Mcafee csp service host. A primeira versão do McCSPServiceHost.
Mcafee csp service host exe" process is normally running under the parent process "services" as I had Mcafee software a LONG time ago. 0\McCSPServiceHost. 105. 安装相关服务被禁用:有些系统服务本来没什么用,但安装却需要。 McAfee CSP Service Host •McAfee SCP Service McAfee Management Service •McAfee Service Controller (Suspended) •McAfee Validation Trust P (Suspended) McAfee Management Service Host McAfee Module Core Service McAfee Module Core Service McAfee Module Core Service •McAfee Module Core Ser McAfee PEF Service •McAfee PEF Service 在任务管理器中,我想将 McAfee Framework Host Service这个进程执行结束任务操作,为什么出现“无法完成该操作”的提示? McAfee进程受到保护,不会终止任务,因为这是恶意软件试图感染您的PC所尝试的操作,因此您无法手动禁用McAfee任务 Bonjour, Suite à formatage de mon ordi, j'ai réinstallé Avast après avoir désinstallé McAfee. 5i 使用设置图解》 Mcafee(麦咖啡)与Norton(诺顿)、Kaspersky(卡巴斯基)并称为世界三大杀毒软件,是一款非常优秀的杀软。其监控能力和保护规则相当强大,是同类软件中最好的。是我非常推崇的一款杀 McCSPServiceHost. Why does this happen? While the Framework Host is working, it might temporarily ‘lock’ a file. Es wird am häufigsten in McAfee Cloud Services Platform verwendet, das von McAfee, Inc. Uninstall and reinstall the McAfee software and check if the issue persists. entwickelt wurde. by Kendra Silvia | 30 November 2023. 0\ Return to the full O23 List. exe bestandsinfo. exe" é uma parte do McAfee Cloud Services Platform, um software desenvolvido pela McAfee. 最近急にパソコンが遅くなった気がしたので、タスクマネージャーを使って何のプロセスがCPUパワーを使っているのか調べてみると、「McAfee Management Service Host」というプロセスだと判明しました。 Mais le problème persiste Mcafee scanner service continue à pomper toute la mémoire du PC Voici le détail de l'occupation de la mémoire par McAfee quand le PC fonctionne : CSP service Host : 6. Located in \%Program Files%\Common Files\McAfee\CSP\1. Description of windows startup items: McAfee CSP Service, McCSPServiceHost. Det bruger en EXE filtypenavn og betragtes som en Win64 EXE (Executable application) fil. Der Prozess McAfee CSP Service Host gehört zur Software McAfee Cloud Services Platform der Firma McAfee (www. 523\McCHSvc. Hors je souhaite désactiver, voir supprimer ((dans les services)) McAfee Firewall Core Service, ainsi que McAfee Trust Protection Service qui sont (tous les 2 en cours d'exécution) WindowexeAllkiller is a free software which can remove unwanted software from your computer at once. exe?那你可以放心mcafee已经从你机器删除了,别听网上的菜鸟胡说。既然已经删干净,那问题就出在framework服务不能启动上,为此有以下几种情况1. McAfee CSP Service Host は、McAfee (www. Descrição: O "McCSPServiceHost. exe 파일정보 : McAfee CSP Service 제작사 : HOSTS 파일 편집기 - WindowexeHOSTSedit 서브넷 마스크 계산기 - WindowexeSubnetCalc Mcafee scanner service是联想内置的杀毒软件无法永久关闭,想要减小内存占用可以直接卸载。 具体操作如下: 1、下载迈克菲卸载工具,这是联想官方软件需要进入联想官网查找。. mcafee. <br /> 控制面板-->管理工具-->服务 看看McAfee Framework Service、Network Associates McShield、Network Associates Task Manager三个服务是不是被禁用了。<br /><br McAfee는 가장 유명한 바이러스 백신중 하나로, 그 명성에 맞게 OS가 탑재되어 출시되는 노트북이나 완제품 PC에 설치가 되어 있는 경우가 많습니다. Every time i use avg the problem keeps on going to Registry files of some sort. exe" process is normally running under the parent process "services" as shown in the process tree below: Boot wininit services McCSPServiceHost On the Processes tab of "Task Manager", "McCSPServiceHost. Het proces McAfee CSP Service Host hoort bij de software McAfee Cloud Services Platform van McAfee (www. Esse arquivo é mais comumente usado no McAfee Cloud Services Platform, desenvolvido pela McAfee, Inc. 2011 wurde es vollständig von Intel übernommen, das es 2017 wieder als eigenständiges Unternehmen aufstellte und 49 % der Anteile behielt. 注释: "McCSPServiceHost. revouninstaller. exe 被視為一種 McAfee CSP Service Host 檔案。它最常用於由 McAfee, Inc. "McAfee CSP Service" service is provided by McCSPServiceHost. exe McAfee Access Protection C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\VSCore_20_1\McApExe. This software is produced by McAfee (www. 6w次,点赞3次,收藏9次。安装Macfee后,CPU占用率持续走高,本文详细介绍了Macfee导致CPU占用高的原因以及两种解决方案:一是将Myeclipse等工 O McCSPServiceHost. exe est considéré comme un type de fichier McAfee CSP Service Host. Usa la extensión de archivo de EXE y se considera un archivo de Win64 EXE (Aplicación ejecutable). exe is part of McAfee Cloud Services Platform and developed by McAfee, Inc. exe" es parte del software de McAfee Cloud Services Platform, desarrollado por McAfee. exe para o McAfee Total 日志名称: System 来源: Service Control Manager 日期: 2019/3/3 21:10:25 事件 ID: 7009 任务类别: 无 级别: 错误 关键字: 经典 用户: 暂缺 计算机: LAPTOP-QMDPV84A 描述: 等待 McAfee CSP Service 服务的连接超时(30000 毫秒)。 事件 Xml: <Event McCSPServiceHost. exe is considered a type of McAfee CSP Service Host file. It serves as a centralized platform that supports various McAfee products and functionalities, such as real-time protection, scheduled scans, and updates. 2、下载后双击打开,点击立即运行以卸载Mcafee scanner service。 NOTE: The McAfee Framework Host is an important process that protects our apps against potential malicious attacks. exe" は McAfee Cloud Services Platform の一部で、McAfee が開発したソフトウェアです。 通常、このソフトウェアはコンピュータ上のさまざまな McAfee "McCSPServiceHost. Dvs at spill jeg laster ned starter og stopper hele tiden, noe som medfører til flere timer ekstra nedlastingstid. "McAfee CSP Service" is a Windows 7 service that provides McAfee Cloud Platform Service. 104. exe [x] S2 McMPFSvc;McAfee Personal Firewall Service;c:\program files\Common servicehost. Se käyttää EXE-tiedostopäätettä, ja sitä pidetään Win64 EXE (Suoritettava tiedosto)-tiedostona. exe;c:\program files\Common Files\McAfee\CSP\1. Hintergrund: McCSPServiceHost. The process known as McAfee CSP Service Host belongs to software McAfee Cloud Services Platform by McAfee (www. Filename: McCSPServiceHost. McAfee Service Controller, McAfee Firewall Core Service and McAfee Validation Trust I also tried going through this route: Control Panel-> System and Security-> Administrative Tools-> Services-> and double-clicked Windows Defender Service. I was just in the "Allowed Apps" and I still see Mcafee stuff. Il est généralement utilisé pour gérer et coordonner divers services de McCSPServiceHost. 495. exe는 McAfee CSP Service Host의 유형의 파일로 간주됩니다. - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\CSP\2. McCSPServiceHost. Den første version af McCSPServiceHost. It conducts real-time and on-demand scans of files, folders, and other elements on a computer and Startup Programs > McAfee CSP Service McCSPServiceHost. O processo McAfee CSP Service Host pertence ao programa McAfee Cloud Services Platform da empresa McAfee (www. ServiceHost. 2018 Ran by Kaci (28-01-2018 07:55:07) Run:1 The workaround : I disabled the service from regedit by modifying the value, ran the update and revert back the changes: Steps: Open Registry Editor (regedit) and navigate to: S2 mccspsvc;McAfee CSP Service;c:\program files\Common Files\McAfee\CSP\1. And it won't let me remove it. The option I need to click to disable is there, but it's all McCSPServiceHost. exe ist eine ausführbare Datei, die zur McAfee WebAdvisor-Software gehört. exe's Initially I suggest you install Mcafee again; After finishing the installation, download the free version of the Revo Uninstaller app: https://www. McAfee CSP Service Host(McCSPServiceHost)のCPU使用率が高くなってしまうときの解決方法 ※McAfee CSP Service Hostは、マカフィーの初期登録を行うサービス ※セキュリティの機能には関係のなく、停止しても問題なし 1. Najczęściej jest używany w oprogramowaniu McAfee Cloud Services Platform opracowanym przez McAfee, Inc. There are McAfee management service host进程CPU占用大怎么办? 毕竟白给了McAfee钱我是不大想卸载的,之前也没有过这种情况,现在时不时CPU占用飙升电脑都给我整卡了,很难受 显示全部 Information fichier McCSPServiceHost. Descrizione: "McCSPServiceHost. 0Mo Hote Service : 服务McAfee Framework服务(McAfee Framework)启动失败。确认有足够的权限启动系统服务。”按“忽略(I)”才能继续安装,但最后还是不能升级。 经过不断摸索,上官方网站查询资料,找到解决办法如下: 打开服务控制台,禁用 McAfee Framework 服务 Réparer et télécharger McCSPServiceHost. exe? McCSP服务主机是一个可执行 exe 文件,属于 McAfee CSP Service Host 进程,随附于McAfee 云服务平台 由 McAfee 软件开发商开发的软件。. In Control Panel all McAfee products are not seen (as were uninstalled). exe" process represents "McAfee CSP Service Host" program. exe is not essential for Windows and will often cause problems. É frequentemente usado no McAfee Cloud Services Platform desenvolvido pelo McAfee, Inc. Последнее обновление: 11/26/2024[Время на прочтение: ~3-5 мин. ll est le plus couramment utilisé dans McAfee Cloud Services Platform développé par McAfee, Inc. Ele usa a extensão de arquivo EXE e é considerado um arquivo Win64 EXE (Aplicativo executável). exe MB Service Host mbServiceHost. Ele é normalmente usado para gerenciar e coordenar Información sobre el archivo McCSPServiceHost. Die Software stammt von McAfee (www. Sitä käytetään usein tuotteessa McAfee Cloud Services Platform, jonka on kehittänyt McAfee, Inc. 8. 5i 使用设置图解2008-04-11 22:50《Mcafee(麦咖啡)8. Il a recours à EXE l'extension de fichier et est considéré comme I have found solution to disable the McAfee DLP service on my enterprise machine. 进程 McAfee CSP Service Host 是附属于软件 McAfee Cloud Services Platform 由 McAfee (www. 9. Het wordt meestal gebruikt voor het beheren en coördineren van McAfee CSP Service Host ist Teil der Software McAfee Cloud Services Platform. Descripción: "McCSPServiceHost. 0 R20) blev set på 08/29/2019 i Windows 10 . Se utiliza más comúnmente en McAfee Cloud Services Platform desarrollado por McAfee, Inc. I found this service host network host, many of them. No clue what they are and why they are so high on usage. exe pidetään McAfee CSP Service Host tyyppisenä tiedostona. 開發的 McAfee Cloud Services Platform。它使用 EXE 副檔案名, 並被視為 Win64 EXE (可執行的應用程式) 檔案。 Исправить и скачать McCSPServiceHost. exe Datei Info Der McCSPServiceHost Prozess im Windows Task-Manager. Ensure that you have Administrators rights over the system. exeエラーは、McAfee Total Protection(実行可能アプリケーション)の実行中の問題に関連しています。一般に、EXEのエラーは、ファイルが見つからないか破損しているために発生します。正しいバージョンのMcCSPServiceHost. 已解决: 电脑关机就会蓝屏重启。直接在在登录页面关机可以正常关机。且网络出现问题,只要连接WiFi以后,WiFi一段时间无法上网,电脑就会自动蓝屏。 - 1238493 找不到McAfee Framework,没有UpdaterUI. exe. 7版多了McAfee Engine Service和McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service服务 McAfee Engine Service服务可尝试暂时禁用,或设为手动 McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service为核心服务进程之一,必须设为自动. exe 进程很重要,那么删除它时应该小心。 Как удалить McAfee с помощью специальной утилиты Разработчик рекомендует переходить к этому способу только в том случае, если стандартный не сработает. exe McCSPServiceHost. 741. - C:\Program Files\McAfee Security Scan\3. A "McCSPServiceHost. exe jest uważany za plik typu McAfee CSP Service Host. com). Diese Datei ist für die Ausführung bestimmter Prozesse verantwortlich, die für das ordnungsgemäße Funktionieren von McAfee WebAdvisor wichtig sind. exe 好像是McAfee Framework Host Service造成的, 他的工作沒辦法強制結束,然後有試過把Microsoft edge 結束工作,是可以的,但過個大概一小時又開始cpu使用率100趴,導致我電腦風扇聲變的明顯。 請問要怎麼解決呢? Windows Services. 3. 11. Computer: Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit. I got the Mcafee removal tool and it didn't get rid of it. exeファイル情報. exe McAfee CSP Service Host C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\CSP\3. Task Manager shows There are McAfee processes running on the PC which I don't want - I don't have McAfee AV. exe process is also known as McAfee CSP Service Host and is a part of McAfee Cloud Services Platform. McAfee LLC wurde 1987 von John McAfee als "McAfee Associates" gegründet und ist heute das weltweit größte Unternehmen für Cybersicherheit. We are finally moving away from McAfee Enterprise and are uninstalling it from our servers. It is most-commonly used in McAfee Cloud Services Platform developed by McAfee, Inc. Here is the fixlog Fix result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 27. (표시이름 : McAfee CSP Service) 서비스를 완전히 삭제하려면 다음 명령줄을 입력합니다. Es verwendet die Dateierweiterung EXE und wird McAfee CSP Serviceというのが無効・停止を繰り返してもゾンビのように復活してPCが重くなって困ってます。 完全に削除するか起動しないようにできないものでしょうか。 C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\McAfee Safe Connect\SafeConnect. com McAfee CSP Service Host File version: 2,2,351,0 Size: 1934968 bytes Modified: 10/17/2016 1:09:46 PM UTC Disabling "McAfee CSP Service" service should not cause any issues when running Windows 7 system. Learn how to disable McAfee antivirus software and resolve compatibility issues on your device. 麦咖啡8. 그리고 McAfee, Inc. Usa a extensão do ficheiro EXE e é considerado como um ficheiro Win64 EXE (Aplicação executável). exe McAfee Scanner service C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\AMCore\mcshield. McAfee WebAdvisor ist eine von McAfee entwickelte Sicherheitssoftware. exe" fait partie de McAfee Cloud Services Platform, un logiciel développé par McAfee. Cloud Services Platform. 好像是迈克菲的一个进程,开机后自动运行,然后就不断得读写盘,占用资源,而且一直不停。 各类硬件温度正常,没有第三方驱动什么的,重装了两次windows。 每次打字特别快的时候都会突然黑屏然后关机。 很多时候玩游戏半途突然蓝屏 看系统日志只有这些东西: 由于下列错误,McAfee CSP Service 服务启动失败: 服务没有及时响应启动或控制请求。 DCOM 在尝试使用参数“Unavailable”启动服务 mcapexe. exe: Description: Related to McAfee, Inc. exe - mccspsvc - McAfee CSP Service McCSPServiceHost. The McCSPServiceHost. exe" process may be listed as: Description of windows startup items: McAfee CSP Service, McCSPServiceHost. exe é considerado um tipo de ficheiro McAfee CSP Service Host. exe se considera un tipo de archivo McAfee CSP Service Host. This service handles communication between multiple McAfee applications and ensures that they O23 - Service: McAfee Security Scan Component Host Service (McComponentHostService) - McAfee, Inc. How To Disable Mcafee Scanner Service. Meistens sind die Dateien 1694152 Bytes (50% aller McCSPServiceHost. McAfee KB - Windows 탑재 PC에서 McAfee 제품을 제거하는 방법 (TS101331) Windows 탑재 PC에서 McAfee 제품을 제거하는 방법 문서 ID : TS101331 요약 이 문서는 McAfee社が提供しているウイルス対策ソフト、「McAfee Total Protection」関連アプリです。 スタートアッププログラムの種類 : [System Service] [コントロールパネル] - [管理ツール] - [サービス]に登録されてウィンドウが起動するたびに自動的に実行されます。 原标题:如何卸载mcafee?手把手教你如何卸载mcafee迈克菲?最近有位朋友新购了一台电脑,它预装了McAfee(迈克菲)杀毒软件,但是实际体验却不太好,因此想要卸载并清理干净,但是却不知道应该如何操作。还有部分朋友在卸载mcafee的时候,出现卸载失败的情况,不知道 Heisann Har lenge slitt med et problem jeg trodde var relatert til Steam. A primeira versão do McCSPServiceHost. according to the McCSPServiceHost. . 203. exe for McAfee Total Protection 2019 (16. 如果在 Windows 操作系统中运行的 McCSPServiceHost. exe 现在把我个人的对mcafee相关服务设置的一点心得拿出来与大家分享。 8. What Is McAfee Internet Security. exe wird als Typ der Datei McAfee CSP Service Host angesehen. Charakteristik: McCSPServiceHost. Download Glary Utilities for free to manage auto-startup programs to improve your computer's performance *100% Clean & Safe McAfee CSP Service McCSPServiceHost. The McAfee Scanner Service is an essential part of the McAfee antivirus. È tipicamente utilizzato per gestire e coordinare i vari servizi di sicurezza McAfee sul McCSPServiceHost. If closed, a new instance of the process is started. Enter the system in Safe mode and then disable the startup of all McAfee services. 0\\McCSPServiceHost. by Caresa Thorne | 17 November 2023. Сам антивирус уже давно удалил с ПК. The locked file might belong to an app you are downloading or installing. For some reason not all of the services are being removed. Dernière mise à jour : 11/30/2023[Temps pour lire : ~3 à 5 minutes] McCSPServiceHost. 文章浏览阅读2. 가 개발한 McAfee Cloud Services Platform에서 가장 흔히 사용됩니다. exe mcshield. com) 发行。. Le processus McAfee CSP Service Host appartient au logiciel McAfee Cloud Services Platform de la compagnie McAfee (www. Normalmente se utiliza para administrar y coordinar varios servicios de seguridad McCSPServiceHost. You can use this information to decide whether to allow this startup item to start automatically when windows starts. 1. exeをダウンロードして置き換える方法を学び、これらの厄介なEXEの 卸载了Mcafee后发现有个Mcafee服务还在,而且始终正在运行,如何把这个服务处理掉啊,mcafeeframeworkservice问题是软件在服务项里都弄了就是弄不 卸载了 Mcafee 后发现有个 Mcafee 服务还在 ,而且始终正在运行,如何把这个服务处理掉啊, mcafee framework service What is "McAfee CSP Service" in my Windows 7 service list? And how is "McAfee CSP Service" service related t - windows. McAfee Framework Host Service (mfemms. exe) is a critical component of McAfee’s security suite. Описание: "McCSPServiceHost. At this point of time, I'm unable to do anything or even touch McCSPServiceHost. 5. Meistens sind die Dateien 1694152 Bytes (50% aller Hi, I would suggest you to follow the steps mentioned below: Method 1:. exe: Microsoft Windows XP End of Service Notification M xp_eos. exe gehört nicht zum Windows Betriebssystem und macht eher wenig Probleme. exe 的信息. "McCSPServiceHost. exe befindet McAfeeのサイトで、そのようなトラブルシューティングがあるようです。 メモリの使用率が上がるのであれば、メモリの増設を現在の 4GBから最低8GBに増設してください。 64bit版のWindowsであれば、最低でも8GBは必要です。 現在、windows11のメモリ16GBを使用していますが、セキュリティソフトでマカフィーを利用しています。 ここ数日、あまりにも動作や表示が遅いため、タスクマネージャーで確認するとメモリ全体の60%くらいが「mcafee framework host service」が使用され、相当のメモリを利用しています。 Under "services", I was able to disable the services "McAfee CSP Service" and "McAfee Safe Connect Service" Reply reply its_dolemite_baby • i did the same, but this is literally fucking insane that they don't provide a way to ACTUALLY remove it from your computer--mcafee is basically malware at this point. exe считается разновидностью файла McAfee CSP Service Host. Informazioni sul file McCSPServiceHost. El proceso McAfee CSP Service Host es un software de McAfee Cloud Services Platform de McAfee (www. exe é considerado um tipo de arquivo McAfee CSP Service Host. 4. 322. fyicenter. How To Uninstall McAfee Internet Security. Good Day, I am unable to stop McAfee services in 'Services'. exe version information. com) 製ソフトウェアの McAfee Cloud Services Platform に帰属します。. 하지만 이는 무료 McAfee management service грузит 27% - 30% ЦП. Il processo McAfee CSP Service Host appartiene al software McAfee Cloud Services Platform di McAfee (www. ] Файл McCSPServiceHost. 이는 EXE 파일 확장명 를 사용하고 Win64 EXE (시행가능한 앱) 파일로 간주됩니다. exe "是McAfee云服务平台的一部分,该软件由McAfee开发。 它通常用于管理和协调计算机上的各种 McAfee 安全服务。如果它占用过多系统资源或造成问题,您可能需要删除 Процесс McAfee CSP Service Host принадлежит программе McAfee Cloud Services Platform от McAfee (www. Я не смог понять, за что этот процесс отвечает, также не смог его остановить. exe ist keine Windows Systemdatei. \Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\CSP\1. Jeg har nå kommet fram til at dette er forårsaket av "mcafee csp service host ". exe O23 - Service: McAfee CSP Service (mccspsvc) - McAfee, Inc. Follow our step-by-step guide for a hassle-free experience. exe" fa parte di McAfee Cloud Services Platform, un software sviluppato da McAfee. exe: McCSPServiceHost. 什么是 McCSPServiceHost. exe . Description: McCSPServiceHost. 01. McSvHost steht für McAfee Service Host この CSP には、有効または無効にするための特別な SyncML 形式が必要な ADMX に基づくポリシーが含まれています。 SyncML でデータ型を <Format>chr</Format>として指定する必要があります。 システム > Service Control Manager の設定 > セキュリティ設定 如何在Windows 11停止McAfee弹出窗口-McAfee是一款流行的防病毒程序。 然而,许多用户抱怨它生成的弹出窗口过多。 这些弹出窗口可能会很麻烦并扰乱您的工作流程。因 文章浏览阅读1k次。今天重新安装了操作系统(windows2003),接着安装了McAfee杀毒软件,但是奇怪的是Mcafee的McAfee McShield服务一直无法启动,一直处于暂停状态。后来在网上查了一番,终于找到解决办法。首先启动组件服务管理界面,然后点击组件服务-计算机-我的电脑-DCOM配置,然后找到 Okay, I have followed the instructions. Description : "McCSPServiceHost. As well as user ratings, user reviews. キーボードの[Windows]キー+[R]キーを O McCSPServiceHost. The main process name is McAfee Management Service and the process is McAfee Service My laptop CPU usage is being used to the max, thanks to a process from McAfee Management Service Host. Ok, i will get rid of mcafee but there are other processes that are also making the performance/usage poor. McAfee Service Host とは何ですか? 先日から、これがかなりのマシンパワーを食い始めています。 一体なにをしているソフトなのでしょうか? ちょっと前までこんな大処理はなかったことです。 ちなみに、McAfeeといえば、ウチはインターネットはBBIQと契約して McAfee CSP Service Host ist Teil der Software McAfee Cloud Services Platform. com) Omschrijving: "McCSPServiceHost. Det er mest almindeligt anvendt i McAfee Cloud Services Platform udviklet af McAfee, Inc. 説明: "McCSPServiceHost. This entry is classified as legitimate. exe befindet sich in einem Unterverzeichnis von "C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien". exe" maakt deel uit van McAfee Cloud Services Platform, een software ontwikkeld door McAfee. exe program file. exe - SafeConnectService - McAfee Safe Connect Service (McAfee Safe Connect Service) C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\CSP\5. exe" process may be listed as: McCSPServiceHost. WindowexeAllkiller is able to easily remove all Startup, Browser Helper Object, Toolbar, Service, Task Scheduler, Chrome Extension, malware, trojan, ad-popup and so on. exe" является частью McAfee Cloud Services Platform, программного обеспечения, разработанного компанией Informações sobre o arquivo McCSPServiceHost. com/revo-uninstalle If your McAfee software interferes with downloading another software on your Windows PC, try turning off Real-time Scanning in your McAfee app. It uses the EXE file extension and is considered a Win64 EXE (Executable application) file. So McAfee has a protection engine which prevent editing of registry, deleting of files and stopping of services. Wykorzystuje rozszerzenie EXE i jest uważany za plik Win64 EXE (Aplikacja wykonywalna). jqhkkhmmecikrddupvctncpqtvxnacshztoqdvyaezdotpfbgoffrszukqiadthybbkvjgstxdn