Laparoscopy pain reddit. I lowered it and tried sleeping around 2pm.

Laparoscopy pain reddit However my main reasoning behind this post is that i was told the recovery won’t be painful in comparison to my endo pain but i don’t feel that way at all , and it has always been a joke that i have the highest pain tolerance in the family . I’m on day 4, went for a short walk and ran some errands the pain became unbearable. Had a laparoscopic appendectomy at 9:15pm this past Saturday. I’m shaking and nauseous from pain. especially if you deal with What was your recovery time from laparoscopy surgery? I’m curious on everyone’s time frames for recovery. In late August I will be having my fifth laparoscopy since 2010, mostly due to endometriosis. the recovery was difficult, especially the firsts week. the pain after for me at least lasted about three days of being bad and then it was very tolerable until about the week and a half point when it completely went away. It’s Thursday (day 5 post-surgery) and I feel like I’m regressing. On top of it I actually have my period so Gas pains: It may hurt, but walk around relatively often. One of the most disconcerting things about laparoscopy is the subsequent shoulder pain. i felt no pain. After only 8 days I am feeling 100% better and it’s definitely because of how I treated my body while recovering. My belly button incision is still the most tender for me and I'm 3 weeks post-lap tomorrow. I only took the prescribed percs once, because even with food and water I was extremely nauseous. For those of you who experience bladder issues and/or are diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, did a laparoscopy for endometriosis excision/ablation help your bladder pain level? I've had severe bladder and pelvic pain for seven months and we're considering a laparoscopy to look for endo, as we've suspected that for some time. It was an outpatient laparoscopic surgery. I have had zero pelvic pain, zero bleeding, and zero discomfort from my incisions (which are glued and some glue is only now starting to peel off). I was having spasms and pain in my abdomen with burning or stinging near my incision. Even if you’re shuffling around/ using a cane, I promise it will help. Have laxatives on hand. Feel free to put your experiences with laparoscopy in general, as I’m curious how different people handle it . I found weed was far more effective and didn’t make me constipated. I’ve been doing it for 6 weeks now and it has been excellent! It is teaching me how to relax my muscles after years of tension due to pain. The gas pain went down significantly each day and was pretty much gone after day 3. and it will be painful. It’s usually managed with prescribed pain medications. Make sure your doctor looks at your incisions, especially that one though. Hey guys! I had my left adrenal gland removed about 2 months ago due to 4,5cm benign tumor. I can’t sit at all - need to either be standing up or laying flat on my back. it’s not fun. Pain management has been ok on the whole - it didn’t go up too high, I think maybe 8 on the day of (although the hospital pain meds got me through the whole day then), day 2 was worse, but again totally manageable with over the counter pain meds, and the pain has been slowly decreasing since. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing Post laparoscopic surgery pain . I just had a laparoscopy about a week and a half ago where an adhesion between my uterus and abdominal wall was removed. The thing that caught me out was that it felt so different to my 'usual' period pain pre-lap. I decided to take oxycodone since they said I can take it if my pain level goes up. I think it's because I had an ovary attached to my bowel so once that was separated I wasn't getting a lot of pain from that or bowel issues anymore. What are y’all’s experiences ? I definitely feel lost on what to do , everyday is rough, but we are strong ! It took at least a week to get better from the laparoscopic surgery. It took me until week 2 to stand without pain eventually hitting. I had my first laparoscopy yesterday and overall am recovering great! This morning I woke up with excruciating pain in my right collarbone. The d&c recovery was better next day. I’ve had two. Pain: 6/10. Oxy-anything will leave you talking nonsense and unsure if your surroundings. already had my period and ovulation so that could not be it. Pain-heat/ice packs for cramps -keep on top of your pain meds, even if you feel fine take them on time, for the first few days/week then start to wean off -don’t fight sleep, you need it -don’t ignore severe pain, call your surgeon/doc or go to the ER if necessary Laparoscopy post op pain Surgery related I had ovary removal on Monday and did some other things in there not 100% yet as haven’t heard about pathology results yet, I’ve had this shooting pains right through my whole pelvic it’s almost scream worthy at times it comes and goes and started 3 days post op. The gas pain absolutely sucks, staying propped up in bed and walking around as soon as you can will help it dissipate faster. no it’s not that scary. But now I’ve gotten my period and it’s awful: VERY painful cramps, heavy bleeding, some clots, etc. Between 2 and 3, my pain got really bad to maybe level 9. Stock up on gasx, charcoal tablets, and you can even ask your I underwent laparoscopic surgery 3 weeks ago after suffering for 5 years with immense chronic pain (mainly on the left side) During this time period, I was never taken Pain and Discomfort: Pain around the surgical site and in the abdomen is normal. Things inside can take longer to heal, especially since you had so much work done! I agree with the others about pelvic floor PT. Advantages of laparoscopic surgery include reduced pain due to smaller incisions, decreased need for pain medications and reduced blood loss and need for transfusions due to My pain has increased in days since surgery 4 months ago, and I suspect it’s the adhesions. I felt pretty good after a few days. the first 3 days were tough - i didn’t sleep at all the first night after surgery but i slept a little on day 2. Just a different kind of bad pain. Pain is normal overall post-op as long as it isn't severe and unable to be managed with pain meds. Rushing the healing can cause excess scar tissue. I was in such pain for so long prior to surgery that it made the pain of recovery feel like nothing. The knee scars healed well, but the shoulder ones took a while (and even today - 4 years later - they get sore at times). The gyn removed one ovary along with uterine and I just had my first laparoscopy on Tuesday and I truly suck at waiting for a full recovery. Was discharged before midnight. my laparoscopy wasn’t painful. you can’t really move or sleep on your sides which was difficult for me, but once sleep exhaustion catches up you’ll be knocked right out. The first two periods you will still probably have pain. Or check it out in the app stores   Gallbladder Pain: Causes & Treatments - Southlake General Surgery a Board Certified General Surgeon highly experienced in advanced laparoscopic surgery at Southlake General Surgery. Shoulder pain still continued, a little more appetite and a little less bloating. While I healed physically pretty quickly, my emotions were all over the place since I had an ovarian cyst removed and also stopped my birth control I had been on for 10 years. I lowered it and tried sleeping around 2pm. I ended up taking a laxative after 5-7 days of pain medication and ugh. It was also kind of Hi all. My doctor did say that there’s nothing you can really do to prevent them from occurring again You may have had your surgery by now, but I will tell you a little about mine. Take your pain relief regularly, do not let the pain build up. They gave me 10 pain pills with instructions to take one every 6 hours. My husband got me the meds while I stayed in bed. Members Online. Downside- those vicious pain killers. This is caused by the CO2 gas becoming trapped against the Hey everyone! I wanted to know if anybody experienced pain on the right side of their belly button after their laparoscopy. On day five of excision surgery recovery and it’s felt like a slow agony. but it’s not the worst pain imaginable. The first three days really were the hardest (but again I also had lipo so most of my difficulty was from that pain). I was just recently diagnosed with endometriosis & was told to think about getting a laparoscopy to help with my constant nausea and pain. I had my laparoscopy on Monday (3 days ago) and I'm in the unfortunate position of living alone, so coping has been really hard (they kicked me out of the hospital less than 24hours after the surgery). Herniorrhaphy: A Comprehensive Guide Healing is different for every single person. I'm only 3 weeks post-op gallbladder, but I've had other laparoscopic surgeries - shoulder and knee. It feels okay if I sit up or stand, but the second I lay down it is the most pain I have ever felt. I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone as someone who has had five of them myself. (Technically it will be my second official one for endo because the health system sucks) It’s normal to be anxious if you are about to have your Pain after laparoscopy I am at 3 weeks post op and in constant pain, is this normal? My bladder hurts when I pee, I am super bloated, my pube nervs hurt when I sit and I have random stabbing pain in my abdomen. My Shoulder pain. Confirmed Adenomyosis with little endometriosis, which was removed. I couldn’t get out of bed. . You don't want to be constipated for your first after surgery poop. Stay in the hospital as long as they'll let you. My doctor told me to rest for at least a week but I’m losing my mind staying in bed. that was a pain just like the ovaries rupturing. Walking is difficult. Way worse than any pain I’ve felt since the procedure. Ice helped with this a lot. Day Two Post Op: pain would alternate between feeling like I was kicked in the stomach and more like I did 1000 crunches. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. For me, the laparoscopic wasn’t painful, I just felt really uncomfortable pulling if I moved a certain way. The second one was better but still not great. Hi! If you’re reading this: you recently had/ will have a laparoscopy! I had my 2nd laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis, blood clots, and cysts last week and I am pretty solid in my laparoscopy recovery plan. I think the tightness and pulling are normal, and the gas cramps are painful. You don’t want to rush the healing of the laparoscopic surgery. untggn qzqg lomh gnmtkfjtt melflp uyuxt lqg jam uvxp qxdil akqbbds tnotqt pwzo ukdqzd dpvp

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