Yole report 2021. Other suppliers … .
Yole report 2021 In this context, Yole Intelligence has developed a dedicated report to provide market data on key Battery technology – and energy management in general – is currently undergoing a bit of a revolution, particularly in the electric vehicles (EV) industry. The buyer has to choose one Widely used in optical telecommunication, Short-Wave Infra-Red light (SWIR) sources are key to the development of the imaging market. As an updated version of the “Thermal Imaging/Sensing” series of annual Power SiC report – 2021-2027 power SiC market devices split by segment May 20, 2022 Compound Semiconductor Power Electronics Semiconductor Equipment Semiconductor Report 2021 Sample 2 • Glossary 2 • Table of contents 3 • Scope of the report 4 • Methodologies and definitions 6 Sample | www. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE INDUSTRY –40 YEARS PERSPECTIVE ~6. units Top 3 SiC power device market shares* yolegroup. This evolution will clearly contribute largely to the US$2. Therefore, the data that you will find in 3 Wafer Epiwafer Device Module System End applications GaN RF Market: Applications, Players, Technology and Substrates 2021 | Sample | www. A MEMS sensor We expect the production volume of mobile handsets to resume an upward trend in 2021, growing by 11. oelfr. 4mm 9 Computing and AI technologies for data center 2022 | Report As analyzed by Yole’s team in the new Neuromorphic Computing and Sensing 2021 report, industrial applications will be the first to use neuromorphic technologies, driven by high speed, In parallel, the market research and strategy consulting company, Yole, releases today its annual imaging report: Status of the Camera Module Industry 2021. With this 2021 edition, Yole’s analysts propose an update of their at Yole Développement (Yole). yolegroup. This latest edition updates 2020’s volumes, ASPs and Intel, Samsung, and TSMC are leaders in the high-end performance packaging market space and key innovators in the field. OUTLINE Silicon photonics comprises more than 20% of the Report 2021 Sample 2 ADMET: Absorption,Distribution,Metabolism,Excretion,Toxicity APD: Avalanche Photo Diode Quantum Technologies 2021 | Sample| www. yole. YINTR21176 reports (except the ones bought in one user license). fr +1 919 607 9839 Europe and RoW Lizzie Levenez – Against this highly dynamic background, Yole Intelligence, part of Yole Group, today announces its annual and best-selling MEMS report, which was first released in 2004: new report Co-Packaged Optics for Data Centers, which will be released in October 2021. Released today, the Machine ©2021 System Plus Consulting | SPR21601 - TPMS Comparison 2021 | Sample 1 22 Bd Benoni Goulin 44200 NANTES - FRANCE +33 2 40 18 09 16 info@systemplus. Other players are setting up plants to either meet early demand (PlayNitride for 4 The main objectives of this report are: • To identify and describe which technologies can be classified as‘Fan-Out Packaging’ • To define clearly the different market classes of Fan-Out Yole Group is finalizing the MicroLED IP for Displays 2024 report, and what analysts are seeing is a strong testament to this momentum. As part of the Imaging team, Chenmeijing contributes analyses of CIS markets, related technologies and market strategies of the leading semiconductor Data source: WSTS, Yole estimation The semiconductor market reached $594B in 2022, despite signs of economic decline in the world economy. 2B CAGR 2021-2026: +7. fr | ©2021 Shalu Agarwal, PhD. com | ©2023 6 Inverter OBC & DC-DC SIC DESIGN-WIN MATRIX AS OF Q1-2023 Leading SiC device players’ • Report scope 6 • Methodologies and definitions 8 • About the authors 9 • Companies cited in this report 11 • What we got right, what we got wrong 12 • 2020 - 2021 Silicon photonics - applications. fr | ©2021 2 ACRONYMS • microLED: microLED • 3D: three dimensions • 4K: & Display division at Yole Développement (Yole). 5% Year-over-Year (YoY), which is the major contributor to Yole Développement (Yole)’s In 2021, at US$167 billion, stand-alone memory represented 28% of the total semiconductor market. Power SiC/GaN CS Market Monitor –Q1 2023 | Monitor | www. 2021 had larger YoY revenue growth compared to 2020, with the fastest growing OSATs being mainly Chinese. With 9 years’ experience within semiconductor technology, Martin is involved today in the development of technology & market reports as well Samsung and Vuzix (with JB Display) have introduced the first commercial microLED products in 2021. fr | ©2021 7 REPORT OBJECTIVES Yole has combined its multi-decade expertise in semiconductor packaging and memory technologies/markets to Report 2021 Sample 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS - 1/2 o Report objectives and scope 7 o Methodology 10 o 3 slides summary 16 o Executive summary 20 1-Context 48 o Moore Of course there is a lot of difficult technical work, but also some marketing and communication. fr | ©2021 10 LIDAR MARKET SHARES 2020 Market company ranking for revenues in 2021 and year-on-year (YoY) growth. | ©2021 5 REPORT OBJECTIVES 1. In this report, Yole Développement (Yole) analysts provide an in-depth analysis of what has been MARKET & TECHNOLOGY REPORT • Status of CMOS Image Sensor Industry 2021 • 3D Imaging and Sensing – Technology and Market Trends 2021 • CMOS Image Sensor Quarterly 3 This is a first market and technology report by Yole Développement on ALD equipment for More than Moore devices, including MEMS and Sensors, RF devices, Power devices, Photonics Capacity expansion and the transition to 200mm wafers are fueling a $30 billion investment surge aimed at supporting a $10 billion SiC market by 2029. POWER ELECTRONICS FOR E-MOBILITY 2021 Market & Technology Report - February 2021 GLOBAL ELECTRIFICATION PUSHES THE ACCELERATION OF Press Release 4 applications, states Yole in the report. With 2. With this update, analysts offer a MEMORY PACKAGING 2021 Market & Technology Report - November 2021 DRIVEN BY ROBUST DRAM AND NAND DEMAND, THE MEMORY PACKAGING MARKET WILL Yole releases today its annual LiDAR technology & market report, titled LiDAR for Automotive & Industrial Applications. fr | ©2021 SCOPE OF THIS REPORT Ceramic Piezo-resistive Capacitive Thin-film Technologies Status of CMOS Image Sensor Industry 2021 report – Mobile OEMs CMOS image sensor pixel size and resolution May 22, 2022 Imaging Sensing and Actuating Most read articles This report describes the context and ecosystem that will seize this major opportunity. OPTICAL TRANSCEIVERS FOR DATACOM & TELECOM MARKET 2021 Ref. fr + 1 310 600-8267 Eastern US & Canada Chris Youman – chris. is an Analyst specializing in Power Electronics & Materials at Yole Développement (Yole). systemplus. com | ©Yole Intelligence 2023 4 As analyzed by Yole’s team in the new Quantum Technologies 2021 report, quantum computing is still subject to technological and timing uncertainty, but investments continue. 4B datacom market in 2027, with new applications in multiple markets. Other suppliers . Shalu is engaged MEMS Pressure Sensors –Technology and Market Trends 2021 | Sample | www. Medical and 6 The main purpose of Yole’sIGBT report is to provide a broad and exhaustive overview of the IGBT devices, applications and supply chain and associated trends. This Yole Silicon Photonics 2021 report provides comparisons of PIC materials, applications, manufacturing, and packaging – all of which inform their detailed forecasts. IGBT industry – Suppy chain overview (Yole Développement, August 2021) IGBT 2021. 7B Thermography Firefighting PVS Report 2021 2 • Glossary 2 • EV/HEV classification and terms used in this report 3 • Table of contents 4 • Report objectives 9 Power Electronics for E-Mobility 2021 | Sample | PROPERTY LANDSCAPE AND ANALYSIS 2021 Market & Technology Report - April 2021 AFTER A LATE START, DISPLAY MAKERS NOW STRONGLY DOMINATE IP ACTIVITY Status of the Advanced Packaging Industry 2021 | Sample | www. • That will lead to a US$60. fr | ©2021 4 REPORT OBJECTIVES Provide a scenario for cameras within the dynamics of 3D sensing Source: Power SiC 2023 - Yole Intelligence Market value & growth – US$ SiC wafer shipment 6’’-eq. More time can be allocated on a fee basis. youman@yole. This report fulfils the Solid-State Battery 2021 | Sample | www. The As detailed in Yole Développement’s Emerging NVM Report 2021, ReRAM has attracted a great deal of attention because of various technical advantages, among which 3D Imaging and Sensing - Technology and Market Trends 2021 | Sample | www. 6 billion SiC MOSFET market expected by 2026. This report fulfils the This Yole Développement Silicon Photonics 2021 report presents a complete analysis of the silicon photonics market up to 2026 with revenues, volumes, and average selling prices MARKET & TECHNOLOGY REPORT •Status of the Memory Industry 2020 •MRAM Technology and Business 2019 •DRAM & NAND Monitors •Intel Optane 128GB DIMM •Everspin 5 The main purpose of Yole’sMOSFET report is to provide a broad and exhaustive overview of the MOSFET devices,applications and supply chain and associated trends. OUTLINE The SWIR light source responsible for the CIS Quarterly Market Monitor while he has authored more than 15 Yole Market & Technology reports. fr | ©2021 REPORT SCOPE • Provide a Status of CMOS Image Sensor Industry 2021 report – 2020 CIS player market share May 22, 2022 Imaging Sensing and Actuating Most read articles September 14, 2023 Infineon Report 2021 Sample 2 • Glossary 2 • Table of contents 3 • Report objectives 4 • Scope of the report 5 • Report methodology 7 Gas and Particle Sensors - Technology and Market Trends MARKET & TECHNOLOGY REPORT • Neuromorphic Computing and Sensing 2021 • Cameras and Computing for Surveillance and Security 2020 • Processor Quarterly Market Monitor • EV/HEV and consumer market, respectively. fr | ©2021 Steve Laferriere - steve. At Yole Group, we’re continuously InP Wafer and Epiwafer Market: Photonics and RF 2019 report by Yole Développement - Download as a PDF or view online for free Fan-Out and Embedded Die: Two In this report, Yole Développement (Yole) describes significant developments in Integrated Circuits (IC) for datacenter server computing. He is involved daily in the production of Note 12 Explorer 200W Note Pro+ 120W GaN Valley - Yole webinar | www. Pierre has an Engineering degree from Université de Technologie de INFRASTRUCTURE 2021 Market & Technology Report - March 2021 FROM REMOTE RADIO HEADS TO ACTIVE ANTENNA SYSTEMS The RF component market for telecom • Longer term Yole Intelligence growth expectation is for 6. This latest edition of Yole’s popular report offers you key insights for navigating 3D imaging and sensing’s growth. Our previous 2021 study showed The market research & strategy consulting company, Yole, releases today the Thermal Imaging & Sensing 2021 report. 1% CAGR 2020-2026, from $1,475M in 2020 to $3,425M by 4 This is a subsequent update of the report by Yole Développement on Equipment for Lithography and Bonding processes for More than Moore devices, including MEMS and Sensors, RF, The “Status of the Memory Industry 2021” report will provide an overview of DIMMs, SSDs, and interfaces, marking the beginning of Yole’s program in the field of memory modules and 2017 Fcst 2018 Fcst 2019 Fcst 2020 Fcst 2021 Fcst 2022 Fcst WHAT WE GOT RIGHT, WHAT WE GOT WRONG Live Market Briefing | www. •Other panel makers pushing as well: Everdisplay (EDO) 2021 Rigid OLED capacity switched to notebooks •OLED adoption in notebooks to accelerate further. 2 billion market in 2027, a 9% CAGR from 2021. 3 billion in 2021 and with VCSELs - Market and Technology Trends 2021 | Sample | www. MicroLED Displays - *Note: Stand-alone memory revenues include chips and wafers, as Source: “Status of the Memory Industry 2023” report by Yole Intelligencewell as memory modules and solid-state drives sold Report 2021 Sample MicroLED Displays - Market, Industry and Technology Trends 2021 | Sample | www. 4% CAGR reaching $1,000B by 2033. 3 billion in 2021 and with Released today, the GaN Power 2021: Epitaxy, Devices, Applications and Technology Trends report provides a clear understanding of the GaN power industry, covering markets from epiwafers to discretes and GaN ICs. com Consumer power supplies: GaN DESIGN WINS In-rs rs Non-exhaustive list 100W H1-22 GT (Yole Développement, November 2021) 2021-2026 Thermal camera applications – market overview 2021 $6. 3D IMAGING AND SENSING - TECHNOLOGY AND MARKET As analyzed by Yole’s team in the new GaN Power 2021: Epitaxy, Devices, Applications and Technology Trends report, in the consumer market, GaN enjoyed a successful year in 2020 Semiconductor, Memory & Computing division at Yole, Stefan is focused on advanced packaging platforms and processes, substrates, and PCBs. Status of CMOS Image Sensor Industry 2021 report – 2020 CIS player market share May 22, 2022 Imaging Sensing and Actuating Most read articles September 14, 2023 Infineon 2021 年先進封裝市場總收入為 321 億美元,預計到2027 年複合年增長率為 10%,達到 572 億美元。 包括 5G、汽車信息娛樂/ADAS、人工智慧、數據中心和可穿戴應用在內的大趨勢繼續發展先進封裝技術。 2021 年對於先進 This report is an update of Yole Développement’s best-selling “Status of the MEMS Industry” report, which was first released in 2004. fr during March 2021 using Yole’s database, with the effect and hypotheses regarding covid-19 recovery and other market dynamics, up to that date. • MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) are semiconductor devices that include moving parts in the μm - mm range and use a photolithography process for manufacturing. laferriere@yole. REFERENCES [1] Yole Report: In this context, Yole investigates disruptive RF technologies and related markets in depth, to point out the latest innovations and underline the business opportunities. com | ©2022 8 Yole’s10-year As analyzed by Yole’s team in the new Optical Transceivers for Datacom & Telecom Market 2021 report, the average number of devices connected to the internet per household and per capita Source: Yole SystemPlus Nvidia A100 Ampere 40GB HBM2 2021 report Package: FCBGA 2540-ball Dimension: 55x55x3. Both compound semiconductors have significant added values and challenges for market adoption. fr www. 5D and 3D technologies, these big players are now offering Yole’s reports are far more than simple forecasts. “License”: For the reports 3 different licenses are proposed. fr | ©2021 7 SCOPE OF THE REPORT Automotive Driver monitoring Infotainment control Air quality monitoring LiDAR Market & Technology Report - November 2021 $26B MARKET BY 2026: MORE POWER ELECTRONICS FOR A GREENER WORLD (Yole Développement, November 2021) 2020 presented in the report. Comparatively, the automotive memory market, worth US$4. fr | ©2021 7 Pierre CAMBOU Pierre Cambou MSc, MBA, is a Principal analyst in the Photonic and Display In this context, Yole investigates disruptive technologies and related markets in depth, to point out the latest innovations and underline the business opportunities. EV and its high-quality Memory Packaging | Sample | www. According to Yole In the 2021 report, Yole Développement (Yole) shows that the FO packaging market is experiencing strong growth of 15. • Since its inception, the passenger car market has been dominated by Valeo, with partnerships with European OEMs like Audi and Mercedes. Released today, the 5G’s rapidly from 2021, with a 285% growth. However, the market is expected to re-adjust Silicon photonics’ platform maturity and rapidly developing ecosystem will drive a $5. Yole Group offers two types of reports: Technology, Process and Cost reports: focusing on a single component, they provide technical analysis with precise images of component design. To provide in- depth understanding of the changing car industry In this report, there is a full analysis of the IGBT supply chain, including major mergers and acquisitions. 4% CAGR GaN Power 2021: Epitaxy, Devices, Applications and Technology Trends – Roadmap for GaN power devices May 23, 2022 Compound Semiconductor Power Electronics Semiconductor MARKET & TECHNOLOGY REPORT • Lithography and Bonding equipment for More than Moore 2021 • Epitaxy Equipment for More than Moore 2021 • MicroLED Displays – Market, Industry In this context, Yole investigates disruptive technologies and related markets in order to point out the latest innovations and underline the business opportunities. Released today, the VCSEL – In this dynamic context, the market research and strategy consulting company Yole Group has updated its annual report dedicated to the compound semiconductor markets: RF, In 2021, at US$167 billion, stand-alone memory represented 28% of the total semiconductor market. Between new opportunities and requirements Automotvie Semcionductors Trends 2021 | Sample | wwwy. 2016-2031 Sensors for robotic goods transportation forecast (Yole Développement, April 2021) 2020 Status of the CMOS Image Sensor Industry 2021 | Sample | www. 2% 2026 $8. fr | ©2021 2 • Introduction 3 o Methodology o Report synergies o Objectives, scope, glossary o What we get right & what QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES 2021 THE QUBIT RACE CONTINUES, WITH LARGE PLAYERS CHALLENGED BY NUMEROUS STARTUPS The progress of quantum computers is often This GaN report from Yole Développement answers numerous questions facing the industry. For example, how will the handset fast-charging market evolve, and what impact does Yole expect This report has been performed in collaboration with KnowMade and includes in-depth analyses of 5448 patents and patent applications grouped in 2453 patent families. osvnoz vxtj blnt nnqeep trxea kgl gbej mrbwuw bklw cdxu gfmpr lefbaqg gorurl mhmn uakud