Zane shield build reddit. What i guess you do as Zane.

Zane shield build reddit I am running Zane atm and ended up making my own Chain Zane build, I ran it with redistributors but ended up using Kyb's, laser splodders and Ion Lasers as my preference. Switched my Zane to it a few days ago, haven't noticed any survivability issues despite not having a Stop Gap that's been my Zane's shield since a level 50 Infiltrator build. Legendary toboggan artifact increases slide speed. ) I also have points focused on movement speed and damage and faster movement buffs damage. Combo that with facepuncher and/or psycho stabber and a white elephant or some other best in slot artifact. I didn't take time to try and change anything tho, so it's kind of cool because I hate builds that require specific items to work. Well normally the old god is pretty much best in slot for most builds that can heal easily because it offers a dmg boost as Well as a nice all res boost. I ignored the whole green skill tree apart from 3 points in shields and everything else went into Mntis paired with clone or barrier. The Mantis is pretty good though tbh, better than the clone imo View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Or check it out in the app stores   What Zane builds are people using and having the most fun with at the moment? so I have a long way to go, but I was just about to respec my clone build into the shield build then work my way back up the clone build. When your Shields Break though, It spawns a SECOND Drone, and Both get a pretty sizeable boost to Damage and fire rate. Use the clone and cannon. The biggest reason I decided to change my build was running through Guardian Takedown, using the Plasma Coil and freaking going down everytime I pulled an enemy to me and the splash said bye bye Zane. Solid for everyone. Clone build. . Share Add a Comment. I'm curious, is there a good place to test Zane builds? With other vault hunters you can test action skill effectiveness on the training dummy, but Here are some Zane builds I thought of! Hope you guys enjoy! Double Trouble Operative is designed to attack enemies on all fronts with clone and I haven't used them on Zane so I can't say for sure, but I generally lean towards a shield with more offensive capabilities (i. Plus radiation and shock 50% dmg anointments on shield and grenade. For sntnl and mantis run executor or spy. Or check it out in the app stores   Zane shield build and health regen team/ solo [ Zane Build ] 🥂 Zane (borderlands. As you should be able to tell, I'm a big fan of SNTNL. The Butcher is by far the best dps gun for Zane ( and for some other Vaulthunters too). com and tried to make a solo build for zane could anyone please rate it? I would apriciate any feedback/criticism. Let me know if you have any other ideas to boost this build. The mntis and fourth tree are broken-ly OP. Just to add my two cents but I think Zane is fun with a plus ultra (dlc 3) just for the double health and bullet absorb with cd reduction is just sexy on zane lmao and salvation works well with that for survivability The first one, which was there from launch, is with the skill Calm, Cool, Collected (5th row down, green tree), which resets either action skill cooldown or duration (depending on whether or not each one is up at the time) if Zane freezes an enemy whilst at full health and shields, which is quite easy to do with the right weapons and his domed Cannon and drone are good but sur i ability is an issue I’d recommend running cannon and shield but you could run drone instead of shield since the drone tree is essential in every Zane build just about. Enhance" while you stay safe . Most zane builds are pretty similar since the green tree kinda sucks and don't need too many points. I dont remember off of the tip of my head. Seemed like it Don't know if this is still relevant, but I'm currently using a Zane build with an emphasis on survival and cryo damage, basically what you need is a frozen horseshoe/frozen heart shield some weapons with the 200% dam as cryo if sntnl is on, and I typically pick a cryo hex grenade to help out with freezing enemies. More posts And if your shield is somehow breached, a single point in Salvation will keep you alive. 5 recharge delay. EDIT/UPDATE: since the official interactive skill trees are out here are the Using a brawler ward for 300% melee on shield break. In my limited experience with Stop-Gaps, I've found them to not actually be that useful unless you have one with an ASS anoint or if you're good at getting out of a The Idea here is a Shield-Tank Cryo-build, Focusing around triggering "Calm, Cool, Collected" using "Brain Freeze" and "Best Served Cold" to continuously Renew the "Super Zane" spawned by "Boom. It will always be better than ASA 200 for Zane. - As commes to SMG - I highly recommend Needle Gun it might looks weak yet its applies a vulnerability debuff on the enemy what in Ok so I just used the bl3skills. I have an actual entire build on Zane I could screens hot and message to you which is viable on all difficulty Reddit community and Zane is the best with dlc 1 and dlc 5. The shield cap stone with the nova burner shield. Rough Rider Shield + Class Mod that give you +damage the lower your shield is. Chain Zane or Clone/Drone build (with level 57, the extra points makes each build crazy good). I have a Drone is Zane’s worst action skill now if you have mntis cannon / purple tree. I didn't enjoy using the shield skill when I tried it. ) I tend to think this is the best shield for Zane if one has the MNTIS cannon since you can just keep dropping novas everywhere and freezing most enemies. Blowing everything up! Hi, following this website I'm using the 'Barrier, Digi-Clone, Tanky' build for Zane. S. I only use moze auto bear build ir zane clone build but its getting so boring. Posted by u/teamaquagruntspencer - 6 votes and 9 comments Basically the idea is to spam the crap out of shoulder cannon to refill the duration of barrier thanks to the good misfortune points from my class mod, headshots with sheer will cutting the duration even lower so that you never have to worry Can someone help me make a good Zane build with sntl and digiclone (sorry if I botched those spellings) Fun as hell to play, too. Ki11erSix This is an up-to-date Skill Tree Calculator for Zane - The Operative in Borderlands 3. You can find a variety of very good Zane builds Build Description. A New 2023 Zane Build by Ki11erSix that only utilized the gear that you can obtain from the base game. Old God with ASE element or movespeed anoint). There seems to be a lot of different opinions with the best shield to use on a Fro-Zane build. Instead of having to worry about 2 bars being full, I use the Rough Rider legendary shield to bring shields to 0. Or check it out in the app stores   This is a Zane build that I’ve created that abuses the doppelbanger augment. Leave the rough rider/infiltrator class mod combo for his drone and clone build, pick a shield and the executor mod for a CCC build. His life steal is the best out of all VH's. Or check it out in the app stores LF High DPS Zane Build for Drone/Cannon [ Zane Build ] 🥂 N2M corrosive. I use the clone and barrier. Are there any popular or viable clone / drone builds for Zane at lvl72 M11? I'm really struggling to find any build advice / videos that includes those two action skills. That build relies on having a Seein Dead class mod from DLC 1 to be truly OP but is a good survivability+damage build even without it. Zane is my favourite characters and i tried chain zane or any other build but my dmg output isnt like the vids i rly am so frustrated cos im following it exactly and idk wtf im doing wrong like legit So I am using all cyro with urad anoints, and doing a red capstone/blue capstone but using barrier instead of sntnl. Usually Sntnl with barrier or clone builds are optimal bc of the anointments “Sntnl cryo” on guns and “Sntnl movement speed” on shield. Even Pimperdurp Sal in BL2 needs to actually hit enemies with his shot, but with Boresplosion Zane, they just need to be close enough to appear on your mini-map. I am clearly not understanding something and am not finding any guides when I google "Zane ASS super soldier build" Just downloaded the new DLC, and wanted to share my main 3 builds and get feedback and/or answer questions. Gear+suggested rolls: Action skill start revolter (best shield in the game, 398K subscribers in the borderlands3 community. Hi guys, So I have a Zane Clone Drone build I'm really happy with, and I'm now farming gear for optimisation/different playstyles. Builds biggest weakness is it does fire damage which is less effective against shields, Emp grenade does massive Shield I'm using this build that is base game. Rise to the Occasion: Gives Zane natural sustain when shield breaks. Sliding and shooting takes practice, but it’s been said it’s the best single dmg skill in the game - the faster you move, the more dmg Zane puts out. One thing that Moxsy once suggested was move the Seeing Dead CM bonus to the Blue Tree cap stone, and change Seeing Dead to something else. So I started looking up zane builds, and I found a clone/drone zane build that fully spec into the hitman tree with the seein red capstone, the goal of the class was to send out clone and drone what are the best shields for Zane? all skill builds applied, but mainly for cannon & sntnl kill skill builds Overall, I've specced to maximize shield uptime/capacity and damage output. There is another reddit post clearly showing Zane's skills not working as advertised or not working at all. Also bonus 50% element damage anoints are also really helpful on shields and the only thing worth running on grenades. I got a frozen heart shield that does a massive cryo nova on break, with the anoint on action skill start activate shield break effects. No new metas and builds that aren’t dlc5 based. Basically, you do a kill skill build with the movespeed/damage perk. SNTNL AND MANTIS BUILD CLONE AND MANTIS SNTNL AND CLONE. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝟯 ! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork You name it! Pretty much the build I did for my deathless Zane, minus the crit swapping mechanic. It has a bunch of bonuses including some not listed on the item card. I also have the Setup for a Zero Shield build, tho i prefer using full Hitman Tree and only use Double Agent Tree untill Boom. So i thought what could be the best offensive shield for dome\stagger barrier. Hemo at LVL 72 on Mayhem 11 is no problem. Aside from the end of tree skills my build is more or less the same as other Zane movement speed builds, but with my build in particular it means I can jump around the map at stupid speeds while being nearly invincible because of my bubble shield. Reddit was rightit finally happened. Those 3 are the best shields that add constant dmg. Felt like I was constantly watching my health/shield shoot up and regen from shock damage, and it's less dependent on constant mob availability for lifesteal. Unfortunately unless they fix the overpower of seeing dead aswell as boost this class mod it wont work. The annoint you want to get on this shield is the increase zanes movement It's difficult to theorycraft anything with Zane's green tree without knowing what all the legendary shield mods do in this game. EDIT: If you're running SNTNL and clone make sure to run seein dead. Add a ice breaker artefact so your freeze chance are higher and your damage again frozen enemy too. Confident Competence : up to 20% Gun damage for only one skill point. With Zane's digi-clone "Quick Breather" skill, the recharge time becomes instant (recharging my shield for Violent Speed and Violent Momentum, both Tier 1 skills in his blue tree, are without a doubt the crux of most Zane builds. Or check it out in the app stores   [ Zane Build ] 🥂 Thank you both I like to use the clone with a copy of my shield and gun who throws a tracking grenade on spawn and the mantis cannon to Welcome to Fallout 4 Builds. I can give many gun/gear recommendations, and I can just drop you a few class mods, weapons, shields , etc I have left over in my vault that work really well with the build. I use ASE splash (any gun, but I’m liking the dark army), splash gun on clone (sandhawk), frozen heart with ASS anoint and an executor cmod. Even better if you have an artifact with the ice breaker prefix since that will make the Essentially weapon damage adds to Zane's already immense amount of weapon damage, while adding elemental or splash damage you're diversifying the type of damage Zane has, which leads to a bigger impact. Please see r/Fallout4Mods r/Fallout4ModsXB1 r/Fallout4Settlements or r/Fallout4ModSettlement for mods or settlement build posting. Vanquished SMG also increases slide speed. I’ve heard of 3 killer Zane builds. But he has speed kill skills, legendary infiltrator com which activate all of your kill skills when shields are depleted (also depletes shield on action skill start) the more action skills active = more speed. It is without doubt the strongest build in the whole series. One for a drone+clone and one drone+barrier. If you're running clone and mantis you can run either seein dead, executor, or spy. 403K subscribers in the borderlands3 community. Cryo wpn would have N2M incendiary if I went that way. I'm sure there are more and less experienced people out there than me! DPS Regular Zane Build. Sntnl/barrier for extra protection and barrier amp dmg. What’s a really solid Zane build? I’m open to action skills but I love the clone and I prefer the drone over the cannon but I’m flexible. Run a fire weapon, with a shield anointed for 50% shock and a nade for 50% corrosive makes you hit everything for crazy damage as well. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing I'm trying to have separate loads for every combination of skills for Zane and my last two to do are drone shield and drone cannon. Zane Builds . My Zane build is so nasty right now. Was wondering if you guys got his only viable build at that level is Clone/Drone speed build. Gun build. So, I was just wondering if there is now a general consensus on how to build my main man Zane, and what weapons, mods, and shields I should try to get my hands on, ESPECIALLY if they're from the DLCs, since I honestly don't know much about the exclusives. Clone/Sntnl and Sntnl/barrier (aka chain Zane) will still be your metas. Other shields, like nova shields with the same anoint are also really fun. It's pretty good, but you're dead if you fall in ffyl. Utilising both the barrier and STNL with the skills focusing on no shield/low shield buffs (health regeneration, movement speed etc. Zane can make any weapon good so it’s better to find a gun with an anoint that pairs well with the build. It allows for constant use of action skill end annointments. So I remembered the Duct Tape Mod skill and just went from there! Doesnt even have to be a great shield, I think I'm running the big boom blaster since the buff. That said, that’s why all builds are old. T. You can take points out of It's a really good roll. I agree with the Sitorak being the best shield for Zane. thank you EDIT: This build is thrash and a kind user u/BerserkRonin made two really awesome builds. Sure, you can tank a little more, but my Zane is stupid fast and just doesn't get hit. Overall though, the revolter is the best shield for Zane Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Use this instead. Using an infiltrator to break the shield And using the mntis to proc the infiltrator. That said, this Zane build can do it all. Not FL4K levels of damage or anything, but you'll do alright. I'm struggling to find a good artifact/shield combo though. This allows you to focus on managing just your health which Trick of the Light (3/3): 18% shock damage to enemies not targeting Main Zane Double Barrel (1/1): Clone spawns and is equipped with Zane's gun, +20% increased gun damage for Zane and clone every time they swap Under Cover Tree: Adrenaline (5/5): Up to +35% action skill cool down rate based on amount of shields, useless for this build Best freeze builds start with mantis, a frozen heart shield (when broken, release freeze nova) with action skill start annoint so everytimes you fire mantis, everything freeze. Currently looking at this Zane Build and using a lvl 50 Stop-Gap (On shield break, become immune to any damage taken for 5 seconds) with 10k shield and 5. Or check it out in the app stores   Meta shield for Zane build? [ Zane Build ] 🥂 I’ve got most of the other gear I need for my zane build, but can’t really figure out the best shield to use. Seriously, give it a try. Though this build is difficult to get used to, this is still better than Cryo build, which is useless against bosses, and some badasses or simply enemies with shields; and grenades build, which is just slow, unreliable and too situational. DPS DLC Zane Build. A place to share your character builds or get help building your perks and stats for your sole survivor in Fallout 4. Posted by u/smithah2 - 3 votes and 5 comments Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Search for “God Mode Zane” or “Chain Zane” on Youtube, there’s a couple of good build videos I’ve been having fun and success with. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. The BEST Part though is if you're playing as Zane. Survivability is ok, and I'm on rough rider so I Zane makes nearly every gun really strong. Been a while since I played, but for shield it’s the Re-volter, my class mod is the one that breaks my shield on action skill (triggering re-volter) and I don’t normally care about artifact, but if it boost electricity damage, then yes. Sntnl/clone if you want clone to do some heavy lifting for you. m while I farm for the cutsman I need, but can Here's three builds that suit the hellwalker perfectly. I thought that was a reference to the Stop-Gap shield, but when looking up ASS on another reddit, it says "Spammable (unlike stop-gap) protective barrier". Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. Do you have any tips to run the build because im always running on no shields and just staying alive from lifesteal. I see a lot of Mantis/ Shield builds but five points into the clone tree gives up the same bonus damage the shield would offer. Calm, Cool, Collected requires both health and shields to be full in order to refresh active skills. New comments cannot be posted. And i didnt test it but Impaler can be good at slaughter's and re-charger can make you Moze like with recharging ammo. Basically, if you want an anoint that boosts damage with active action skills, go with SNTNL Cryo. 0) but it never quite felt right in terms of how View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝟯 ! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork You name it! For grenades most builds tend to go for hex (preferably recurring or mirvtacular) to quickly freeze enemies and piss for a quick debuff For shields I think zane is the guy with the most shield variety on his builds so I'd say go ham and find one that fits your playstyle but recommendations are transformer Recharger and big boom blaster Build is red/green tree (capped) and blue midstone Guns : using some cyro guns 1: Sandhawk (for clone) 2: Dark army/plasma (mobbing/bossing) 3: opq (any AR recommendation is welcome besides monarch got that on my other purple/blue Zane) 4: free radical/ atlas replay Shield: messy breakup/ infernal wish Cmod: seeing dead Relic: ice breaker otto for now if pearl is better then I've been trying to come up with builds to make Zane good at mayhem 3, I think I've done it. If i made a zane ice build i would set it up like this and use the shield that has 0 capacity & 23% damage resist for a total of 38% damage resist % 35% more hp with crazy hp regen freezing all your enemies clone revive, freaky fast movement still good kill skills, i wouldn't use the shield at all i would still equip the drone & clone the green I'm probably the only person that hates Zane's speed (I'm on Xbox and he moves way too fast to be accurate) so I built a full blue/ purple build to fix that. What i guess you do as Zane. Make sure to trigger the mntis whenever your kill skills go down, which will be often bc I normally don’t use blue tree capstone. It also doesn't help that Zane's green tree is something you either want 5 points in or 26, so if you want to play with the shield you're pretty much committed to going for the capstone because it's the only thing that makes the investment worth it. /r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Weapons that work amazing with him that I have tried are backburner and sandhawk Classmod: seein dead with 3 donnybrook 2 playing dirty Transformer shield for free healing from shock backburner when clone is using it I will be using this build for the foreseeable future unless they nerf clone to hard. The shield, clone and Zane gets the ASE splash boosts. com) Locked post. Utilize this interactive tool to craft your best Level 72 Build. It’s a primarily STNL build with significant digi-clone points. Im not at my computer right now so I don't remember the name of the exact class mod but its the legendary one that breaks your shield when you use an action skill and gives you gun damage and movespeed based on how low your shield is. So you run 100mph while hitting like a brick shit house. The Really Expensive Jacket Perk: allows for elemental status effect durations to be You've missed out on all of Zane's damage and survivability by not investing in blue tree, green tree is useless past T2. Snowdrift is useful in various situations: Throw on an Antifreeze (bonus dmg while sliding and cryo dmg further boosts Zane’s speed) and use a weapon with “bonus 40% dmg while sliding Ever since dlc 1 first dropped I've been min-maxing a build for Amara entirely focused on using actions skills as your main source of damage (a few other side projects on moze and Zane in between though those never got anywhere since most damage dealing shields are terrible even before mayhem 2. See, because Digi-Zane doesn't just inherit skills like Duct I'm running a rough rider build on my Zane. Make sure you spec into the life steal perk in the Hitman tree, you'll never die and deal plenty of damage. Best shield for Cryo Zane . One is a speed kills always have your kill skills up build which is great against everything except bosses. Yes, your shield is always down because of the low capacity, but you gain plus 25% weapon damage (and +10% movement speed if you have fleet) Shield: For the shield I would recommend a Cryo Old God (drops from empowered grawn DLC 2) this shield is used for boosting cryo damage overall. Sort by: Best. Before we jump into the I've been using Hustler + Eraser, which is pretty fun to watch the rooms explode multiple times from a single launcher shot. 5 points Synchronicity, 5 points Doonybrook, 1 Fractal Frags, 1 Duct tape Mod, 3 Praemunitus; That can leave you enough points to go 5 in Violent Speed and 5 in Violent Momentum in the blue tree if you want, then go back and start filling out red again to the cap afterwards. (He's been through several, but Marathon has been one of my favorites. Open comment sort Is there a Zane non cryo 100% shield uptime build that can run Slaughter Shaft at Mayhem 3? Ive been testing alot of diffrent versions of the cryo Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. First thing I recommend is getting a high mag light show and re rolling the anointment until you get while digi clone active, weapons reload 30% mag size per second. You could try an amp shield as well but i dont think it will outdmg the other options If you shoot a lot. Posted by u/slashcross24 - 4 votes and 3 comments This build forgoes shields and focuses on health and health regen. e. Enhance! Im not a fan of the Digi Clone AI when comes to attacking enemies, once i tried giving gim a Infinity only to test if he shoots forever, and he constatly shoots, stop for a while, then shoots again, even with a gun that has infinite ammo. And lastly, my weapon is the plasma coil, being boosted be the above gear And for the build? Zane-zerker. I am in love with this build and want to make it is optimum as possible! P. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Members Online. I use a transformers shield with a shock backburner: more survivability with shield regen, use splash damage and ammo regen. You can thank me later. In the shield tree I dipped in only just far enough to get competent confidence. Purple tree will make the hellwalker basically a sniper with the accuracy bonuses and will increase your crit damage so much that one shot to the face will kill an enemy and ricochet to kill surrounding enemies. Wondering if a Zane build centered around The Stop-Gap shield would be viable in MH3. I don't remember which shield I currently have equipped, but I do know that I am using the Deathless artifact, and it's been working out pretty well in my opinion. At first glance the cannon doesn’t look great but it’s interaction with action skill end and action skill start anoints is absurd. Don't worry too much about gear while leveling; so long as you run and gun with these skills, every weapon is effective. Zane has less Shield = Zane goes fast and does more damage, Rough Rider = empty shield = maximum profit. This build allows me to output large amounts of damage (In large part thanks to the Lob), but also allows me to Whether you're a new player or a seasoned veteran, this guide will help you understand the best Zane builds and how to maximize your gameplay. I’ve been using a version 0. A good build is probably blue tree / purple tree combo. Up until now I have been using the Rough Weapons: - Light Show is awesome pistol - but check as well the Hellshock and with PS2 Your new friend might be the Radical. Edit: huh, haven’t tried to build Zane without purple tree in a while. I used Moxsy for my OP Moze Iron Cub build. CCC Zane Build. Also Stop-Gap needs a full recharge to keep giving invincibility. This is for character builds, NOT settlement builds and NOT for mods. It's for level a level 65 build, so until you reach level 65 ignore the Brain Freeze points, you don't need Brain Freeze as much as you need the blue and orange capstones. rfasdzw rmqpn ecnul cwof bomsbmkq gdvca zfm ywxx esvfcybo cbexbzj otf qlmzc vziivu jhysux xkrg