
Descent into avernus player tips. Descent Into Avernus is a big campaign.

Descent into avernus player tips by Mike on 17 August 2020. Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus is an adventure module for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, released on September 17, 2019. . The players On the other hand, if you and your players prefer not to involve evil PCs, then communicate this expectation to your players and explain what will happen if characters' alignments shift into the E end of the spectrum. Descent into Avernus A D&D 5e Campaign - started November 2019 - ended July 2020. If the players have read the Gazetteer, it spoils a lot of opportunity for the DM to inject character into Baldur’s Gate. The descent into avernus remix by "the alexandrian" has some good tips too. Q: What should Dungeon Masters know Adam Lee talks about preparing to run Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. He did, then Zariel killed him in a rage. Tie the character’s backstory to Elturel. It also serves as a tabletop Interquel of sorts between Baldur's Gate II and Baldur's Gate III, set When you get to Elturel and Avernus, remember that devils would be more risk averse in Avernus, as if they die it is perma-death. Need tips for Avernus: corruption, Shield, descent and difficulty [This post is filled with spoilers which I didn't censor/cover/however you want to call it, so beware] I'll be running DiA for a party of 4, who seem to be pretty attached to their characters already. It's no surprise that Dungeons and Dragons takes adventurers all over the planes with every Just note that at least 1 of the players needs to be a strong Tanky type class or else no amount of potions will save them. There are a lot of ways to change up chapter 3 and create your own side quests. I took notes from the overview sections of Ch. com/product/294663/Baldurs-Gate-The-Fall-of-ElturelEventyr Games DIA guide + Avernus-as-a-sandbox: For those brave souls contemplating a campaign set in the hellish wastes of Avernus, steel your mind with these words of advice from a Dungeon Master who has The book has her left behind in Elturel, which is right as Veterans become less of a big deal compared to the players anyway. I've scanned through the book and I'm overwhelmed. I'm using the Alexandrian Remix for most of the campaign, and it's working out well, but plan to primarily use Avernus as a Sandbox for structuring Chapter 3. A: The average playtime of Descent into Avernus can vary, but it is a high-level campaign that can provide many hours of gameplay. Unless you make it one. The whole plane shift to Elturel done by anthropomorphic funny animal mage is too silly for my tastes. should I tell them all the background of elturall and the companion? on baldurs gate- eltural rivalry? what is avernus? it just feels like its a lot of information for session 0 and new players. This article offers tips for running chapter 2 of the D&D hardcover adventure Baldur's Gate: In previous articles I described this tip but will do Candlekeep is so underdeveloped that I would just send the players directly to Traxxigor: he could be the avernus expert, open the puzzlebox and he could have Lulu with him form the last time he was in Avernus. I started everyone at level 3 I was looking at modules and Descent Into Avernus seemed to pique my interest so i started reading through. ways. In my read-through I din't recall the book ever bringing it up, but the map shows important landmarks on both sides of the river. Don't skip it if you can avoid, but check The Alexandrian for better ways to tie everything together. I added stuff to Mahadi's and Fort Knucklebone. Hi, So, I am really considering taking my group of three people into Avernus, so to speak. Descent Into Avernus is a big campaign. This article offers tips and tricks for running Chapters 4 and 5 of Descent into Fortunately, the reaper did fall and finally the boss, though the players were complaining about both thedifficulty and length of the dungeon, nobody complained when I rolled a hoard for them which included about 2 upgrades per player. I consider to have the adventurers/players to start in Elturel - a while before the event - and help with evacuation as well as with refuge to Baldur's Gate, after they got time to bond with a few NPCs. I've read in a lot of places that the book isn't that reliable and all over the place. I used youtube videos like Sly Flourish and Tabletop Bob to get other viewpoints on the campaign. It feels like the module is written with the "true ending" of accomplishing this via redeeming Zariel, which hits both requirements automatically, but I may change this, since I'm still not sure how to help the players make the connection, but, something *like* this, along with giving reasons to go to the other important Zariel-lore locations, will get you stuff you need to know, while also ensuring the players get to experience the rest of Avernus without their adorable hollyphant friend. 30: Arhkan the Generous? | Dnd 5e. by Mike on 1 February 2021. In this episode we look at the story of Heavily tied in with one of the players backstory. 5: The Way Down | Dnd 5e and 260 more episodes by FeatherFall TableTop, free! No signup or install needed. (updated 16. Which are some "lore friendly" ways one could travel to the nine hells at level 5, using their own resources. By Peeziest I had the chance to read through Wizards of the Coast’s latest Dungeons & Dragons latest adventure book, Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus . Here are the 10 Things you need to know before you run Descent Into Avernus. So, I’ll be DMing for the first time in the next 2-3 months and I chose Descent into Avernus to run for 7 people who are mostly experienced with DnD. My party basically tried to hold her off while the player with the sword made a beeline for the Companion to destroy it. Any tips for a first time DM running this particular campaign, also in general? I’ve also got a bunch of spare audible credits if there is a book of the region/time period that could help me flesh out the story (haven’t read any DND content prior but am very open to it!). Consider skippin The Alexandrian Remix advice was really helpful here because it helped set up Avernus more as an open world the players can really explore as opposed to just heading from point A to point Look into Sly Flourish’s tips for descent if you want something more light touch. Dont get stressed when the PC's do somthing that you haven't planned for, that crazyness is part of the fun and leads to lots of laughter! Descent into Avernus likes a structure of the party having a metaphorical devil and an angel on their shoulders to each advocate a different stance on issues. I have 2 players getting ready to start Avernus. From that point, it can go two ways: Players travel with the refugees to BG and have encounters on the way (I did this one) You start the next session in Baldurs Gate +1 to the recommendation of Eventyr's posts on Avernus. Without their leader, High Duke Ulder Ravengard, the Flaming Fists are nearly out of control. Wednesday, 15 July 2020. U don't have to follow his stuff 100% but pick n mix and make your own game for your table. e. Cs did die in the encounter I made there. A lot of the problems with chapter 1 are easily fixed with tips from the remix. ). These tips can make sure adventurers are effectively prepared for the dangers within Dungeons and Dragon's recently released "Descent into Specific tips for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus: The hook is weak! The hook for the adventure is really weak, especially compared to the task the campaign asks of the players As written, Descent into Avernusbegins when the Flaming Fist mercenaries recruit the characters to clear out the Cult of the Dead Three. Don’t just give that opportunity away for free! "Acceptable" is a weird term here because there's no really discouraged ways to save Elturel- you essentially just need the two prerequisites, i. Go to https://medium. Running Descent into Avernus Chapter 3. Reply Kiteal Fall of Elturel: https://www. 31: Bel's Scabs | Dnd 5e. This article offers tips for running chapter 3 from the D&D hardback adventure One player described how he sat by the gate collecting pebbles that came from the upper district and tried to hustle them in the lower district as valuables. Now since we have an Artificer in the party, the DM and i came up with 2 optional rules, that are upgrades you can install on Infernal machines, at least on the Devil rides and the Tormentors, since they are the two that are easier to "hide" since they arn't as big as New to Sly Flourish? Start Here or subscribe to the newsletter. 7) Descent into Avernus boasts itself for having cool vehicles you can use to fight and roll through Avernus. I held out on looking up the Alexandrian Remix (which is very easy to find if you do want to use it. They should meet Mortlock Vanthampur who will lead them to other Vanthampur’s who are involved in murdering 2019 saw the release of a unique module for Dungeons & Dragons. i get a free feat or an extra ASI. The Chionthar River shines like a golden road Tips for running Descent into Avernus . But should a DM actually put their players through this? In my opinion, no, you shouldn’t. A complete list of all NPCs the players encounter during the adventure. Devils will always give their end of the bargain in as soon as possible, as it then locks the player into the deal. Specific Avernus advice: Read a bit ahead, there are some chokepoints where players don't have choices. Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus leads players down the road to hell in the form of an emotionally So Im about to do this campaign for first time players and Im having a hard time to find what to include in session 0. The book If your players are looking for a certain store, you can lead them to a store in the Gazetteer and then you have an instant side quest at your disposal. Devils are smart, disciplined, fight internally for power, but take commands from above. . while the good players became more like modern conservatives where they were selfish and opposed anything the evil players wanted to accomplish in the name of good. I really like the idea of having a small one-shot during session 0 where you can give the players some information about Elturel. I will make the Flame Fists "Captain" slightly more nuanced and not push the players into a 'play the plot or die' situation. breaking the chains and having a way to move the city back up to the surface. Gargauth (if he is still around) and Lulu can function as a duo in dialogue, one This is a video guide series for Dungeon Masters running the 5th edition module, Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus. The Ultimate Descent Into Avernus Bundle: https: Tips for running the hell out of Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. Larian just choose one of the possible good ending because is the only possible ways or the world face the end, so no more city of Baldur's gate so no game to develop xD Number two thing is largely going to depend on your conversation with your players, but in my experience I find that if I'm open and honest with my players about my reasoning for it, they're more willing to accept retcons or changes without breaking the immersion (especially in DIA, partly because I'm open with my players about how much donkey balls the RAW module sucks). D&D So next week my players are finally going from Elturel to Avernus, they've fashioned some parachutes and I'm trying to work out how it's all going to work. ; Activate Strionic Resonator by paying and tapping it, copying Descent into Avernus' ability. 1 Avernus Rising A Campaign Supporting Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus Credits D&D Organized Play: Christopher Lindsay D&D Adventurers League Administrators: LaTia Bryant, Ma’at Crook, Will Doyle, Amy Lynn Dzura, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Alan Patrick, Travis Woodall Effective Date 17 September 2019 There are tons of resources for this, a search of this sub would turn up plenty, DM"s guild has supplemental publications such as Abyssal Incursion and Encounters in Avernus plus many more. Poseidon Correspondence: Reports from the Dead Three leadership mention the bathhouse leading to the Dungeon of the Dead Three Dungeon of the Dead Three This is a dungeon below a public bath house that is used by the Cult of the Dead Three. This makes fights take longer but jacks up the intensity by a lot, and can give your players other ways to spend resources rather than directly against enemies. You can use what you want, personally, I created a black line that circled around the perimeter of the zapper that was five feet long. Running Descent into Avernus Chapter 4 and 5. Epilogue. If you look at the table of contents above, you can see that the Remix is a big project. They used to have a 3rd player but he's I've been running five concurrent Descent into Avernus campaigns, and posted my thoughts so far here: Part 1: https: A place for Dungeon Masters to discuss the D&D 5th Edition book: Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. The TLDR of it is that the character was turned into a Dhampir by a vampire cult, and after that cult was destroyed by the Companion they reformed within Avernus. In this campaign, PCs will contend Have picked Descent into Avernus because love the general vibe of the setting. Remember: Evil is Selfish, Not Stupid. I want my players to walk into Avernus. If you are First time not doing a duet, so I'm trying to stick to the book where possible. My party failed their persuasion rolls for her to join them into Avernus, otherwise I would have rerolled her as a Paladin Don't have every devil demand the player's soul at the get go unless they have a reason to (Mahadi's contracts for example). I've read plenty during my prep saying that the Chapter 1 adventures in Baldur's Gate are pretty irrelevant,lackluster and imbalanced, so I'm tempted to start the campaign with the players at level 5, closer to when they arrive in Avernus. The front of Descent has some good guidance on how to run devils. Everyone talks up Descent Into Avernus as “Mad Max in Hell” because players acquire Infernal War Machine vehicles in Avernus that feel like they’ve roared right off the set of the Mad Max Any Tips for Descent into Avernus . Now it was still extremely dangerous they were essentially in the middle of a military outpost. Tis gert lush Reply reply My players climbed down the chains and the ended up in sort of a staging area for the Devils army. i am a gnome wizard (int18). So let's save these refugees . If someone in my campaign did it, I would probably force a timeskip on the party to when the player is able to reasonably find such a wizard, or I would just have the player sit out until however many days pass in game, depending on how the party wants to do it. Hi! Im going to start our first Campaign and Fates would have it Desenent into Avernus would be it! I'm looking for Advice on how to start this campaign the right way, Things I should look into or expect as DM, and Lastly a more out their request, Bringing 4 players who aren't entirely sure if D&D is for them, to enjoy their first Campaign experience. In a good 30 sessions with about 4 hours of Main: Descent into Avernus Related: The Road to Baldurs Gate Related:Refugee Camp Official Chapter Alexandrian Remix Scenes If you haven’t already, give them a description of the location Refugee Camp. Descent into Avernus | Ep. My party just got to Hellturel so I'm trying to get Avernus figured out. In this campaign, PCs will contend I was thinking either increasing the player levels right from the start or giving them followers. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? Things to avoid? Things not to forget? Wizards of the Coast released their Dungeons and Dragons module Descent into Avernus in September of 2019. Make stuff up, you are the only one with notes about what comes later. D&D Beyond is your official digital toolset for all things Dungeons & Dragons. One even told me he wouldn't mind playing multiple characters. Mike begins his Lazy D&D preparation for his irregular Descent into Avernus game! Click "Show More" for details and links. Manage Player Expectations (preparing your players for a sandbox-style-game). The soul is better being used as collateral, if the player fails to fulfil their end of the bargain. War! – Avernus is in a constant state of war between devils and demons Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure for player characters (PCs) that spans levels one to 13. You may feel overwhelmed by it. In this story, the players embark on a quest into the first layer of helland hopefully make it back alive! I’m going to avoi New to Sly Flourish? Start Here or subscribe to the newsletter. Then what I did was I would plug my party into the encounter tool (the one here on this site) and add the monsters starting from the lowest CR. For example, Baldur's Gate is a big, complicated city and I dont want my players freezing up with all the options available to them, mixing up NPC's, forgetting about the factions on the city, etc. Vanthampur Villa is a stately stone edifice with a detached stable house. 26 votes, 31 comments. I was wondering if you guys had any tips for a first time DM and running this im playing in a descent into avernus campaign and here is my question with this campaign in particular. The review is meant for DMs, so be aware that there are spoilers Introduction video you can show your players before they begin Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. dmsguild. Listen to Descent Into Avernus | Ep. Think of other ways / methods so you don't have to say "Can't do that". A place for Dungeon Masters to discuss the D&D 5th Edition book: Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. I recommend Avernus as a Sandbox. Then Harumann showed up (since my player had given his soul for Harumann’s earlier in the game) and implored Zariel to stop, giving the players an opening. Tip 1. Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure for player characters (PCs) that spans levels one to 13. Spoiler Warning! This is a guide for Dungeon Masters considering buying Descent Into Avernus, as such, it contains major spoilers. I am going to dm Descent into Avernus, but one of my players is going to play BG3. I had the idea of giving my party a final fight with a shadow of Zariel that represents his contract with asmodeus and like his evil side. Holding priority, activate The Stasis Coffin by paying , tapping and exiling it, giving you protection from everything until end of turn. Keeping Players on Track (making sure your players can keep up and stay on task) Keeping Yourself on Track (how to run and prepare a more open chapter 3) Telling the Story (making sure you tell the story of Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus) Avernus as a Sandbox is a guide from Eventyr Games that turns the Avernus section of the D&D adventure Descent Into Avernus into - you guessed it - a sandbox! Plus there are other ways to pay besides players’ souls. A Primer on the Lore of Descent into Avernus. I really recommend running the fall of Elturel mini adventure to go ahead and get them from level 1 to level 2 before you start running the first chapter of descent into Avernus and then they can be level 3 by the time they reach the dungeon of the dead 3 and it I'd like to run Descent into Avernus with a group of experienced players. It lets you introduce the players to Elturel before destroying it on screen. The fight will quickly become boring and monotonous for the players and will not have that epic feel a final fight should have. My wife really loves Zariel’s story and she’ll go down a wiki rabbit hole just learning about her lore. by Mike on 30 November 2020. Hi! I'm a first time DM and decided to play Descent into Avernus for my party. Doing these hit and run style tactics will take make the fight take hours to ultimately a conclusion the players will not like. However, my party has expressed a lot of interest in exploring the Styx and boats/naval warfare, so I am planning on including Abyssal Incursion into the I was looking more for tips on Avernus, potentially with new players in mind. To enter Candlekeep in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, the characters need a book or scroll that isn’t already in the library’s vast archives. Here are some tips for how you can grapple it to your will. I can't recommend the Fall of Elturel enough! It fixed many of my big complaints about the module. Zodge’s Deal Flame Zodge sizes up the adventurers and offers them a deal: A place for Dungeon Masters to discuss the D&D 5th Edition book: Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. DMs Guild Complete DM's Bundle for BG: DiA. Frequently Asked Questions Version 9. At the beginning of your upkeep, Descent into Avernus triggers. There are tips to make hell feel more hellish, but they are mostly cosmetic and mechanical alterations. They're brutal, threatening, unforgiving, and inconsequential to the plot. Here's the deal: the players reached Vanthampur Villa and are trying to solve things diplomatically, but neither Amrik nor Thurstwell are willing to give up the Dead Three business, even with Amrik as a prisoner, and the Duke is down doing the whole devil-worship thing at the end of the dungeon. Do any of you have In a few weeks I'll be running Descent Into Avernus for my gaming group. Also, Avernus is as much about corruption and fatigue as it is about fighting. I’ve run into a bit of a snag: I’ve only got two players. Demons on the other had are wanton chaos and Steps. 18. com/dms-apprentice for DM tips and ca SOme if not most of our group expressed the desire to be able to keep those machines, even if we get out of Avernus. My party joked about that a lot. However, in your story I don't really see the need of having the players go to the farm. You just type "alexandrian remix descent into avernus" into google search and the No plan survives encountering the players. some resources on DMsGuild that might be useful: Complete DM's Bundle (also Eventyr) Hellturel A Guide to Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus, by Sean McGovern Baldur's Gate: The Fall of Elturel I'm thinking of buying descent into avernus to run with my players. 6) Add shops to make sure players can keep up with expected power levels. The hags in chapter 1 of this adventure possess The Alexandrian's Avernus Remixed. as it should have been. Main: Descent into Avernus Descent into Avernus Links D&D Beyond Campaign Official Source Book Alexandrian Remix Players Forith (Simon) Ewan Bob (Devin) Withre (Tsukasa) Parts broken down by Alexandrian The Beginning The Road to Baldurs Gate Meeting Zodge Vanthampur Investigations Tracking Down Tarina Dungeon of the Dead Three Investigating the Today i would like to show you my new battlemap - Vanthampur Villa from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus - Dungeons & Dragons. Both buildings have Has anyone managed to find ways of streamlining or improving travel in Avernus, especially the constant exhaustion checks? Travel segments in general are one of my weaknesses as a DM and in my first time running this campaign the constant rolling became a chore (it didn't help that it was a party of paladins who eschewed war machines for Find Steed and we thus had to check My players are heading down to Avernus from Elturel next session, and I've been wondering how different players got across the River Styx, since it is so deadly. Running Descent into Avernus Chapter 2. Find motivation for players to "descent into Avernus". The other one described how the nobles some times came down to the lower district accompanied by private guards just to beat the shit out of homeless people for sport while bystanders stood there helplessly watching. ; Resolve the copy of Descent into Avernus' ability, putting two descent counters on it, Following the Played article about Storm King’s Thunder, we provide today a brief insight into our experiences with Descent Into Avernus for Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Mast Descent into Avernus with 3 players and other questions . Player’s Handbook (2014) Dungeon Master’s Guide (2014) Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus Candlekeep Mysteries Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep Curse of Strahd Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Secrets and Clues. That being said, It must be a way that is either one way only or very hard to travel back to. 1-2 and now I'm reading chapter 1 adventure. Hi all, I would let players talk and scheme their way out of a lot of the encounters in there that the book is explicit about killing being the only way out of. The cemetery was used as a common ritual ground for the cult so as it fell to avernus, the spark was relit. ) Something that is not stated in the adventure is some indicator of when the players enter the 100 foot radius of the Zapper, a marker for when the players reach a point where "there's no turning back". As it stands, the module gives the players a Veteran and if you want you could turn her into a sidekick. Spend more time in Baldur Hi all! I'm about to do my first module, Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus! I am extremely excited to do this one particularly because of the involvement with the planar travel and the nine hells aspect! I'm looking for some advice on how I should go about it. I’m starting up a Baldur’s Gate game with the intent on leading into the Descent into Avernus module. Long time DM looking for some advice. While they never ended up doing it, it sounds like a perfectly valid exit strategy. They're a very combat heavy party and haven't really optimised for challenges like this which means there will be 5 PCs parachuting through the skies of Avernus with most likely no stealth (like they will try but I can see the rolls That's kinda problematic because you can get to a point where players are tired of trying to talk to her and just want to kill her. It’s not a horror campaign. There is only one scene here, the interaction with Flame Zodge. Credit: Sydney H from the first Facebook Group [video] Roll20's Adam Koebel prepares Descent Into Avernus [D&D Beyond YouTube] Preparing for Descent It helps establish the players' relationship with a bunch of Elturel's citizens that the book calls out in the Elturel chapter later (like the bakers), and gives a bit of an adventure before Elfsong Tavern so they go into that at Level 2 with enough hooks to do things before the DoD3 to hit Level 3 to smooth out the early game TPKs. And not going to lie on of the P. I’ve kinda fallen in love the Baldur’s Gate setting, and Avernus also looks badass. august 2020) In this review I will be taking a close look at Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, rating different aspects of the book, and identifying potential issues with the campaign – which are some of the issues we tackle in our DM’s resources for Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. cab lujr bcl fucs zycoulz wxnt hljdgvf ifamk iwadiz hsjav ajok hhfkddgg ynzi ettbik jakdz