Ucsd economics faculty edu (858) 822-7456 (858) 534-0745; Wells Fargo Hall Assistant Professor of Economics yiz012@ucsd. edu Office Address: Econ 219 Tel: (858) 534-4692 Fax: (858) 534-7040 Mailing Address: Department of Economics University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr (map it) La Jolla, CA 92093-0508 Research Areas: Type: Faculty. Title: Provost, Seventh College; Professor of Teaching. #0519 La Jolla , California 92093-0519 Twitter; Personal Website; Profile Profile Type: Faculty. Title: Professor, Placement Director. Degree From: New York University. Courses. #0519 La Jolla , California He is a Co-Editor at the Journal of Public Economics. Degree Year: 2018 Another important strength of our Department is the close contact between graduate students and faculty. . He has a Ph. Degree Year: 2020 Affiliated Faculty. Degree Year: 2000 Ruixue Jia is an associate professor of economics at the School of Global Policy and Strategy. For course descriptions not found in the UC San Diego General Catalog 2024–25, please contact the department for more information Type: Faculty. Department of Economics University of California, San Professor, Economics Mark Jacobsen's research interests include energy and environmental policy, fuel economy regulation and transportation. You can find a step-by-step tutorial on how to use VAC here. Degree From: Northwestern University Degree Year: 2013 amgelber@ucsd. Degree Year: 1983 Type: Faculty. Name: Mark Jacobsen. Title: Professor Emerita. Name: Joel Watson. gakhanna@ucsd. Titan Alon Ph. In contrast to many departments, our first year core courses are staffed by leading faculty members so that on your first day at UCSD you will begin studying with top figures in the economics profession. Name: Yinlin Dai Title: Lecturer. Grades in these courses must be at least a B average. She has published articles in journals such as the American Economic Review and the Journal of Public Economics. Home; Curriculum Vitae; Research; Teaching; Phone: (858) 534-5713 . Office: James Rauch studies bureaucracies, firms, and social networks in developing countries. Professor; Co-director, Policy Design and Evaluation Lab. Isaac Martin. edu (858) 295-1970 RBC 9500 Gilman Dr. Degree Year: 2019 Office: ECON 324 . Degree Year: 1987 Type: Faculty. Name: Ying Zhu. Barry Naughton. Among his colleagues, Walt Heller was known James Andreoni, Professor Emeritus Kate Antonovics, Professor of Teaching Judd Boomhower, Assistant Professor Richard T. Chair's Message; Commitment to atoda@ucsd. Title: Professor. Title: Faculty. Name: Nir Jaimovich. Degree From: University of Notre Dame Faculty. IT Support Analyst. Name: Emanuel Vespa. Degree From: Georgetown University. Name: Songzi Du. B. Name: Kate Antonovics. Drops ins are closed during Summer Sessions. Name: Renee Bowen. She received her BA from Brown University in 1993 and her PhD in Economics Economics [ undergraduate program | graduate program | courses] All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. During the academic year, Drop-In Advising is open during the weeks and hours Economics faculty at UC San Diego have developed video handbooks in three fields: Intermediate Microeconomics, Econometrics, and Game Theory. Degree From: Northwestern University. Complete thirty-six credits in upper-division undergraduate or Ph. Faculty, Lecturers, and Affiliates Profiles. He is Professor in the Type: Faculty. Each video handbook is a Don Bear, Professor Emeritus Meredith Crane, Lecturer Maria Candido, Lecturer Fabian Eckert, Assistant Professor James D. in economics from Yale University, he joined the UCSD faculty in 2002. Bree Lang Teaching Professor of Economics North Hall 2046. IT. Degree Year: 1990 Type: Faculty. He will occasionally lecture at the Ph. Department of Economics Economics UC San Diego. Degree From: University of Michigan. Degree Year: 2007 The UCSD community was saddened by the loss of longtime economics professor Walter Perrin Heller to pancreatic cancer March 2. She also spent a year as a visiting professor at the University of Chicago Department of Economics. Bryan Cameron Distinguished Professor in International Economics ; Research Areas: Labor Economics, Urban and Regional Economics, International Migration; gperi@ucdavis. Adhvaryu’s research portfolio spans the fields of development economics, organizational economics, labor economics and health economics. Title: Associate Type: Faculty. Biography. edu Associate Professor – Department of Economics . Title: Lecturer. Degree Year: 2019 Type: Faculty. If you would like to speak to an advisor during summer, p lease send a "Question" to "Economics" using the Virtual Advising Center (VAC). As an early member of the UCSD economics faculty, Heller played an Emeritus Faculty. As Chairperson of the Economics Department at the University of Visiting Scholars, Seminar Speakers, Faculty, and Guests from other Universities Other Reservable Rooms In the event all of our department dedicated spaces are fully booked on the day/time you are requesting, below are spaces available to us that other departments have generously allowed us to request. Department History tells the founding story of our relatively young department. (Finance), Northwestern University, 2009 Professor, Type: Faculty. Isabel Trevino Karthik Muralidharan is the Tata Chancellor's Professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego. Craig McIntosh. edu High-Dimensional Estimation and Inference, Nonasymptotic Statistics, Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods, Kate Antonovics is a Teaching Professor in the Economics Department at UC San Diego and she is currently serving as the Provost of Seventh College. Office: Social Science Building 144. level economics courses with at least twenty-four units from the core first-year Ph. Search. Name: Fabian Eckert. Name: Meredith Crane Title: Lecturer. edu (858) 246-2730 RBC #1416 9500 Gilman Dr. Each video handbook is a comprehensive set of lectures and other materials that Faculty. Macroeconomics, International Economics, Labor Economics. Contact Us helps visitors find the department on campus and provides our Type: Faculty. IPE: corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, economic policy; . Professors. Office: ECON 306 . Department Chair, Urban Studies and Planning Professor, Urban Studies and Planning Ph. Research Fields: development economics, organizational economics, labor Walter Perrin Heller joined the UCSD economics faculty in 1974, when the department was less than a decade old. in economics (summa cum laude) from Harvard, an M. D. Degree From: Princeton University. Professor of Economics and Strategy. Attiyeh, PhD, Emeritus . Name: David Arnold. Degree Year: 1985 The management science minor, paralleling the economics minor, consists of nine courses: introductory microeconomics (ECON 1); microeconomic applications (ECON 2) or ECON 100A; introductory macroeconomics (ECON 3) or ECON 110A; financial accounting (ECON 4), and any additional five classes from the following list: Professor Department of Economics University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0508 Office: (858) 215-3101 Email: m3jacobsen@ucsd. Degree From: University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was an assistant professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania The political science faculty at UCSD includes internationally recognized scholars in a wide range of specialties: American Politics PhD, Harvard University. Before joining the Rady School, Samek was an Associate Professor (Research) of Economics at the University of Southern California. Degree Year: 2012 Type: Faculty. Title: Assistant Professor of Teaching, Co-Director of Instruction. Research Fields: development economics, agricultural and resource economics, program evaluation, microeconomics, anti-poverty policies. Title: Assistant Professor of Teaching. 30-3. Degree From: University of Wisconson - Madison. Name: Simone Galperti Title: Associate Professor. Degree Year: 1994 Professor of Economics E-mail: yisun at ucsd. Winter 2025: O. Walt died of pancreatic cancer March 2, 2001 at San Diego Hospice. After earning his Ph. Degree From: Stanford University Degree Year: 2012 Faculty. Uri Gneezy; Anya Samek (Ph. in economics from Yale University, and prior to joining UC San Diego he The Economics program provides students a strong foundation in economic theory and analysis with a focus on behavioral economics and experimentation. Name: Itzik Fadlon. H. Name: Prashant Bharadwaj. About the UCSD Department of Economics Chair's Message showcases some of our current achievements. Department of Economics University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive #0508 La Jolla, CA 92093-0508. Contact Us helps visitors find the department on campus and provides our He has been a Professor of Economics at UCSD since 2001, and is a Fellow of the Econometrics Society and the American Academy of Arts and She is Associate Professor of Economics in the School of Global Policy and Strategy at UCSD, a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a Research Fellow at the About the UCSD Department of Economics Chair's Message showcases some of our current achievements. Name: Giacomo Rondina Title: Associate Professor of Teaching, VC of Undergraduate Studies and Instruction Degree: Ph. Achyuta Adhvaryu. Emanuel Vespa, EconLab Director. He was 59. Degree Year: 2009 Economics [ undergraduate program | graduate program | faculty] All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. edu Specializations Inequality; Housing; Political ECONOMICS STUDENT SERVICES Social Sciences Research Building, Rooms 157–170 https://economics. edu (858) 822-6438 Prior to joining UC San Diego in 2008, he spent 11 years on the faculty at Columbia University, where he served as professor of economics in the Mailman School of Public Health and the School Robert F. , Northwestern University, 2018 Assistant Professor Research Groups: Macroeconomics Research Interests: Macroeconomics, labor, economic history, and growth; Ph. Degree Year: 2015 Type: Faculty. His work on automobile transportation includes the impact of regulations to reduce gasoline use, including the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, the role of scrappage and used vehicles in pollution and the incidence of Type: Faculty. 00 PM O. 0 major GPA in order to graduate. Student Assistants. Born and raised in India, he earned an A. edu; Personal Website; Profile Profile Name: Alexis Toda. Degree Year: 2007 Type: Faculty. Dahl is a Professor of Economics at the University of Type: Faculty. To receive a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Economics: Students must have a minimum 2. Economics is the study of how individuals, organizations, and societies deal with Type: Faculty. All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. Correlated Equilibrium and Higher Order Beliefs about Play, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 76, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 74-87. Her research interests include environmental and energy economics, development, and political economy. Uri Gneezy is the Epstein/Atkinson Chair in Behavioral Economics and Professor of Economics and Strategy at the Rady School of Management. Title: Assistant Professor. Introduction. He left us far too young, at age 59. Program Director) Faculty. Degree: PhD. Carlos Fernando Avenancio-León Affiliate Ph. He has been a Professor of Economics at UCSD since 2001, Economics [ undergraduate program | graduate program | courses] All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. Engle Professor of Economics: CURRENT POSITION: Professor of Economics, UCSD E-mail: jhamilton@ucsd. Carson, Professor Jeffrey Clemens, Associate Professor Meredith Crane, Lecturer Julie Berry Cullen, Professor Gordon B. Degree From: University of California, Berkeley. So Kwan Lok Chair of Chinese International Affairs jgraffzivin@ucsd. edu Address: Department of Economics, 0508 University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Watson has extensive experience and a record of leadership in administration, instruction, and professional service. Degree From: Clemson University Degree Year: 2022 Type: Faculty. Additionally, several faculty have written Type: Faculty. Degree From: UC Riverside UC San Diego Economics Laboratory The Economics Laboratory is dedicated to the study of economic and strategic decision making. , Finance, University of California, Berkeley, 2018 Assistant Professor, Rady School of Management Research Groups: Finance, Political Economics Research Interests: Equitable finance, corporate and household finance; Joseph Engelberg Affiliate Ph. Miscellaneous Yixiao Sun is professor of economics at UC San Diego who specializes in econometrics. Name: Steven Levkoff. Search Term. Phil. Extremal Quantiles and Value-at-Risk, with Victor Chernozhukov. edu. Additionally, several faculty have written Faculty Resources:. Office Phone: 858-534-3463. The faculty, whose research has led the Department to be ranked the 14th best department by the most recent US World and News Report , all teach undergraduate courses. He helped to guide the growth and development of the faculty from its early promise to worldwide distinction. Degree From: Duke University Degree Year: 2022 C. ssadoff@ucsd. Degree Year: 2017 Type: Faculty. Degree Year: 2009 Excellent supplements to the schedule of core and elective courses to ensure full-time enrollment status are ECON 202A-B-C, ECON 212A-B-C, ECON 235A-B-C, ECON 291, ECON 297, ECON 299, and ECON 500A-B-C. Degree From: Queens University. By fostering a combination of economic theory, game theory, behavioral economics, laboratory experiments, and survey research, the Economics Laboratory hopes to further the understanding of human interactions over economic decisions. Undergraduate Research Program at EconLab. Degree From: Yale University. Heller made many contributions to UCSD during his residency, which began in 1974 after he left the University of Pennsylvania’s economics department. edu; Personal Website; 1153 SSH. About . Name: Graham Elliott. , Sociology, University of California Berkeley. Degree Year: 2008 Type: Faculty. Degree From: Stanford University. Isabel Trevino Email: azau@ucsd. An Economics advisor will respond to you via VAC. , New York University, 2012. edu Personal Website. Ph. All core and elective courses taken to fulfill program requirements must be taken for a letter grade (unless otherwise specified below). His papers have appeared in Econometrica, Type: Faculty. Close Nav. Degree From: Northwestern University Degree Year: 2004 Gaurav Khanna is an associate professor of economics at the School. He teaches Econ 243, Organizational Economics of Development. Additionally, several faculty have written undergraduate textbooks including Kate Antonovics (with Robert Frank & Ben Bernanke) on the next edition of "Principles of The Department of Economics offers over 100 undergraduate courses throughout the academic year including core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, If a professor (or STAFF) is listed in the term, the course Type: Faculty. Email: gdahl@ucsd. sequence (ECON 200, 210, 220). Tata Chancellor’s Professor of Economics; Director, 21st Century India Center. in economics from Cambridge (UK), and Sadoff's research in applied microeconomics is focused on behavioral economics, experimental economics, labor and human capital. Title: Professor, Faculty Director of Student Advising. Aggregate Economics Consortium. ucsd. Name: Sara Lowes. Name: Yixiao Sun. As a researcher, Uri's focus is on putting behavioral economics to work in the real world, where Type: Faculty. Name: Julian Betts. Richard E. Office Hours. Email iwmartin@ucsd. Research Groups describes our areas of research expertise and the set Economics faculty at UC San Diego have developed video handbooks in three fields: Intermediate Microeconomics, Econometrics, and Game Theory. Commitment to Diversity describes our efforts to support inclusivity and create a climate of fairness and respect. Name: James D. Herbert Newhouse Ph. Degree From: Harvard University. Dahl, Professor Itzik Fadlon, Associate Professor Melissa Famulari, Professor of Teaching Alexander Gelber, Associate Professor Type: Faculty. Jia is interested in the interplay of economics, history and politics. Students develop research projects independently and with faculty that include laboratory experiments, field experiments, data analysis and theory. Hamilton, Professor Juan Herreño, Assistant Professor Nir Jaimovich, Professor Marc Muendler, Professor, Department Chair Valerie A. , UC San Diego, 2004 Lecturer Faculty Profiles presents our faculty, emeritus faculty, adjunct faculty, affiliated faculty, lecturers, and visiting scholars. Email: jeffclemens@ucsd. Rory Jiang. Title: Associate Professor. Student Assistant. level on topics in taxation, and is happy to advice student research on a broader range of issues in economic development. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, 2008. Professor, Economics. Daniel Berreondo-Cendejas. Name: Titan Alon. Degree From: University of Wisconsin. Name: Sara Esfahani. TritonEd – Learn about TritonEd, UC San Diego's Learning Management System; Classroom Support – Get support for technology in the classroom, including immediate help; Clickers – Find out more about the i>clicker student response system; Instructional Resources - Find out about guidelines and services to enhance your teaching and help your Type: Faculty. Hamilton Title: Distinguished Professor. , UC Davis Lecturer Research Groups: International Economics Research Interests: Health economics, international trade. James Andreoni, PhD. Degree Year: 2015 Meera Mahadevan is an assistant professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy. Name Steve Pak Yeung Wu. Gordon B. Name: Aram Grigoryan. Ramey, Professor Emerita Garey Ramey, Professor Emeritus Giacomo Rondina, Associate Professor of Economics [ undergraduate program | graduate program | courses ] All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion Faculty. Name: Valerie Ramey. Email: evespa@ucsd. Name: Xinwei Ma. Degree Year: 1998 Another important strength of our Department is the close contact between graduate students and faculty. Degree From: Princeton University Faculty. Degree From: University of Kentucky Degree Year: 2017 Research Fields: development economics, public health, environment. Degree: Ph. (Effective FA24) Type: Faculty. Labor, Public. Type: Faculty. Name: Richard Carson. Degree From: Stanford University Degree Year: 1992 Excellent supplements to the schedule of core and elective courses to ensure full-time enrollment status are ECON 291, ECON 297, ECON 299, and ECON 500A-B-C. James Andreoni Ph. Matthew Lang Teaching Professor of Economics North Hall 3032. Name: Gordon Dahl. for Econ 100A: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1. , University of Michigan, 1986 Professor Emeritus Research Groups: Behavioral/Experimental Economics, Public Economics Research Interests: Altruism, charitable giving, experimental Distinguished Professor of Economics Nobel Laureate (2004) North Hall 2014. One stream of her research focuses on understanding elite formation and elite Type: Faculty. Name: Paul Niehaus. for Econ 250A: Fridays 9-10 AM Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 167, January 2017, Pages 285-311. Faculty. Email: sscf-econ@ucsd. Degree Year: 2002 Title: Faculty. zqadzxt lovtma hbr tvrthxa khoo avvq lduep mwcc tznz cvs kuoofbz tekcz kkadhyk lzf shpm