Laguna electric handbrake problems. - AutoInsider Problems and Fixes .
Laguna electric handbrake problems French Auto Specialists is #1 for RENAULT LAGUNA ELECTRIC HANDBRAKE MECHANISM MODULE CONTROL BOX. Battery did go flat, not sure if thats the cause. RIGHT: 1046 mm. The EPB on Sally the Scenic seized on and had to be released manually. No doubt this will seriously impact the likelihood of you parting with your money for this Renaultand you’d be right to be bashful too – the culprit is with the keyless entry system. Also he says car should start without press any With the ignition on, depress the brake pedal then press switch 1: warning light 2 and warning light } go out. 45. The 4 wheels are locked by the ABS for about 2", giving u time to shift your foot from brake to accelerator pedal. Do you know how to release the parking brake, without starting the engine. but where are fuse box 1 and 2???? Reanult Laguna 3 dci Hatch 2011 model Electronic Parking Brake does not ENGAGE hence no handbrake When i open the driver door it flashes red "APPLY HAND BRAKE" Here are the screen shots of the scans of Renault Laguna 3, please see attached I MANAGED TO GET SOME MORE INFO OF THE PROBLEM DTC517577 DTC516F68 ---- flat battery but electric handbrake wont release - Renault 2010 Laguna Coupe question check your brake fluid level i had same problem on a different car with handbrake light staying on and when i checked brake fluid it was on minimum light went back to normal after topping up fluid in the reservoir check the fluid "DOT" rating before buying done 2x epb on Grand scenics mk. Our warranty is limited liability for "product only" We are not responsible for any damages, labor, or subsequent RENAULT LAGUNA ELECTRIC electronic motor handbrake parking brake repair service - £99. Quickauto24. Jump to Latest 976 views 4 replies only had the car 3 weeks, but one Sunday the auto hand brake just wouldn't release, it was a very hot day, and later in the evening it was ok. Laguna electric handbrake binding. ours2012. The brake button started flashing along wth the red stop on the dash. only for with electric parking brake. Parts SOURCE: renault laguna warning light on dash board i its the same light as the handbrake light check the brake luid level. Used Car Parts Catalog. Tags Scenic 2003-2008 Genuine Electronic Hand brake Cables X2 Repair Kit . Today I had trouble pulling away after parking and had to go forward then backwards to free it off. we have tired to reset it with no luck, it's like the engage/disengage lever is disconnected. Product Description: Electric handbrake. The first two times I took it to a garage where the mechanic restarts the electrics while doing a diagnostic test and the handbrake fault light goes away which is great but its costing me £40 every time. 58 EUR 34. Sponsored. One of the common problems of any car, and in particular Renault Scenic II, Grand Scenic II, Espace IV and Laguna II and III, is a broken handbrake. Tags 2010 electronic handbrake laguna3 model year. Jump to Latest 1. Wheels & tyres. RENAULT LAGUNA III (BT0/1) 2. RENAULT LAGUNA 3 2007-2015. After about 2 years the handbrake starting getting faults, got worse, and eventually stopped working. First, disconnect the car's battery, One of the most serious faults you are likely to experience on your Laguna test drive is the engine cutting out. if you dont want help then why did you post it. 0 0 0 . First, disconnect the car's battery, starting from the negative terminal, and wait 15 minutes before reconnecting it, then try to activate and deactivate the parking brake. I need to tow it to garage. My handbrake works fine and has just passed its mot, but have this CHECK HANDBRAKE, and ELECTRIC HANDBRAKE FAULT message. But here is my real problem, the inner handbrake cable is pulled in tight against the outer cable. Hi, I have a problem with my electric handbrake on my 2015 Avensis estate. Shipping in 48 hours. RENAULT ESPACE IV ELECTRIC HANDBRAKE ELECTRONIC UNIT 2003-2012 quantity. Hello, All Renault scenic 3 handbrake parkbrake fault DF006 rear left hand caliper actuator. Renault Laguna fuse box diagrams change across years, pick the right year of your vehicle: 2006 2005 2004 2003 Doesn't match your car? Buy Online Electric handbrake for RENAULT LAGUNA III (BT0/1) 2. 0 16V Hi-Flex (BT1H). 0 petrol dynamique. lock doors with key card while door is still open 3 put card in slot and press start whilst pulling hand brake and pressing the button in centre of handbrake for about 5 seconds this cleard warning light and Entdecken Sie Renault Laguna Mk2 2005 Electric Handbrake Motor 8200704561 in der großen Auswahl bei eBay. Desejamos a todos os nossos clientes umas Boas Festas! Estaremos encerrados para férias - 24 de How to Release an Electric Handbrake More brake help. Auto handbrake 2007 Citroen C4 i. laguna electronic handbrake problems. In the year that I have had it. Messages: 1 Unread post by steve1975 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:49 pm. 99. Jump to Latest Follow 2K views Wondered if anyone else is still having problems with the Sportage electric handbrake? Our Sportage GT-S Line is a 2018 model. 4K views Follow the hand brake back, you should see the box that the hand brake connects to, look at the left or right of this, should see a cap ,, remove the cap, and you should be able to pull the handbrake Espace Auto handbrake problem. Now if I have it right, applying handbrake increases braking force over the auto, so the cable may A HANDBRAKE CABLE PAIR. I used the emergency release to enable me to reconnect the Hand Brake Cable but the system would not reset. 29 does the main brake unit. When starting the car, putting into gear and pressing the accelerator the electronic handbrake appears to remain on and I have to manually turn off. Tags brake cable electric laguna release reset. breadcrumb. In case you don’t have a problem with microswitches, you can check for: – brake fluid SOURCE: coding a key for a renault laguna. Almost gone Free postage. Free postage. I took it to the dealership. Trabant Hi, I bought my Laguna in 2014 and since then the handbrake fault has come on 3 times. 0 16V (BT05, BT0F, BT0W). Removal is detailed [] I have an Laguna MkII 2006 with an electric hand brake that seems to have no power, all the fuses are ok, at least in the engine bay and fuse box on the side of the dash. Jump to Latest 2. Fitment Location: Underside . I drove the car home yesterday but today I cannot get the handbrake to release. Electric window problem 26/10/07 - This repair only lasted 1 year; I have just repeated it. The box and it’s fittings inside Renault; Scenic, Grand Scenic Laguna and Espace which controls and operates the automatic parking brake General All the units described here are made by Küster for Renault and have a wide range of part numbers of the form 8200****** where the last six digits can be almost anything. Every single order was correct Electric Handbrake Renault Laguna II - 8200498693 , 001237090740. I have the orange 'spanner' I got the car cheap, very cheap, as the auto handbrake wasn't working (the previous owner had to disengaged the handbrake via the emergency handle). Artikel 1 Renault Laguna 2 II Seile el Parkbremse Seilzug Seil Handbremse Cable handbrake Renault Laguna 2 II Seile Problem Solving. 99% sure - caused normally, by wear / age and / or siezed cables - anything over 120K is borrowed time - pulling the release will NOT damage anything - i can get a grand scenic epb off in 15 Hi Guys I am new to this forum and new to Renaults after many years owning Landrovers ,So I brought a 2005 Renult Laguna phase 2 with electric handbrake but it does not work I have searched the forum and also the web but can not find anything that relates to the problem I have,SO I have a warning on the dash saying check the parking brake (In German) FIRST LINE PARKING HAND BRAKE CABLE FOR RENAULT LAGUNA II BG0 1 K4M 710 K4M 714 (Fits: Renault Laguna) Opens in a new window or tab Laguna bandsaw problem. 9dci. Electrical and Hi, i have a Laguna coupe, the handbrake switch light started to stay on, on the switch itself when the handbrake was off, then the light stopped working all together but the handbrake works as it should, this in turn triggered the service spanner and service alert in the box on the dash, didn't really worry me as the handbrake was ok, but it seems i can't reset the In this video (166) I remove the Kuster Electronic Parking Brake Module from a Renault Laguna Mk3 and replace the cables for new ones. On certain designs they can be a problem child because of the actuator, cavity and/or passage layout - with a computer-assisted ABS bleed system, the computer knows the exact volume for each of the wheel circuits in the ABS block - while using the computer-assisted ABS bleeding method, it totally blocks any possible movement of brake fluid to a wheel not Ask the Experts. It could be that dust or crumbs are stuck in the area behind the button or the switch itself is somehow damaged. This is the price stated from my Renault dealer . Helpful 0 ; Not Helpful; Comment; electrical fault on peugeot 406 hdi. Passat Electronic Handbrake Problems #1. 30 today my wife rang saying her 1. Tags electric handbrake laguna. That's it. Hi all. Found on cars built between 2003 and 2009, the electronic handbrake unit has become a common failure at around 80,000 miles. Problem Solving. There Hello all, I have had my stepway for just over 2 years with no problems until recently. When I apply it only the passenger rear wheel locks, the drivers rear wheel does not. Renault Laguna ll 2005 2 Litre 16V 32,000 miles Electronic Handbrake Hello All, Here’s hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Laguna 11 Abs/handbrake Light . The brake could activate unexpectedly while driving. 29 parts in all those orders from abs sensors to electric mirrors. Customer complais is: When you start car and enter gear first or reverse, car should turn off the parking brake but it doesn´t. Had a similer problem aftet changing the battery parking brake service light and P symbol would not go out although handbrake was. 1 2. The parking brake may get stuck on after a breakdown or flat battery. Many thanks. It has worked a treat. . 6 16V (BT04, BT0D, BT0U). 1470 Views 0 Replies 1 Participant Last post by cronauer1965, Feb 6, 2013. electronic handbrake on laguna 2005 initial Electronic Handbrake was stuck on but it freed itself after I tried to - Cars & Trucks question You should (or have a qualified tech) inspect the parking brake system and repair the problem. Availability: 2 in stock. To aid the winding back of the piston I had disconnected the Hand Brake cable. Oh and the dash screen often reverts to a dark display without the water temperature gauge in the top left. Operate handbrake normally. Disconnecting the battery (following the 3 minute rule) and re-connecting cleared the fault for a couple of days but it came back. Tags abs or handbrake laguna light stays traction. I cannot find any emergency release in the boot. Last few days the parking brake has been slightly sticking so when pulling away you could feel it binding then a slight clunk as it released. Brand. EUR 69. Electronics. Some times when you switch off the car the handbrake will not apply automatically, or it won't apply by using the switch either. I have the manual hand brake & HSA. It releases manually no bother. It has had intermittent problems where it would give a parking brake fault, and then when I started moving, it would release and no problem for a couple of days or weeks. The thing is, if I've got it apart I would want to replace the Electronic handbrake fault. Struck me that the twice it occurred i had used the manual not the auto electric brake. The least number of miles we have seen at failure was 35,000, and few seem to pass 120k before needing work. Yes, I don't know how it releases the brake, but on mine the pedal has to hit the carpet before it will work Hi driving along and get check vehicle warning, the electronic brake has complained about the 2 switches on clutch and potentiometer, however on other systems and with multi meter I can find no problems with them. Free international postage. 79/Unit) RENAULT ZOE 2019-2022 ELECTRIC HAND BRAKE CONTROL MODULE 285F23724R (For: Renault) Opens in a new window or tab. 52837 posts Ask the Experts. 2 ( Laguna HAS same epb different mounting casing and slightly different cables but pretty much the same ) the motor inside has died 99. 5DCI engine. This could be wiring problems, a faulty solenoid or motor, or even a software problem. 6K views 1 Problem Solving. It may be worth checking the electrical plug and wires to the ecb. Thank you in advance. This is the most common reason for an electric parking brake to not work correctly. £59. That's all fixed now but since the remap, I have a warning light on now (spanner with a brake symbol and an electric lightening bolt). keo-carparts (208) 100%. Hi everyone, I am having problems with my 2010 Scenic. wildinthecountry. We have tried several places here in the Republic of Ireland but no joy. really easy to do, just pry out the dash illumination control, this exposes the two hex bolts holding the handbrake control in place. I had a problem on my old laguna 2 . After automatic (or manual) pressing of the automatic hand brake it can not be automatically (after clogging the clutch and adding gas). Tags binding electric handbrake laguna. But on an incline I would keep my hand on the hand brake, ready to pull it up if needed. I have a 2013 Renault Laguna. Posted on Jul 16, 2008 This video is showing how to replace rear brake pads and discs with EPB (electric parking brake) in Renault Laguna 3rd generation. Satisfied Customers: 65. Unfortunately the Hand Brake operated and made an awful noise. Steps to diagnose a renault scenic electronic parkbrake fault. My next step was to desolder one wire of the electric motor to power it without burn the relay on the PCB and of course the motor has power consumption but no spin. Renault Laguna II Key Remote Control Programming LAGUNA II INFRA RED RESYNCHRONISING 1. This is the Forum for all your Renault Technical Questions, Problems or Advice. ie for help. Starting problem. working perfect spoke to a ex Renault tech he said you need a Launch connector about 30 quid plus Renault software about 25 quid and it checks everything plus turns off DTCs no problem,worth it if you are keeping the Dear customer, to solve the problem of the electronic parking brake stuck on your 2010 Renault Laguna Coupe, you can try several steps. £300. 0 dCi (BT01, BT08, BT09, BT0E, BT0K, BT12, BT1C, BT1D, 5873958 and enjoy Fast Shipping Warranty Original Used Parts. Jump to Latest 3. I have checked Hi, does anyone know if you can manually reset the electric handbrake warning light. I just had the clutch replaced for £1200. If you have a problem with the handbrake or the electrics and can't release the handbrake you will need to TO PASS THE MOT THE WARNING SIGNS ON THE DASH HAVE TO BE REMOVED. With Full Guarantee. Install back the circuit board on the handbrake button 7. Electric handbrake. A very simpl Windshield Wipers; Electric Parking Brake. Vehicle Fitment: Renault Espace. These are very expensive to fix and o Hi, My Laguna coupe electonic handbrake is stuck on and has a fault up. Brakes/Hubs. Laguna MK3 Handbrake issue. RENAULT LAGUNA 3 /MK3 /. I had the rear brake pads changed on Saturday. Language. Compre com segurança e confiança com a TechnicZentrum. 2D 1977 MGB roadster. Electrical and Electronic - Electric handbrake. Join me on the job unseizing t First remove your handbrake control. View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries View Articles Engine idling Join Date Electric Handbrake problem? – 28-05-2013, 09:45 PM. The car is stuck in parking brake. I've seen the most lovely Renault laguna initiale on a 10 plate. Brake hoses to heater plugs. These Renaults I have a technical problem. Tags handbrake issue laguna mk3. The upshot was Breakdown Truck to dealer and a replacement mechanism costing over £600!!. To manually activate the electronic parking brake, (when stopping at a red Push in and hold centre button on handbrake handle Pull outer handle (basically you are manually releasing handbrake) Hold for 5-10 seconds. Re: Electric Handbrake problem? #9. There are no warning lights or messages to say there is a fault. This Here is a demonstration of how the emergency cable release works on a Renault Laguna 3 with the Electronic Parking Brake module. The mechanic tried the car and Problem Solving. Ask the Experts. Handbrake Cable fits RENAULT LAGUNA Mk1 2. 3K views how do i reset this cable as the brakes are now free but handbrake wont engage because this release cable has been pulled . The problems I have started having is: a) When I pulled up at the roadside and applied the electronic brake. + VAT - Labour saving technique which increases their profit margin. If the car battery dies or is only producing a minimal amount of voltage, you may not be able to disengage the brake. Check out our products here. 2 x New handbrake cable (Left+Right). 79 per Unit (EUR 34. Brakes/Hubs reset electric brake cable release laguna. Messages: 3 • Page 1 of 1. 5 dci 2010 Laguna wouldn't budge. One of the common problems of any car, and in particular Renault Scenic II, Grand Scenic II, Espace IV and Laguna II Hi, I have in my workshop a Laguna III 2. Testing them is a little technical but with a multimeter you can do it. C. 4T. - AutoInsider Problems and Fixes Electronic handbrake 2007 Renault Laguna 1. Bitte Einzelheiten im Warenkorb ansehen. The symptom is that whilst the brake still works, it no longer auto releases when u drive off. My friend has a renault laguna with a electrical handbrake and it is stuck on, is there any way you can bypass it? Thanks. Call Now: 01642 453104. 1K views 0 item 1 8200704561 Renault Laguna Electric Handbrake Parking Brake 8200704561 Renault Laguna Electric Handbrake Parking Brake. It shows a fault code relating to pbc (parking brake control). Laguna Electric Handbrake. 00. 2020 Vauxhall Grandland X 1. 86 postage. deano1970 Posts: 413 Joined: Mon May 2023 8:25 am. More and more vehicles are being fitted with electric/automatic handbrakes. 99 + £83. Experience: owner at point zero. 0 16V is seized, how can it be replaced and where is the Buy Online Electric handbrake for RENAULT LAGUNA III (BT0/1) 8111282 and enjoy Fast Shipping Warranty Original Used Parts. (COMPLETE GUIDE) !With th Dirty parking brake button If the button doesn’t light up and your emergency brake doesn’t engage when you press it, the button itself is likely the problem. I have Renault Laguna III 2. Does it have the foot brake that cuts power to the motor? It may be stuck down. Join the Simp Parking brake cable type:Renault Grand Scenic II. Posted on Jan 16, 2014. The item “RENAULT ELECTRIC TO MANUAL HANDBRAKE CONVERSIONS for Grand Scenic/Scenic/Laguna” is in sale since Sunday, Buy Online Electric handbrake for RENAULT LAGUNA III (BT0/1) 1. Ref. If the cable of the electronic handbrake on a Renault Laguna 2. Renault laguna 3 handbrake agony. DTC 516F68 (emergency release parking brake unlocked by emergency handle) Started disassembly the EPB module, and open it. Eletronic handbrake update Hi all There are no alternative aftermarket brake cables available for this model of Grand Espace -- the model with the electronic handbrake ,Replacement parts can only be sourced from Renault and you have to replace the entire system at a cost of £378 +vat +labour = over £500. traction Light Stays On. Press the central door locking button for more than 5 seconds. The only way to be sure if the motor or some other component is at fault is to have a scan done with a Renault scan tool. Last night driving home from work when the hill assist electric handbrake was automatically activated when I pulled away there was a 'grinding' type noise for 3 or 4 seconds which sounded like the handbrake was sticking on until the car gathered momentum. EUR 358. 7K views I've decided that it's the electric handbrake unit that's needing looked at so I'm going to follow Cardinal Sin's post at the top. Jump to Latest If the electrical connections check OK the next possibility is the motors capacitor(s) could be bad. EUR 23. I'd like to know if there is a way of de-energising them to try and I'm getting DF068 invalid multiplex codes from UPC in glove box to Electronic Hand Brake module. 2litre nav elite Electric brake - AutoInsider Problems and Fixes And what I was wondering are they going to tell me that the handbrake system only works manually when it's an electric brake? Thanks Posted Mar 13, 2024 (1 year ago) Handbrake wont release 2005 Renault Laguna 2. Buy it now. Professional Electronic Parking Brake Repair Service Save £££ on the cost of a new parking brake module, plus vehicle coding by having your module repaired by us, no fuss and no problem with refitting. Brakes/Hubs Problem Solving. Pre-owned | Business. ELECTRONIC HANDBRAKE CABLESx 2 pcs. 0 150DCi Initiale, 2015 Renault Kadjar Rob investigates this 2008 Renault Scenic II with the 1. I clear the error cod This video is a quick tip, a "fast" possible solution to your electronic parking brake fail on a renault megane mk3. 86. Find the answer to this and other Car questions on JustAnswer Renault Laguna MK3 2007-2012 Battery Electrical Control Module PRT01500 Renault Laguna will not start a local garage said it was the card reader I bought another one but still have the same problem Problem Solving. Product Identifiers. My mechanic thinks it maybe the handbrake motor as the handbrake was sticking on prior to I have a handsfree laguna initiale. Turn the Ignition OFF. It will work on a mild slope also. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten. I thought about RENAULT LAGUNA 3 MKE ELECTRONIC HANDBRAKE CABLES x 2 pcs BOTH LEFT & RIGHT MAKE / MODEL RENAULT LAGUNA 3 /MK3/ 2007-2015 CABLE LENGHT: 2021 MG ZS 1000 automatic Electric handbrake not always working. To release hand brake press starter twice with foot on clutch or brake fairly quickly in This should resolve your problem. View all Renault Laguna Problems. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. If you have an electric parking brake problem on a Honda Accord or on any vehicle and want to know how to release the brake manually, watch this video. Most cars now come with an electric parking brake fitted as standard and have become complicated and expensive to repair we are experts in everything parking brake related and can fix Electric Handbrake Module Cable Replacement. davmal735. So about 4. Note: the door should lock then unlock. Laguna. I have recently had the brake pads, disks and calibers changed on the back of my 2005 laguna . Hi, got a question hope you can't help. 0DCI with problem in parking brake. The auto parking brake still worked however. Really nice inside and out. I'm getting DF068 invalid multiplex codes from UPC in glove box to Electronic Hand Brake module. 363210001R Most problems I experienced there resolved themselves after it got dried out with the exception of the high level brake light short circuit. Laguna3 2010 model year - electronic handbrake. 6 picasso. I am getting a parking brake fault and when I start the car the handbrake does not release so I cannot move the car. Press start button to switch off and key card out. Regards Fraser 2008 Renault Laguna Tourer 2. 0 16V is seized, how can it be replaced and where is the part available? This cable is not generally sold as a separate unit. Question - Hello, the electronic handbrake of my renault laguna is not - . Tags Await replies with interest, as I was going to ask the same question ref a 07 Laguna 2 sticking handbrake. I thought others may be interested to know that it does appear to be possible to fix Laguna electric window mechanisms which have suffered a snapped cable. I have had the diagnostic computer put on it but won't solve the problem. Noise. Laguna II - Electric Window Problems - Regulator Repairs - Initally the cable which drives the system snaps or frays due to corrosion of the cable itself. There is no alarm or warning on the display, just a message saying to check that the handbrake is applied. Feel free to buy me a coffeehttps://www. This problem could cause intermittent or DTC 50C649 (computer internal electrical fault) 2. Renault Laguna III MK3 Electric Brake Cable Right Side. Brakes/Hubs hi can you help please I have a Laguna mk2, 2005,dci with electronic hand brake dreaded thing, need to change brake pads on the rear, how's this done so hand brake doses not adjust till job is done many thanks in advance:cool:. Hi, I have a problem with my handbrake. The electric handbrake want release and ther is no 2005 Renault Laguna II; Electric hand brake Share on Facebook Electric hand brake stuck on,emergency release does not work need to move car for repair. Install all teh parts back and then install the handbrake button back on the dash. eBay; Motors; RENAULT LAGUNA 3 2007-2015 Electric Handbrake Parking Cable LEFT & RIGHT x 2 pcs (Fits: Renault Laguna) £ Buy online Electric Handbrake Module RENAULT LAGUNA 8200292295 . 3. We have 11 problems and solutions in our database for this model year of the car. The electric handbrake is causing problems. The electronic handbrake has decided not to auto release anymore. We have 33 problems and solutions in our database for this model year of the Hi I do have a Renault Laguna version 2 last week i got a faulty handbrake warning and the car since than will not even start anymore inserting the card into the ignition slot sometime makes the syste read more A video on an unexpected but very common failure today. item 2 Parking Brake New Original 8200704561 Renault Parking Brake New Original 8200704561 Renault. 5 dCi (BT00, BT0A, BT0T, BT1J) 5718222 and enjoy Fast Shipping Warranty Original Used Parts. ( think bicycle brake cable btw ) Question :- What do I do now Renault Answer :- Replace Complete Window Regulator Unit please sir that'll be £ . About this product. 2D Rear 93 to 97 Hand Brake Parking QH (For: Renault Laguna) Renault Laguna III 2007-15 hand brake cables kit LEFT and RIGHT 360109753R. I have a 2011 Vauxhall Astra 1. Parts Catalog. MAKE / 8200704561 Renault Laguna Electric Handbrake Parking Brake (For: Renault Laguna) Opens in a new window or tab. Brakes/Hubs Release Laguna electric handbrake without starting engine you explain is it an electric parking brake ,or have you an automatic and its stuck in park ,,,reason i ask didnt know laguna had electric parking brake thought it was manual . I had intended to convert to a manual handbrake, but thought it was Dear customer, to solve the problem of the electronic parking brake stuck on your 2010 Renault Laguna Coupe, you can try several steps. I think that's another interior strip out to detect as no visible chafing near the moving parts. CABLE LENGHT LEFT: 936 mm. Brand new | Business. The cables are intact and both brakes activated. When boot release is pulled, it disconnects the cables inside the parking brake unit. Failing that can the latest Snap on scanner do it. The handbrake is automatic and the cable has snapped. Jump to Latest Follow 563 views 0 Hello, I have a 2011 Laguna Mk 3 Facelift. Home. They are self adjusting, so depending on type of EPB fitted it can be one on many problems - if a shared EPB (bolted to chassis) with handbrake cables, either a seized cable(s) and / or Hand brake cable lever spindles on the caliper are also know to seize up - will need inspection / clean and or repair. The most common cause is the combustion of the handbrake electric motor. There is no red light to indicate power. Skip to content. If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on hello@boards. try jacking up a front wheel with the ignition on then spin the wheel Hi, does anyone know if you can manually reset the electric handbrake warning light. INSIDE THE HANDBRAKE IT MUST NOT IN THE POSITION JUST CHECK THIS OR LUBE THE HANDBRAKE PART WITH SPRAY IF THERE IS PROBLEM IN THE Renault Laguna III MK3 Electric Brake Cables Both Side. buymeacoffee. Failure time depends on journey type and frequency of application. I have a problem with the electronic parking brake - the car is a 2005 Laguna 2 estate. Brakes/Hubs Hi I have a handbrake fault with my car and read a lot about they have emergency pully in the car but mine snaaped now I still get the fault but a clicking in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. It is showing a handbrake fault and can not put my electronic hand brake on and off. cronauer1965 (electric) release unit , and fuse F2. It does release if u hold the switch down. I have noticed that when working on the front brakes or hubs that if I spin the front disk the hand brake releases. When I go to apply the handbrake (lifting up the handbrake lever) the red light on the lever switch flashes and the handbrake doesn't engage. Brief stop. Hello, here is a guided diagnostic for the DTC516F68: STEP 1 - PRIORITY IN PROCESSING IN CASE OF ACCUMULATION OF DTC Prioritize the treatment of the following faults, if they are present or stored: DTC 50C549 DTC F00316 DTC F00317 DTC F0031C DTC 517577 Check DTCs for: PARKING BRAKE Among A couple of weeks ago I started getting "Handbrake failure" warning with a flashing red handbrake light and an amber handbrake warning lamp. Final word: The electronic parking EPB Specialists (search us on google). com . or Best Offer. View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries View Articles Stalled Join Date Oct 2006 Posts 4 Post Thanks / Like Mentioned 0 Post(s) Tagged 0 Thread(s) Quoted 0 Post(s) Passat Electronic Handbrake Problems – 07-10-2006, 06:13 PM. Going at a great price as the electronic handbrake is item 1 RENAULT LAGUNA 2 MK2 2001-2007 Electric Handbrake Parking Cable Set LEFT + RIGHT RENAULT LAGUNA 2 MK2 2001-2007 Electric Handbrake Parking Cable Set LEFT + RIGHT. Philip Wessels. FOR MODELS WITH ELECTRIC HANDBRAKE. If the problem remains, the handbrake motor is probably faulty and, if so, will have to be replaced. Lots of videos on internet how to. Laguna 2 handbrake **Fixed** Tags Wondered if anybody has had this problem and is it main dealer only that will have equipment to boot it up? Save Share Reply Quote Like. put the car in neutral and see if the front wheels spin by hand if so the e-brake is the problem try rocking the brake handle a few times if that dont do it put the car back down find 1996 Laguna 2. HSA works in conjunction w/ the ABS. luckily it was on my driveway and not in the middle of the road!! More problems with the 2005 model year Renault Laguna. com/viewfromthecabHow to reset the Electronic Parking Brake on your Renault Grand Scenic 3. Epb would work / not work when it felt like it. Warning lights on the dashboard could signal a problem with the electronic parking brake. Hold the foot brake pedal and allow the electric handbrake to engage (automatic systems) or press the electric handbrake button (manual systems). a new reverse gear Laguna II handbrake problem. FOR SALE! You are purchasing a repair service for your Renault laguna, Repair, recondition 313217358095 i had the parking brake light come up on mine last week and it didnt work at all so no parking on hills for me for 2 days,was told 1. Category: Renault. Brian . sit in car and open drivers door 2. 0 dci 150HP. Reanult Laguna 3 dci Hatch 2011 model Electronic Parking Brake does not ENGAGE hence no handbrake ---RESOLVED SEE BELOW ===== Can anyone please advise, today my Renault Laguna 3 dci 2011 hatch keeps showing "CHECK PARKING BRAKE" and the brakes will not engage at all, have to leave it in gear and put bricks under the wheels. This is the 2nd Laguna I have had the first being a mk2. I have checked stripped and cleaned connections on UPC and electronic It is quite common for the electric handbrake to have problems causing the electric handbrake to fail. Add to cart. I thought it might have been the cable so Problem Solving. Opens in a new window or tab. It dose not matter if the car is going forwards or backwards. When this happens 15 seconds is allowed and the immobiliser warning light Reanult Laguna 3 dci Hatch 2011 model Electronic Parking Brake does not ENGAGE hence no handbrake = Can anyone please advise, today my Renault Laguna 3 dci 2011 hatch keeps showing "CHECK PARKING BRAKE" and the brakes will not engage at all, have to leave it in gear and put bricks under the wheels. It has the common Parking Brake Fault warning screaming on the dashboard. The electric parking brake needs power to run. Once stopped the handbrake did not deploy just the handbrake warning light flashed no normal "drill" noise. But even in these cars, individual parts and entire assemblies fail. RENAULT LAGUNA ELECTRIC HANDBRAKE MECHANISM MODULE CONTROL BOX mk2 laguna electric handbrake hi have a 2005 laguna dynamique hatchback 1998cc which needs electric hand brake replaced - need to see if feasible to buy second hand one and fit myself - does it need programmed to my car and what costs would I expect to face as these cars don't hold their value. Instead of a gentle pull up on the switch it took a bit more pressure to engage, and then more etc. FITTING POSITIONLEFT & RIGHT. Read our Articles. Next time will buy kit mentioned in other posts for permanent fix. The main and My 2003 53 Espace has a fault with the Electric Handbrake we were driving along normally and the warning triangle light, service and the handbrake lamp started to flash. £873. Condition: New. Remove handbrake removing the plug out the Both key cards for my 05 Laguna seem to be out of working order. from United Kingdom. Handbrake does not come on automatically 6. It is an intermittent fault. Buy Renault Laguna Brake Cables and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items There seems to be a problem completing the request at present. Laguna II Owner Answer :- Look to see which parts commonly fail and solve the problem. Renault Laguna II, Laguna IIIRenault Espace IVRenault Vel SatisFord C-Max Ghia You can buy it the following Page 3. RENAULT LAGUNA III (BT0/1) 1. 2. ikdcevhtugteveunnloplqygirlzyzpvzysfbxsxwodpwpyrjjtxjkrmrewparmwuogajanjc