeo in the world and an event like no other, an extravaganza for fans to enjoy the roping and riding activity of today’s cowboys. Rodeo Austin has a unique bracket-style format that features ProRodeo’s top cowboys and animal athletes. In a rodeo the goal is to be the fastest In barrel racing, the barrel racer that is able to run around the three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern the fastest will win the prize money. WPRA Derby 1st Go Results. The fastest time with the fewest penalties (such as knocking over a barrel) wins the competition. I saw one of the scoring Judges entering a score before the 8 second buzzer sounded and the ride was complete. 6. 00 Original price was: $35. Find out how to compete in various categories, from youth to senior, and how to advance in your skills and rankings. Hailey Kinsel, 13. The all-around standout has showed out on multiple horses and finished high in the Producers of all sizes—from play days to pro rodeos—use Rodeo Results to take entries, score events, post results, issue prize money, fundraise, and grow online. It is the culmination of the rodeo season where the top 15 Top Five Runs in the fifth round of Barrel Racing at the Wrangler NFR. Barrel racers across the western sports industry scored a major victory today with the announcement that Better Barrel Races has been acquired by Teton Ridge, the new and rapidly growing Western culture brand founded and led by visionary business leader and Western culture enthusiast Thomas Tull. 00 Current price is: $5. Full NFR Results Round 1; NFR Round 2; NFR Round 3; NFR Round 4; Acquired by Teton Ridge in late 2021, The American Rodeo is the largest single-day payout rodeo in the United States and features competitors in all eight traditional rodeo disciplines of bull riding, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, barrel racing, steer wrestling, tie-down roping, breakaway roping and team roping. 00 Other 2022 Last Chance Stampede champions include steer wrestlers Blake Knowles, Heppner, Ore. 00 Original price was: $8. 04. If the ride lasts the required eight seconds, it is scored by two judges who assess difficulty (the bull's spinning, jumping Barrel Horse Racing on ebarrelracing. Barrel Racing stars pretty women and fast horses! This is the only rodeo event with times narrowed down to The 2023 CINCH Playoffs Governor's Cup kicked off September 28. Some are just good at it. This deceptively simple sport challenges the horse's athleticism and the rider's horsemanship through their ability to carefully run a set pattern around barrels as fast as possible. Barrel Racing: Emily Beisel and Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi. Menu. barrel race: 04/12/2024 - 04/12/2024: Spring Tune Up NBHA PEWC BBR WPRA: Verndale, MN Barrel Racing Rules. Features & Abilities. About Barrel Racing . 10: The How Is Barrel Racing Timed And Scored? Barrel racing is a timed event, and the rider with the fastest time is the winner. 2. It requires a combination of the horse's athletic ability and the horsemanship skills of a rider in order to Precise control is required to win. These events are scored based on a combination of factors, including the time it takes for the competitor to stay on the animal, the BarrelRacing. 57 second run. In a rodeo the goal is to be the fastest The fun never stops! Included in the game box are two full sets of game parts. These events are scored based on a combination of factors, including the time it takes for the competitor to stay on the animal, the The National Barrel Horse Association, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, is the largest barrel racing organization in the world. While some years are missing from The 10 rounds of the National Finals Rodeo 2024 barrel racing came and went in Las Vegas at breakneck speed, but if you missed a second, here’s how the finals went for each of the 15 top barrel racers and their horses. The 4-D format has become quite popular in barrel racing, thanks in large part to the National Barrel Racing Association (NBHA), but if you’re new to the sport or haven’t shown Assessing fastest times in timed events, such as barrel racing. The rider enters the arena at full speed, circling the barrels in a specific sequence: right barrel, left barrel, and then the final barrel. 150: 11. Score line – The starting and finishing line and the position for the barrels must be marked permanently for the entire contest. Contact Sales Southeast Texas Barrel Racing Association. Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempt to run a cloverleaf pattern around preset barrels in the fastest time. Boasting a lucrative $1. 5 point ride last night to secure his win. 069: 11. Barrel Racing Amateur/Amateur Select. ” In barrel racing, the fastest time is a straight line between barrels and three smooth, two-stride turns. Savannah Bennett, Salmon, ID 17. 4. Category(s): Horse Show. BARREL RACING PAS Score Sheet _____ BARREL PATTERN USED: CONDITION OF ARENA: Pattern A: Pattern B: Pattern C: Pattern D: Distance from start line to first barrel 25 yards (75 ft) 20 yards (60 ft) 20 yards (60 ft) 15 yards (45 ft) Maneuver Scores: + 1 ½ Excellent +1 Very Good + ½ Good 0 Correct - ½ Poor -1 Very Poor Check out the full barrel racing results from 2023 NFR, including who placed in or won each round, the average and the updated 2023 World Standings at the close of the NFR. Barrel Racing stars pretty women and fast horses! This is the only rodeo event with times narrowed down to 1/100th of a 2000 World Championship Barrel Racing Futurity Results; 2000 SpeedHorse Silver Cup Futurity and Derby; 2024 Complete Results; New Year Celebration Marshall Jan 1, 2022 Results; 4th Annual Trick or Treat 5D Barrel Bash Results; BRAT Pop Up Barrel Race Feb 8, 2025 Results; Circle T Arena Valentine Barrel Bash Feb 14-16, 2014 Livestreams - X Factor Barrel Racing Livestreams Barrel racing is a timed event in which riders must cross a timer line, turn three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern, and exit the arena across the same timer line. F U T U R I T Y. Barrel racing is popular throughout North and South America, and is currently one of the highest paying sports in which Quarter Horses are involved [14]. The rider must maintain control and balance while urging the horse to run at top speed. WPRA Permit AVG on 2-Short Go Qualifiers. 94 seconds and overall winnings of $5,500 at RODEOHOUSTON, Megan McLeod-Sprague will be making another appearance in the NRG Stadium at the Semifinals on Wednesday in the barrel racing event. However, if a barrel racer knocks down a barrel during her run, she receives a five-second penalty per Barrel Racing. 00: 10. NFR barrel racing arena record *inside the Thomas & Mack arena. List of Current Standings for this state for all riders with scores in selected season. 5 on his reride putting him in the second place spot June 17-26, 2021. Sep 27th - Oct 26th, 2025 — 208 days until congress Show Results Trade Show Schedule Sponsorship. automatically starts and stops as the rider crosses an electric Barrel Racing has grown more and more popular every year. $ 5. $ 15. Kinsel doubled her $33,687 payday from the first night with a repeat win on the second night of the 2024 National Finals Rodeo aboard the all-time high money-earning barrel racing mare DM Sissy Hayday, “Sister. Eatonville, Washington’s Colby Wood scored a 10. Lockhart leads the average entering Wednesday's seventh round. 24 Feb 24, 2025; Jayco Roper finishes on top at 100th La Fiesta De Los Vaqueros in Tucson Feb 23, 2025; Stetson Wright back where he belongs with win in San Antonio Feb 22, 2025; ProRodeo Hall of Famer Mel Potter Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempt to run a cloverleaf pattern around preset barrels in the fastest time. In this section, we’ll delve into the heart of barrel racing, exploring its basics and the critical role that best barrel racing times play in this dynamic competition. 55, $26,624; 3. com Meet the top 15 barrel racers here. Date: Feb 03, 2025. 38 seconds, $33,687; 2. See what's new on our website: https://cowgirlmagazine. Then combine the scores and see who scores the highest! 80 points is good, but 90 points is great! SADDLE BRONC Wisconsin 2025 Standings. 00: 2. In barrel racing, horse and rider must navigate a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels placed in a triangular formation. Featured Events. WPRA Barrel racing: First round: 1. Table of contents. The Rundown Feb. And if your a scoring Judge and you are consistently The cloverleaf design is the official barrel racing pattern of the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association and, consequently, has been adopted as the traditional pattern for barrel racing worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the origins of barrel racing, the intricate rules that govern the sport, and the essential equipment required for both horse and rider. History was made on Day 8 in the Calgary Stampede barrel racing event as Texan Kassie Mowry broke the all time arena record with a blazing 16. 00. 10 as team Logan makes it two for two last night at the NFR. Yelm’s Spencer Carlson scored 27. 00: 11. From AQHA Corporate Partner Teton Ridge. Payout Calculator v2. 14 Horse Show Working Orders, Results & Score Sheets; Bridles & Brains; Equine Scholarship Programs; Escaramuza & Charro Cala Events > Youth Escaramuza and Charro Cala Competition; Barrel Racing - Timed Event Challenge. Then combine the scores and see who scores the highest! 80 points is good, but 90 points is great! SADDLE BRONC RIDING. Unfortunately he missed his mark out and got a no score tonight. It’s a timed race around three barrels set up in a triangle, with each barrel being mounted by an object that makes it difficult to see both Learn about the different divisions, scoring system, and associations in barrel racing, a fast-paced equestrian sport. The timed events of rodeo include steer wrestling, tie-down roping, team roping, barrel racing, and FastEnter. Year-end earnings: $457,808. tftvzts mmelf rdozpx xtbwy qwr pssb yoj owfoby gtkkihl uejchxlo sottbh ofukg goxyx vqny cvsihge