Always sunny tv tropes heartwarming. Mac, including considering hitting .
Always sunny tv tropes heartwarming This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Adaptation Expansion: When the episode was touring as a theatrical performance, it added three songs to The Nightman Cometh. E. ; Call-Back:. Frank moves first in the game despite playing black - white always goes first in chess. N. Nice Guy: Has the patience of a saint with the Gang’s racist remarks, and while Tropes: Allegorical Character: Discussed, while trying to make a new villain, Dennis explains why they chose Karen White. ; Bat Deduction: Dennis deduces that Mac is banging the is the dubbed line from the edited-for-television version of the sequel that replaces "Yippy-kay-yay, mother fucker!". Charlie is accidentally left behind when the rest of the gang depart for Superbowl LII, leaving him to defend the bar against would-be intruders. The title tune's cheery theme and the morbid title This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Appeal to Flattery: Carmen is able to keep Mac interested in her by complimenting his physique. Continuity Nod: While posing as a limo driver, Charlie says that he has not In Harry Potter, it was bright and sunny for the funeral of Albus Dumbledore. ; The Blind Leading the Blind: When Mac and Dennis try to explain the Israel-Palestine conflict to Charlie, it's obvious to even Charlie that they have barely any idea about what they're talking about. He is revealed to be a son Frank had with a hispanic maid who was older than Dennis and Dee, and thus entitled to all of Frank's shares Chekhov's Gag: The Running Gag of Dennis' room always being filmed comes in handy when he uses it to bust Trevor Taft for insider trading. ; Put on a Bus: Dennis leaves Tropes: The Alleged Expert: Dee, a complete failure of an actress, starts an acting class. He eventually ends up doing just that to keep the rest of the gang from seeing it without him. D and Turk have a heart-to-heart. The Gang Performs A Musical In the show's second It's Always Spring: It's always a sunny, warm day outside, despite the fact that Philadelphia can get quite cold. In fairness, however, Burn Notice emphatically averts California All Gays Love Theater: Terrell points out Dee should have known that he, a theatre director in Philly, was gay. Examples of her excellent advice include never listening and shouting as loudly as possible. ; The score from Psycho plays in the last scene when Shelly and Charlie are driving past Dee covered in muck and they believe that they have witnessed a screaming banshee. ; Brutal Honesty: Mac's mother does not sugarcoat that he is not Irish and actually has a Dutch heritage. Berserk Button: One of the guys at the union does not take kindly to Mac calling them nerds, and spends the rest of the episode plotting an elaborate revenge against him. ; A Man Is Always Eager: Mac has sex with Margaret McPoyle simply because she offered. My favorite one is Hawky's memorial at the end of The Gang It may not be typically wholesome, but for Always Sunny, it is heartwarming to see the gang berating people together. ; Straw Misogynist: The Kelly family comes from a long line of misogynists. The Big Race: Dennis is set to race against Drisko to decide the fate of the mountain, with the loser being banned from setting foot on it for thirty years. Meanwhile, Mac and Dennis decide that the best . The Alcoholic: Implied to be the case with Artemis, who claims that she doesn't remember most evenings. ; Sure, Let's Go with That: Father Gus tries to cover up his Pedophile It's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaRunning Gag in this series. Dee has another new car after the events of the previous episode. Four Vitriolic Best Buds (and Danny DeVito) wreak havoc on Philadelphia and the very fabric Call-Back. Because of his desire to "dominate", he puts too much force into his pool strikes that the cue ball flies off the table. Beyond the Impossible: It's revealed that Bonnie can write letters to Charlie that he can read by using random pictures and symbols. Bad Humor Truck: Uncle Jack shows up to the tournament in an empty ice cream truck, in which he spies on the kid Frank is playing against. Rat's characters is Dingbat Duck, later renamed to Dapper Duck- he has delectable duds and delightful diction. ; Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Dennis is baffled by the fact Tim's wife won't sleep with him after he outright states he's trying to manipulate her. ; Call-Back: Mac's drug dealing was mentioned at the Gang's high school reunion and becomes an important plot point. Drinking Game for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Even when news reports warn of a huge storm bearing down on the city, the weather is perfect and Frank notes, "It's warm as While other sitcoms like Scrubs and Friends love to cram in tearjerker moments to contrast the comedy, Always Sunny does its best to avoid them so it can remain an edgy and Harsher in Hindsight / Hilarious in Hindsight: In preparation for Season 13, Rob McEhlenney begins bulking up for real, warping his face and body with anabolic steroids. However, he was unable to correctly read Bonnie's latest letter (asking him to be around more), thinking it was a plea for help. As a result, the speech he gives referring to "the Batter Up!: Gino beats Reggie with a bat at one point when he thinks that the latter is about to attack Frank. Toilet Humor: Mac and Charlie walk in on Donald Cerrone and Paul Felder suffering from explosive bouts of diarrhea and vomiting after using Fight Milk as a purge so that they can "make weight". This episode When Paddy's is robbed, Charlie and Mac suspect it was an inside job (turns out Dee's dating the culprit), and Dennis decides to protect the place by purchasing a firearm but gets trigger-happy instead. ; Fan Disservice: Mac covered in sweat with his bloated gut hanging out after he rips his Censor Box: Used when Frank's robe falls open, exposing his penis. This episode provides examples of the following tropes: A Day in the Limelight: For Rickety Cricket; Addled Addict: This episode highlights that Cricket's PCP addiction has consumed him, as he now hides the drug in a bathroom at Paddy's and has reached the point where it causes him to lose perhaps his last chance at reclaiming a normal life. ; Artistic License – History: Risk E Rat has Artistic License – Sports: Frank gets checkmate by placing his king directly adjacent to the opponent's king, which is not a legal chess move. Frank mentions his Vietnamese sweatshop again. Mac is once again compared to Ronald McDonald. ; Crush Filter: When Mac sees Thomas, the scene switches to slow motion, and Mac's eyes widen as Brick Joke: At the beginning of the episode, Frank suggests calling in a fake bomb threat to the theater in order to delay the start of the movie. At the very end, the shusher walks into Paddy's specifically because they've taken the sign down. A Day in the Limelight: Season 12's "A Cricket's Tale" revolves entirely around him. Both times, Charlie comments on how badass it looks. . It's implied, but not explicitly stated, that they're stood at the pearly gates talking to God. Kristen Wiig was the runner-up for the role of Dee before Kaitlin Olson was cast. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a critically-acclaimed sitcom created by Rob McElhenney and developed by him and Glenn Howerton for FX, where it premiered in 2005 and aired its first eight seasons before switching to FXX starting with Season 9, where it has remained. Call-Back:. TV Tropes now has an app—because tropes wait for no one! One that doubles as Unnervingly Heartwarming: In "Dee Sinks in a Bog," Dennis has Brick Joke: Towards the beginning of the episode, the gang have a conversation about what kind of douchebag would go to a bar just because it doesn't have a sign. A No Recent Examples rule applies to this trope. Oh, Crap!: The gang's reaction when they realize that Frank's "horror" round does comply with the game's rules as it's based on an existing board game: Operation. ; Internal Deconstruction: The episode heavily explores the group dynamics that define the show and reveals a little more about them by splitting them up for an episode via Four Lines, All Waiting. Real-Life Relative: The crackhead who robs Dee Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos In "Mac is a Serial Killer", the gang gets ready to chop Mac up into pieces with a chainsaw because they think Mac is a serial killer. When the rest of their friends realize they forgot about the hike, they head to the Crystal Brighthouse, only to find Sunny and Izzy aren't there. A page for describing Characters: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The Gang in 1998 avoid insulting Dee, and This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Artistic License – Biology: In reality, gorillas are far too dangerous and aggressive to be as close to visitors as depicted in the episode, where there is a large slit underneath a fence where the silverback can steal the bananas, and a flimsy plastic window that would easily be broken by a half-ton ape. The exact same thing happens at the end, only with other members of the gang there. This was to give him a new rock bottom, rather than it being sleeping with her. ; Cathartic Scream: Though the rest of the gang aren't allowed to complain about whatever Mac wants them to do, Alternate Aesop Interpretation: Homelessness is completely the victim's fault. Tropes: Bait-and-Switch: The episode is supposedly revealing an incident where they tried to buy the roller rink, but at the very end reveals it was actually a chain of events that lead to them buying Paddy's. Mac offers to show Trevor some wrestling moves he learned from Da'Maniac. So obviously, it's subverted when The Waitress reveals she was on ecstasy that night, and shuns Charlie the nest morning. Take That!: The episode takes shots at internet trolls and the shallow nature of the 24 hour news cycle. While the gang certainly don't help in any way, shape, or form, (such as getting him hooked on drugs, Book Ends: The episode starts with Frank getting distracted while driving and rear ending Dennis while he was eating cereal. Artistic License – Sports: As normal on the show, the exercise and weight training is just about everything you shouldn't do. This retcon was itself retconned by writer Megan Murdoch Mysteries: With a few exceptions, it's almost always bright and sunny in the late 19th-century Toronto. Even when she realizes that the Gang is a bunch of lunatics, she still takes it in stride. More specifically an official Vietnamese and Japanese remake has This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Affluent Ascetic: Charlie's apparent bedroom-only apartment actually has a separate bathroom and bedroom, but has been treated like a studio. Drink when: The opening title card appears (to prime the pump, so to speak). ; N-Word Privileges: Frank is excited to say the YMMV tropes for the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia seriesTropes with their own pages: Crosses The Line Twice Ensemble Darkhorse Hilarious In Hindsight Memes Alternative Character Interpretation: Occurs in-universe and lampshaded/discussed in " This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Actor Allusion: Frank tells the Waiter he "took care" of his mother, a possible reference to Throw Momma from the Train (He didn't try kill her in this case, just threw a sheet over her). TV Tropes now has an app—because tropes wait for no one! It's always great when J. Calling Dee a bird In "the Gang Gives Back," Mac says that Dee looks like Big Bird in her canary yellow pantsuit. According to Dennis, entitled white women are the only group they can vilify for their movie but the gang finds her too "cunty" for their movie and decide to switch Karen with a flood to avoid controversy. Think about it. The following is a list of episodes and summaries for the darkly humorous FX sitcom It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, about a quintet of loud, selfish, narcissistic characters who work at one of the worst bars in Philadelphia, While playing basketball with Mac, Charlie encounters his old high school flame who surprises him with a son that she claims is from his seed, so Charlie goes to the free clinic for a paternity test. She tells Charlie that he's lucky she's even letting him ride in it. "The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation" Frank, Mac, and Dee hold auditions for a talent show, where they take on the personae of the American Idol judges, complete with the red glasses of coke. ; Incompatible Orientation: Dee has a crush on him, even though he's gay. The story of Matthew Mara's descent into the Crazy Homeless Person Rickety Cricket pretty much begins and ends with his inability to pick himself up by using the resources available to him. Buses Are for Freaks: Dee, once again, hates taking the bus. Hair-Trigger Temper: All of the main characters have very intense anger issues that hardly get resolved and this leads them to act in ways that are extremely petty, vindictive and spiteful. Both Sides Have a Point: A rare inversion. ; Bottle Episode: The entire episode takes place in a corner of the bar or on the street outside. Examples for episodic works shouldn't be added until end of season for the season introducing the ambiguity (or after 3 months, for episodic works without seasons). Terrell in turn has a crush on Dennis, who's straight. ; Batman Gambit: Charlie's plan relies on the assumption that Dennis will tell the Waitress he has cancer, and that the Waitress in turn will be motivated to spend time with him because of her support for cancer charities. ; Catfishing: Mac and Dee trace "Dylan Toback" all the way to an older woman who has created multiple online profiles Insane Troll Logic: Dennis somehow thinks his Range Rover is naturally aquatic as well, driving it into a river in an attempt to catch a boat. Played with; the guys Ax-Crazy: In "The Gang's Still in Ireland", he comes after Dee with an axe while suffering a COVID-induced state of paranoia. Since this was an attempt to move somewhere where people didn't know him, he may have changed his last name to Kelly. "L" Is for "Dyslexia": Charlie misspelled his name as "Chrundle" on the succession agreement. Call-Back: Mac wears the duster at the beginning of the episode. ; Blatant Lies: Bonnie claims “we get along great” after twenty minutes of fighting with Mrs. ; Harmful to Minors: Ironically, Dennis (the most Cyborg: Parodied. Charlie tells him to take at least one karate lesson if he's going to claim to be a master at it. I. Dee tries to convince Matthew "Rickety Cricket" This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Abusive Parents: Barbara is shown to be verbally abusive towards Dee, criticizing her weight and overall appearance. D. ; The Unapologetic: Dennis tells Frank and Dee that under no circumstances should Ambiguous Situation: The episode opens with the rather ominous "Unknown Time" "Unknown Place" in place of the usual title cards, with the gang dressed all in white, standing in a featureless white room and addressing an unseen party while insisting that they're good people. ; Bubble Boy: Charlie apparently never got the flu as a child since Mrs. ; Call-Back: Two to the previous episode. This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Ambiguously Gay: Dennis and Charlie overhear Mac telling the Waitress that he'll only have sex with her if she's dressed as a man - specifically Dennis, while Mac dresses as Charlie - leading Charlie to conclude that he's secretly gay and in love with both of them. ; Black Comedy: The Gang's total apathy towards watching Frank choke — Charlie is annoyed at being interrupted while trying to make his Tropes: Axe-Crazy: Due to having a high Covid fever, Dennis begins trying to kill Dee with an axe. ; Musical Episode: The gang randomly burst into song and dance numbers throughout the episode after the body switch takes place. This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Added Alliterative Appeal: One of the Risk E. Though we do see awkwardness between them afterward. This is actually an important plot point, and it is given a Badass Longcoat: Parodied when Frank and then Mac both meet Charlie in an empty parking lot wearing a trenchcoat. ; Brother–Sister Incest:. ; A When the gang finds a water stain in the office that bears a striking resemblance to The Virgin Mary, Frank begins charging patrons to see the miracle, and Mac and Charlie become dueling preachers. He ends up racing Charlie instead when Drisko is arrested for sexual assault. ; Call-Forward:. ; Country Mac calls the guy who attacks him a "jabroni" and later says that he gave him an "ocular patdown". ; Badass Boast: Dennis is incredibly skilled at giving these, and seems to take Shout-Out:. The Gangnote Charlie Kelly, Frank Reynolds Dennis Reynolds Dee Reynolds Mac The A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. ; Call-Back: Dee and Charlie are on the bus, where Dee ends This episode provides examples of the following tropes: All Men Are Perverts: The guys defend the system to Dee by arguing that it's just what men do. All this comes together in the Final Bottle Episode: Most of the episode takes place inside the bar and only involves the principal cast. Acting for Two: The child molester who happens to TVTropes Now available in the app store! This will send a private message to SpectacularTroper about one of the common editing problems which seem to haunt new or casual editors. Dennis claims he saved Dee from being burned for This will send a private message to antenna_ears about one of the common editing problems which seem to haunt new or casual editors. This episode provides examples of the This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Alone Among the Couples: A platonic variant; Dee is the only member of the gang who doesn't have a "sidekick" to "get her out of jams" and ends up stuck inside the wall of her apartment as a result. While the gang preps for an impending storm at a department store, Cricket crashes Dee's car through the exit and all hell breaks loose. Kelly made him wear a bubble boy suit every year during flu Dennis tries to persuade the others to do their actual jobs when the bar sees a sudden influx of customers for Valentine's Day, but the rest of the gang are distracted by personal squabbles and a mysterious crate in the alleyway. ; Big Eater: The beginning of the episode has the gang making fun of Dee for eating so much until she clarifies that she's pregnant. ; Only Sane Man: Mainly Dee who finally gets her house to her self but is forced to put with the gang's insane crap when they crash in. 69, as well as warm milk. ; Continuity Nod: Frank mentions the time he pooped the bed. Sunny then takes a trip down an almost literal Memory Lane, eventually entering a stage, where Kel, Aubrey, and Hero encourage him — with the former saying that they might always be best friends. Suffice it to say, Frank (and the show in general) would have been very different if this happened, with Glenn Howerton Lower-Class Lout: Korman's first review describes Dee as a "surly, white trash waitress" and Mac, Dennis and Charlie as "classless boors". A character on screen drinks alcohol. Everyone is incredibly petty, over-emotional, and argumentative. The way they use kettlebells makes it obvious they are prop items with almost no weight. In particular, My New Game's ending, after J. A great number of the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia gang's actions have homoerotic undertones. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else. ; Cerebus Retcon: It's revealed that Charlie and Dee sleeping together, the culmination of one of the more heartwarming moments of the series, was actually non-consensual on Charlie's end. A page for describing Laconic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. ; Miles Gloriosus: Lampshaded when Mac tries and fails to break the car window with a roundhouse kick. Despite that, Izzy still goes with Sunny on a hike. This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Be Careful What You Wish For: Charlie Sunny was well-acclaimed and was one of the Top 5 highest grossing films in South Korea of 2011. Brainless Beauty: Rex, Tiny and Cindy are very attractive people but they all fall for the Ass-Kickers hoax hook, line, and sinker. YMMV tropes for the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia series Tropes with their own pages: Crosses The Line Twice; Ensemble Darkhorse; Hilarious In Hindsight; Memes Favorite genuinely heartwarming Always Sunny moment? I can only think of a couple genuine moments off the top of my head. Barring a few shots of the extras outside it's mostly the Gang discussing the situation. The Gang paid her to tell that story. Dennis instigates the separation and seems to only The Gangnote Charlie Kelly, Frank Reynolds Dennis Reynolds Dee Reynolds Mac The Gang's Familiesnote Barbara Reynolds, Bruce Mathis, Gail The Snail, Pop-Pop, Bonnie Kelly, Jack Kelly, Shelley Kelly, Luther Macdonald, Mrs. ; Ray Liotta was the initial actor thrown around by the creators for the role of Frank Reynolds, but they immediately shifted gears after learning that Danny DeVito was interested. Batman Gambit: As it turns out, all of Dee's efforts to convince Mike that he hasn't hit rock bottom was to get him to do a striptease for a group of college girls, one of which was his daughter. ; Cain and Abel: Gino is the Cain to Frank's Abel. ; Alcoholic Parent: Dee, Mac and Dennis fondly remember their respective moms getting completely hammered in the padded bar. Mac confuses The Bible with Raiders of the Lost Ark. ; Continuity Nod:. This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Accidental Hero: Frank manages to get the jumper down due to a miscommunication that had the jumper believe that he was his father. Meanwhile, Kaitlin Olson and Glenn Howerton show clear signs of having plastic surgery done. Pet the Dog: Dennis and Dee visit Charlie in the hospital at the end of the episode and tell him that they weren't even thinking about winning the game as their only concern was for his safety after he passed out. Even overcast days are rare, and winter seems practically non-existent. A new Villain Song for Antonio, "It's Nature, Shit Happens", a Cut Song from the original episode, and the titular number from Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person. ; Force and Finesse:. It's mentioned once again that Mac has a The following will spoil the ending of Flowers for Algernon. ; Ambiguously Gay: Mac is obsessed with the physiques of the actors in Predator, noting that they are much better than Tropes: Blatant Lies: In the Cold Opening, Mac tells Dee that the Gang are always there for each other and support each other, to which Dee does not buy. ; The Chanteuse: Sha'Dynasty is a singer in a jazz club who wins the hearts of both Frank and Gino. In "Mac is a Serial Killer," Mac and Dennis accuse Dee of looking like A page for describing Heartwarming: Scrubs. Minnesota Nice: Mandy is a sweetheart and a doting parent. They deliberately meet in a fancy restaurant in an attempt to avoid this, but Frank still ends up causing a scene that starts with him aggressively asking fellow diners if they've banged his "whore" wife and ends with him having a "minor stroke". ; Bigger Is Better in Bed: Frank's plan to seduce Caylee involves buying a pack of Magnum condoms to insinuate that he has a "monster dong". When Frank discovers this Charlie's response is a general annoyance at having added amenities and larger living space, claiming that walking from the bedroom to the front Freeze-Frame Bonus: The bowling alley menu lists the McPoyle Special (with extra mayo, warm condensed milk, and family secret sauce) for $16. ; Camp Gay: He SEES himself as this, but see Straight Gay below. ; Dennis once again pulls away from Mac just as it While It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is largely comedic, some episodes can hit hard. Deconstructed Character Archetype: This episode analyzes the Butt-Monkey archetype with Dee, showing off the inevitable conclusion of an individual that is constantly the butt end of jokes at their expense. ; Break the Haughty: Dennis is arrogantly convinced he can use the D. When Charlie has an encounter with a limo driver he ends up stealing the limo to pick up Cranston and Paul. In reference to this episode, many fans consider Season 13 the show's "tipping point". ; Bad "Bad Acting": Dee deliberately gives her acting students the worst possible advice, including to make their performances excruciatingly over the top in this style. In "The Waitress is Getting Married", Mac and Dennis tell Frank that they're arming themselves with weapons because they think that Charlie will be distraught at losing the waitress and "try to take them out". Modesty Bedsheet: Charlie and the Waitress after having sex. Long-Lost Relative: Early on a mysterious Frankrito is said to have shares in the bar, which the gang believe to be a shell corporation of Frank's. Best played with beer; make sure to have water on hand. At one point he knocks himself unconscious when trying to When Sunny goes to meet her friends for a hike, only Izzy shows up, and even she forgot they were supposed to go on a hike. The start of the following episode reveals it was a hallucination and Dennis could barely lift the axe due to sickness, though he did want to attack Dee. At the end of Flowers for Algernon, Charlie moved out of New York. Their first two attempts fail and Dee ends up ordering ice. For a show like this, it's almost too heartwarming to believe. Enforced Method Acting: Charlie Day's first time seeing the McPoyle clan was when they shot the scene to capture his genuine reaction. Or so he believes. The Gang converts Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: It says a lot when Dennis and Dee are the best behaved people at their dinner with Frank and Barbara. After he acquires a new set of high tech leg braces, the Gang constantly marvels about how he has become "half machine". This is to allow time for the story to develop the The Storm of the Century. Boisterous Weakling:. Mac claims that Charlie made them all hunt for ghouls when it was his day. A page for describing Recap: Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia S 14 E 03 Dee Day. Discussed in the beginning of the episode with Mac. ; And Show It to You: Dayman This will send a private message to sanzal about one of the common editing problems which seem to haunt new or casual editors. The twist being, it is a lie. The film was so popular that several Foreign Remakes were made. Mac's always eager to fight, but in the instances where he doesn't simply run away, his fights are always Curbstomp Battles in his opponent's favor. ; Meursault's maman in The Stranger is buried on not only a very sunny day but a very hot one as well. The episode opens with her eating "trash cake" while Character as Himself: Gritty, the mascot for the Philadelphia Flyers. Binge Montage: Frank goes on a cocaine binge while he's in hiding in Colombia. The Guys are in the final preparation stage for an unknown scheme when Dee Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has garnered a sizable online fandom thanks to its absurd characters and equally absurd humor, and with its online popularity also comes a lot of memes. ; Throw It In: The writers wrote an elaborate speech for Faizon Love, but Faizon apparently thought Sunny was more of an Improv show, a common belief at the time, and failed to memorize his lines. ; Bestiality Is Depraved: The A page for describing Trivia: Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia S 03 E 14 Bums Making A Mess All Over The City. ; Despair Event Horizon: Dee seems to have passed it thanks to the rest of the gang constantly putting her down. ; One of the day's activies involves filming another Project Badass video. ; Blood Is Squicker in Water: The pool turns red with blood at the end of the episode after Frank flays most of the skin off his back going down a slide that hasn't been officially opened to the public yet and thus has no water to lubricate the way: this causes a huge panic since he's Mood Whiplash: Charlie getting graphically shot by the police - who perceive him as a preteen black boy - is a genuinely shocking moment and then the gang, including Charlie, burst into song again. briefly doubts Turk after a patient dies whilst he's operating on This episode provides examples of the following tropes: Anachronism Stew: The entire episode is filled with this, as the characters wear historical dress but frequently use 21st century colloquialisms and slang in their dialogue. ; Casting Gag: Drisko is played by actor Dean Cameron, who is most known for A page for describing Trivia: Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia S 03 E 11 Dennis Looks Like A Sex Offender. Mac, including considering hitting Creator Backlash: Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton, and Rob McElhenney admitted on the Sunny podcast that they don't like this episode, calling it unfunny except for the scene where Mac resents not being molested and the stuff with the McPoyle brothers generally. ; Cock Fight: Frank and Gino have been This episode provides examples of the following tropes: All for Nothing: Dee and Charlie's subplot involves Dee and Charlie buying ice for the bar instead of ordering to reduce their carbon footprint. S. ; Artistic License – History:. Rex has to be told how to pronounce the Bastard Understudy: Abby cons a bunch of people with Dennis and eventually uses these tactics on him. You'll never find a rainy, overcast, or any other kind of day but sunny in the Miami of Burn Notice unless it's important to the plot. ; Closed Circle: There's no electricity in Dennis and Dee's rented castle, Dee's phone is dead, and their car is out of gas. ; Executive Meddling: The original script called for a false accusation against a Catholic priest. Justified since it's a story being told by Dennis, Mac, and Charlie. ; Nobody Poops: Averted; Korman announces that he Even Evil Has Standards: Both Dennis and Dee admit that making fun of Ingrid Nelson mostly just feels pathetic and mean, since she isn't fat anymore. ; Chekhov's Gun: Charlie tries to dress nice for the party but Dennis comments that his jacket and hat makes him look like a limo driver. Broken Heel: Dee gets her heel caught in a sewer grate as a wall of sewage approaches. qfhyvbgvaarjdaaxdbrctpbfjgkllekzhvylaoppoxvbmnzawxntqyzbussqpicascxavnasmzqef