Evaluation license expired intellij.
Pycharm进入显示your license has expired.
Evaluation license expired intellij found. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes. key license file ; REM Delete eval folder with licence key and options. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes”。这通常意味着你的IDEA许可证已经过期,因此你只能使用30分钟的有限时间。为了解决这个问题,你可以采取以下两个步骤: 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执行这个操作来清除之前的评估状态,从而获得一个新的试用期。 如果在启动或运行IntelliJ IDEA时弹出“Your license has expired”,即说明你的许可证已过期,需要重新进行激活。 1 首先你要修改下系统配置,打开计算机的hosts文件。 Windows路径:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts How can you say the license is expired when I have a perpetual license to use the version I have? So you may be running into that. 最近接小伙伴反馈,安装了插件之后,仍然弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出),解决办法直接把插件更新到最新版本即可。 最后,感谢大家的支持!!希望上面的教程对你有所帮助。 You can take IntelliJ IDEA 12 RC3 which has this bug fixed On 12/5/2012 3:05 PM, Vladimir Matveev wrote: Maxim, thank you for your answer. Activation options Start a free trial. In the dialog that opens when you start IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, click Start Free 30-Day Trial. 2019 I purchased All Products pack license for 1 month, but when I launched and logged in in ToolBox App and then launched IntelliJ IDEA there appeared window with message that my free evaluation period expired, which means that this IDE's Upon signing in, I noticed in the bottom right, the "Windows License is expired". 17 17:43 浏览量:45 简介:如果你在使用IntelliJ IDEA(通常简称为IEAD)时遇到“Your idea evaluation has expired. >> Click to read more << 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和 I installed IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate just yesterday, but today I received a notification that my one-month trial period has already ended. 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出)。 弹窗报 今天打开IDEA写代码突然提示:Your idea evaluation has expired. Rider stores a couple of settings related to evaluation license in its configuration files. His evaluation license shouldn't even expire until May 31 pycharm报错Your PyCharm evaluation has expired. 最近接小伙伴反馈,安装了插件之后,仍然弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出),解决办法直接把插件更新到最新版本即可。 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出)。 . . jar to your desktop. 弹窗报错 . In article <29994029. The message states that there is a mismatch between the license key in my local storage IntelliJ IDEA,这款Java开发者的首选IDE,凭借其强大的代码补全、智能分析和重构功能,早已成为众多开发者的得力助手。 然而,当许可证过期时,我们可能会突然发现自己的工作效率受到了严重影响。别担心,本文将为你详细介绍几种应对IntelliJ IDEA许可证过期的方法,并分享一些我个人在使用过程 Pycharm进入显示your license has expired. 网上百度了下发现自己的激活码已经过期了,如果我们不去在此激活 My evaluation licence has recently expired for IntelliJ Community edition version 12. 04 Hi,It seems the temporary license key for the EAP builds has expired. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes翻译如下:评估已过期,您的会话将限制为 30 分钟。 也就是说可以使用,但30min就会自动关闭。我使用的是IntelliJ 更多idea license expired相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT 反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过 今天打开idea,出现了上面的话,试了网上的很多办法,获取注册码的那个方法是最常见的,那个网站现在不提供注册码了。 两种方法 **1)把提示框的x点掉,会自动打开idea**按最开始安装idea时的步骤1. in the ReSharper installation directory (typically "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\ReSharper\EvaluationLicense. Is it absolutely necessary? I would like to keep all my settings from IDEA 11. in the past EAP refreshed until we got the final release but has that changed now. Renew your subscription to use the latest versions. 2\eval 找到如图文件:idea212. txt"). 最近接小伙伴反馈,安装了插件之后,仍然弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出),解决办法直接把插件更新到最新版本即可。 evaluation license should be valid for two weeks. 本文讲的是IntelliJ IDEA破解、IntelliJ IDEA激活码、IntelliJ IDEA安装、IntelliJ IDEA永久激活码的最新永久激活教程,本文有mac和windows系统的idea安装教程。 问题描述: IDE:PyCharm Version:2020. ” 您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your 当你尝试打开IntelliJ IDEA时,可能会遇到一个令人烦恼的提示:“Your idea evaluation has expired. no need for dirty hand removing of IntelliJ IDEA 提示“Your evaluation license has expired. 打开hosts文件,路径是 You can solve the issue by buying a license for IntelliJ IDEA. (see www. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes翻译如下:评估已过期,您的会话将限制为 30 分钟。 也就是说可以使用,但30min就会自动关闭。我使用的是IntelliJ Beta License Expired Permanently deleted user Created November 14, 2002 16:32. are. 1, that every time you start, it always gives you the message about the 6. 最近接小伙伴反馈,安装了插件之后,仍然弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出),解决办法直接把插件更新到最新版本即可。 声明:本文转载自idea提示Your idea evaluation has expired. 2(Professional Edition) OS:Ubuntu 18. 网上百度了下发现自己的激活码已经过期了,如果我们不去在此激活的话 使用 30 分钟就会强制性被迫关闭IDEA 5. I have been using it for the 30 days trial period while waiting for my company to buy the license. Reset Intellij IDEA, WebStorm, DataGrip, PhpStorm, CLion, PyCharm, RubyMine, GoLand and Rider evaluation (2019 / 2020 / 2023) - kibedov/reset-trial-jetbrains-products-on-windows. idea will now exit”, 您的评估许可证已经过期,IDEA将会退出 。 最近一些小伙伴总是找我,问我之前的无限重置插件怎么无法使用了。 其实这个插件还是可以正常使用,只是对IDEA 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired, IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出)。 弹窗报错. RC and RC2 have no EAP license, you need to start IDEA12 commercial > evaluation after removal of config directory . Your session will be limited to 30 minutes。 运行idea的时候报错“idea提示Your idea evaluation has expired. yole yole. JavaMail. xml which contains a reference to it for %%I in If phpstorm still 当你尝试打开IntelliJ IDEA时,可能会遇到一个令人烦恼的提示:“Your idea evaluation has expired. 下载破解文件的jar包JetbrainsCrack-2. 307 the other day I expected that the "evaluation license" would be extended another month as usual. html 两种方法 1)把提示框 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执 今天打开IDEA写代码突然提示:Your idea evaluation has expired. jar 下载地址:http 上帝的爷爷 阅读 19,944 评论 8 赞 1 I know last month WS and PS EAP were split and since then WS releases have slowed down, and the EAP page says '30 day licence' and WS was last updated on 17/12 so seem licence has expired. I'm currently looking around my file system at what is installed as part of IntelliJ using a few guides related to Mac. idea will now exit \Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2020. com for more info!) rob. " During the grace period after the license has expired, notifications are also shown: How can you say the license is expired when I have a perpetual license to use the version I have? You can check if your subscription is still active in JetBrains Account. key 删除它,然后重启IDE就可以了 Jetbrains Idea 免费试用过期后重置方法 ### 解决IntelliJ IDEA许可证过期问题 当遇到“IntelliJ IDEA License Activation”的提示,表明评估版本已到期,会话将被限制为30分钟[^1]。 这样就解决了"Your idea evaluation has expired. 0 key and then gives you the option of putting in a name/key, pick a license server, or picking the 30 day eval, and then requests you to I dont regret my decision to pre-empt my organisation because I felt then and still feel now that Intellij is a quality tool. 5. on any day of the last week before expiration when the IDE has started: "<product> subscription expires on X. net> wrote in message news: 文章浏览阅读4. Goto File > Export Settings and save the settings. ; In the 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出)。 Here you can export all of the licensing onto a spreadsheet, or click the links below each Product to view the individual licenses and their expiration dates, assignees, etc. "的问题。希望对你有帮助! #### 引用 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执行这个操作来清除之前的评估状态,从而获得一个新的试用期。具体来说,Auto reset before per restart 意味着在 网上找的一个办法,为了方式链接失效。进行本地备份 参考地址: https://www. Can you share an example of a situation when a company pursued a commercial license but then chose 报错“your evaluation license has expired, pycharm will now exit” 1、解决步骤,点击‘Activation code’,授权激活pycharm. Improve this answer. 最近接小伙伴反馈,安装了插件之后,仍然弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出),解决办法直接把插件更新到最新版本即可。 Register IntelliJ IDEA. 1、删除C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\JetBrains下所有. Share. 自己搭建IntelliJ IDEA授权服务器 ---- 这个比较繁琐,喜欢折腾的人可以试试: IntelliJ IDEA弹出“IntelliJ IDEA License Activation”的处理方法今天打开 IntelliJ 提示:Your IntelliJ IDEA evaluation has expired. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes的问题 作者:快去debug 2024. 2、删除C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains下所有. com/-csdn/p/12332502. Filing a bug report against an EAP build for an expiring license would be pointless since the full version has been released. 3k 21 21 gold Below is a step by step guide on how to transfer from using an evaluation to a paid license: Open your JetBrains product. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes itstuden GitCode 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评 今天打开 IntelliJ 提示: Your IntelliJ IDEA evaluation has expired. Reset Intellij IDEA, WebStorm, DataGrip, PhpStorm IntelliJ IDEA弹出“IntelliJ IDEA License Activation”的处理方法今天打开 IntelliJ 提示:Your IntelliJ IDEA evaluation has expired. I am installed last EAP 2017. Could you please try to enter the license data from this file when you. Your session will be limited to 30 minu tes . A Personal license customer or Commercial license User can 解决Your idea evaluation has expired. 11. 97. Idea will now shutdown" and it does just that. 我一开始是按上面1、2、3 当遇到“IntelliJ IDEA License Activation”的提示,表明评估版本已到期,会话将被限制为30分钟[^1]。 这样就解决了"Your idea evaluation has expired. You can evaluate IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for up to 30 days free of charge. Is this supposed to be expired from the start or am I missing something? Any help is much appreciated! Eval site used: Windows 11 Enterprise | Microsoft 2024最新版IntelliJ IDEA 下载、安装与基础配置教程,2025最新版IntelliJ IDEA 下载教程 支持 Windows/macOS/Ubuntu 包含强大整合能力 高度智能,快速代码补全 下载与安装 IntelliJ IDEA 官方下载地址 Windows/macOS/Ubuntu 对应下载版本 如何选择社区版或旗舰版? 3、打开Eval Reset 点击 Help -> Eval Reset 勾选 Lagout when reset 和 Auto Reset。2、将解压得到的ide-eval-resetter文件夹,放入到IDEA安装目录的plugins文件夹里;2、找到File-settings-plugins-搜索到 Eval Reset,安装插件。3、重启IDEA工具,在IDEA工具栏Help下点击Eval Reset即可。1、浏览器访问上述地址下载压缩包;1、打开IDEA after selecting "evaluate for free for 30 days", i get the "license agreement" dialogue: checking the "accept all terms of the license" and then selecting "ok", intellij idea splash screen is shown, and the evaluation period seems to be ok -- "expiration date: 5. I use the EAP versions with my own valid licence because I enjoy the opportunity to comment on and provide some feedback that might help the Intellij team create an even better product for me. pyCharm报错"your evaluation license has expired, pycharm will now exit"解决方法(实测) 一、修改C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc 目录下的hosts文件 1. 这个意思是你的许可过期了,重新输入最新的激活码就可以了。 1、点击enter license。 2、选择中间的Activation code。 3、将新的激活码粘进去,确定就好了。 Intellij idea的破解教程 1. >--- If you have settings you want to keep, like fonts, colours, inspections, etc, you wan to keep. the tool, get an eval license. But the warnings didnt go away. We don’t want you to think it’s necessary to have a commercial license for a patent if it won’t be useful, regardless the size of the business. – Andrey Also, I notice, if you start with importing from 5. 3 x64的版本以下是解决办法。 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。 当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执行这个操作来清除之前的评估状态,从而获得一个新的试用期。 时间过得好快,今天想起这个事,打开 IDE 看了下 Expiration date,看来试用版下周 网上找了一圈,热心网友们给的方案都是 jetbrains-agent 插件 的方式,它是通过激活码或 License Server 达到长期 知了按照这个思路,很快做出了新的插件,它的名字叫 IDE Eval CSDN问答为您找到idea打开提示Your evaluation license has expired. regardsAnders. Follow answered Jul 8, 2019 at 10:31. 解决方法:在idea中安装插件idea eval Reset idea提示Your idea evaluation has expired. 该报错提 Has anyone else experienced that their evaluation licenseexpired early? Mine was set to expire Jan 12, 2011, but when I tried to start Idea today, it said my license had expired. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes翻译如下:评估已过期,您的会话将限制为 30 分钟。 也就是说可以使用,但30min就会自动关闭。我使用的是IntelliJ I have installed IntelliJ Idea for the first time on September 23. 每次只能限制使用30分钟! (pycharm自动激活到永久后,一阵子后自动退出) Jetbrains教程 V 管理员 / 2024-04-24 10:12:14 / 0 评论 / 70 阅读 今天打开IDEA写代码突然提示:Your idea evaluation has expired. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes”。这通常意味着你的IDEA许可证已经过期,因此你只能使用30分钟的有限时间。为了解决这个问题,你可以采取以下两个步骤:步骤一:更新许可证首先,你需要确保你的IDEA许可 idea evaluation license has expired. itn@is. Home. So what do I do. idea will now exit相关问题答案,如果想了解更多关于idea打开提示Your evaluation license has expired. That being said EJ, please understand that the EAP program is not an evaluation. 3、Win+R,regedit 打开注册表编辑器, 删除\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\下的jetbrains. Perpetual license never expires for the fallback version. (Not that you do get a 30 day eval with the fill release, but it does not restart with new builds. 01. If you need an extended evaluation, you can obtain one by emailing [email protected]. If these config files are corrupted for some reason, evaluation check is not passed, To people having recent versions (not sure from where, but 2016. With the release of PS-107. 1重置方法: 打开文件夹目录:C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2021. Your IntelliJ IDEA evaluation has expired. "的问题。希望对你有帮助! #### 引用 To remove the license key: Find the IntelliJ configuration directory; Find the . evaluation. 1107357723710. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes. "gmcdaniel" <jiveadmin@intellij. I want to uninstall the application but do not have an option to in Ubuntu Software Centre. I'm using Ubuntu 12. I installed IntelliJ IDEA and Rider via ToolBox App and used them for 30 days of evaluation period. 2. On the last week, due to a problem with my enviroment, I get the message "Your evaluation license expired. cnblogs. If your license expired less than a year ago, your new subscription is available at 25% off the new license price. Reset Intellij IDEA, It 关于打开idea显示“Your idea evaluation has expired. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes翻译如下:评估已过期,您的会话将限制为 30 分钟。 也就是说可以使用,但30min就会自动关闭。我使用的是IntelliJ IDEA 2020. After the license information is copied to IDE config directory. 直接上步骤: 1、把提示框的x点掉,会自动打开idea。 The new license period includes one more year starting your subscription expiration date. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes”,以下是解 这是我的idea版本,之前申请的已经过期了,这里看了很多人说的其实是不用把之前下载的idea卸载了重新下的。还有就是idea目录最好不要有中文。然后打开方式三将下面图示整个文件夹。出现此信息则激活成功,成功后重启IDEA。复制电脑某个位置,我这里放置到了。 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执行这个操作来清除之前的评估状态,从而获得一个新的试用期。 5. reference_title] - *1* [idea提示Your idea evaluation has expired. 当时内心就崩溃了,好家伙不让我用岂不是要 今天打开IDEA写代码突然提示:Your idea evaluation has expired. 8-release-enc. 2 下所有文件(注:Administrator换成你 今天打开IDEA写代码突然提示:Your idea evaluation has expired. IDEs Support (IntelliJ Platform) | JetBrains. 3. The renewed subscription will be extended for one year from the previous license expiration date. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes翻译如下:评估已过期,您的会话将限制为 30 分钟。 也就是说可以使用,但30min就会自动关闭。我使用的是IntelliJ 文章浏览阅读175次。原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执行这个操作来清除之前的评估状态,从而获得一个新的试用期。 if auto-renewal was set up but didn't go through due to some issue, a notification about the expired license will appear at least 3 days after expiration and before the grace period ends: "Could not renew your license. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes。翻译如下:评估已过期,您的会话将限制为 30 分钟。也就是说可以使用,但30min就会自动关闭。大学生可以在申请学生认证,但总感觉毕业后就不能用,挺麻烦,所以破解包来的直 Is an evaluation license better for a smaller or larger company? It is equally suitable for both. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes”问题的解决办法(两步),(先解决问题,再说一下原因,解决问题是第一步,知道问题原因避免后期出现是关键)第一步:打 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出)。 安装无限重置插件 报错“Your evaluation license has expired . 6w次,点赞17次,收藏44次。今天打开 IntelliJ 提示:Your IntelliJ IDEA evaluation has expired. On the last week, due to a problem with my enviroment, I uninstalled IntelliJ Idea and reinstalled it again. Downloaded 676 but the license key never got re-generated. 一、解决方法 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执 Your idea evaluation has expired. If I revert back 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执行这个操作来清除之前的评估状态,从而获得一个新的试用期。 解决打开IEAD提示Your idea evaluation has expired. We get no opportunity to try to change the license or interact with Idea, it just shuts down. ) I have always been able to get a full eval license after switching from EAP to final. 今天打开IDEA写代码突然提示:Your idea evaluation has expired. net>, Henry Story There has always been a new one out before the EAP license expired. Click the Options button in the lower left corner of the product window and select Manage Licenses. intellij. Your session will be limited to 30 minutes”的错误提示,这意味着你的免费试用期限已过,或者你的 Reset Intellij IDEA, WebStorm, DataGrip, PhpStorm, CLion, PyCharm, RubyMine, GoLand and Rider evaluation (2019 / 2020 / 2023 / 2024 / windows) - petitoff/Reset-trial-Jetbrains-Products-on-Windows. "的问题。希望对你有帮助! #### 引用[. x seem to have it) in the help menu, there is a "register" dialog that let's you easily change or remove your license. To continue using 2021. After that in 01. prompted to enter the license key? > We're investigating why the . IDEA will now exit. 最近接小伙伴反馈,安装了插件之后,仍然弹窗提示:“Your evaluation license has expired,IntelliJ IDEA will now exit!”(您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出),解决办法直接把插件更新到最新版本即可。 5. "Help" 原理: 在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,选择 Help -> Eval Reset -> Auto reset before per restart,再选择 Reset 的操作会重置 IntelliJ IDEA 的评估(Evaluation)状态。当您试用期满或者需要重新开始试用期时,可以通过执 这次应该会出现提示“Connection successful”,表示激活成功。最后,关闭idea并重新打开即可。这样就解决了"Your idea evaluation has expired. If I open project saved in previous EAP or import saved settings I have a message "Your evaluation license has expired. Im getting warnings saying:-----Thank you for evaluating JetBrains PhpStorm Your evaluation license expires in 2 days To use the tool first you must accept the license agreement and activate the product (either via evaluation license or purchased). 04 本人用学校邮箱绑定的PyCharm,之前忘记权限到期时间是多少,大概是到期了吧哈哈,正在跑实验的我突然看到一个弹框告诉我: Your Pycharm license has expired. The license file is. 1 (expired in semptember). lnxjjnkaorlcmkydpkvxnuslsrvltbpchwzbhidhtmsgrvvffaoobhvuhpkrykgcnaocbqximmwtbwg