Swiftui text wrapping mode. For the second one I don't have to do anything.
Swiftui text wrapping mode. frame(width: 100, height: 100) .
Swiftui text wrapping mode utf8) if let attributedString = try?. I have come across a similar question but the answer is not animating the text value. 1. May 7, 2021 · Using the views' frames modifier. 1), and . lineLimit(3). Jan 1, 2022 · I have a text that renders an AttributedString from some String. Besides basic textual content, it also supports AttributedString, Image (to a limited extent), and Formatter among other types. Giving it a makeUIView() method that will return our text view. Landscape mode: When I rotate my phone to landscape mode, all UI seems to have an offset that is out of screen boundaries. When the text to be displayed gets too long, the Text view just simply increase the height to account for the additional text. However, if you are wanting to apply the same alignment rules to all concatenated Text views you can easily do that by wrapping them in a Group() like so: Custom Background color with SwiftUI on macOS. middle mode: Text("This is a block of text that will show up in a text element as multiple lines. ” — Oprah Winfrey Sep 24, 2019 · In this case, when using editMode environment variable, for some reason EditButton() doesn't work on its own. And the small widget handles multi-word titles with no problem. 4. While I see my elements aligned horizontally properly, I do not see top part of the screen. I have submitted a Feedback on this, and really encourage everyone to do the same. This takes four steps: Creating a struct that conforms to UIViewRepresentable. import PlaygroundSupport import SwiftUI /// This subclass is needed since we want to customize the cursor and the context menu class CustomUITextField: UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate { /// Binding from the `CustomTextField` so changes of Aug 2, 2019 · Make sure the Text (or button content) spans the length of the touch area, AND use . self) { Text("This is number \($0). Jul 8, 2021 · I'm looking to scale the text down to fit it (as much as possible), and wrap the text to some number of lines (probably 2?). I am trying to recreate this behaviour in pure SwiftUI (UIKit Example): I have tried this code but it doesn't animate the text change: Aug 20, 2023 · I want the width to dynamically grow, but with text occupying 2 lines instead of one. Sep 24, 2024 · byClipping (UIKit) vs. The end result looks like this: There are two solutions in this recipe: SwiftUI 3 (iOS 15, macOS 12) brings in a new AttributedString wrapper around NSAttributedString and Text views work natively with it. Aug 3, 2021 · Is there an alternative to UIKit's LineBreakMode in SwiftUI? Or are there any alternatives to get the Text truncated via words not via characters in SwiftUI? I've tried the . With a width of 100 points but no constraint on the height, a text view might wrap a long string: Use modifiers like lineLimit(_:), allowsTightening(_:), minimumScaleFactor(_:), and truncationMode(_:) to configure how the view handles space constraints. Have auto layout layout the text field. However, the image is not the same aspect ratio as the screen, making me use . For SwiftUI discussion, questions and showcasing SwiftUI is a UI development framework by Apple that lets you declare interfaces in an intuitive manner. lineLimit(1) – Ryan Commented Nov 8, 2019 at 6:53 Oct 10, 2023 · Text is the primary means by which apps communicate information to users. May 15, 2020 · Here is possible approach with dynamically sized TextField. Whether you’re emphasizing a specific point, improving the readability of a long paragraph, or simply adding a touch of aesthetics, line breaks can be incredibly useful. SwiftUI: In SwiftUI, text can be clipped by using truncationMode, but it is usually combined with a frame or lineLimit to hide the overflowing text. Use that as the intrinsic content size. Mar 29, 2022 · If you ever faced the question: “How to make SwiftUI view wrap its content?”. This recipe shows how to format content of a SwiftUI Text with HTML via NSAttributedString on any SwiftUI version. Playground view. headline), etc. To apply the line break mode to only a portion of the text, create a new attributed string with the desired style information and associate it with the label. systemSmall widget was either truncating (which I didn’t want), word-wrapping in a weird space, or scaling the font so tiny as to be illegible. For the second one I don't have to do anything. Just remove the line limit and change the last frame to 'height: g. lineLimit Jun 14, 2019 · Wrapping my Text view in Geometry reader solved my issue with text shrinkage on device rotation while using . frame(width: 100, height: 100) . I hear that you can use TextEditor, an equivalent of NSTextView under macOS 11 and UITextView under iOS 14. trailing. \n\nLorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. 0 beta. frame(width: 150, height: 150) . Text) of the Button needs to be stretched; The content needs to be considered for hit testing Feb 2, 2024 · When making views with SwiftUI Text in watchOS, the default line break mode is set to ‘break by word’. "). The answer is simple: Text("Hello World!") . Dec 3, 2019 · multilineTextAlignment() allows you to center or align the text in any way; padding() gives the text more space to breathe within the Rectangle() frame() sets the width and height of the Text() and hence, the Rectangle(), since it is the background of the Text() background() sets the shape of the Text()'s background. For iOS programming related content, visit r/iOSProgramming Aug 16, 2022 · In SwiftUI, Text is one of the most frequently used components, handling nearly all text display operations. Normal) Set the number of lines and wrap mode to the title label: nextButton. This code could probably be shortened, but it works struct InlineTextView: View { @State var userName = "longtext username test" @State var userNamePref: CGFloat = 0 @State var additionalTextPref: CGFloat = 0 @State var hStackPref: CGFloat = 0 @State var totalWidth: CGFloat = 0 @State var isTooWide: Bool = true var Feb 8, 2021 · Since AttributedText displays text, it would be nice to make it aware of the current line limit and truncation mode. lineLimit() attribute of my Text view. colorScheme(. Dec 1, 2022 · When SwiftUI’s Text views wrap across multiple lines, they align to their leading edge by default. struct test : View { var body: some View { GeometryReader { geometry in HStack(alignment: . lineLimit(Int. I have tried to do the following, but it has no effect at all: Sep 7, 2020 · I'm facing the following problem with SwiftUI Text: In the following example SwiftUI breaks the word "Amazement" into "amazeme" on the first line and "nt" on the secon Oct 23, 2020 · import Foundation import SwiftUI import UIKit import PlaygroundSupport var greeting = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. middle) Nov 8, 2021 · I want to achieve exactly the same effect as specified by this question, except in SwiftUI. An example of this is in Apple's Messages app Jun 6, 2019 · iOS 13+ you can use the native UITextView right in the SwiftUI code with this struct:. I attached some screenshots of the issue here: Light mode, normal: Dark mode, unfocused, normal: Dark mode, focused, weird highlighting: This is the code for my search view: Jan 20, 2024 · The above code already includes some modifications I added in hopes of solving the problem, such as . 99) This small adjustment to the scale factor, set to just below 1, is hardly noticeable but seems to effectively rectify the issue with text truncation in an HStack. Nov 5, 2020 · What I want: For a Text view aligned to the left or right of the screen to expand to a certain maximum width and when the text reaches that length it not go beyond that. contentShape(Rectangle()). Splitting the string and creating for each line a new Text element with a linieLimit does not work for me because it would cause vertical overlapping in a widget as I don't know how many lines fit in the widget. Apr 4, 2022 · Paul explained your problem in his writeup "Using GridItem(. light) ContentView(). Feb 17, 2021 · Apple introduced a TextEditor in SwiftUI 2. there is another answer on this question which provides a runtime check if that is what you absolutely require. fill) to fill the entire sc Feb 18, 2020 · I am using the UIViewRepresentable wrapper to create a bindable multiline UITextVIew since there is still no multiline support for the native SwiftUI TextField. Truncation Mode. This is number 2. This provides a multi-line editing capability that was previously missing. SwiftUI has built-in support for rendering Markdown, including bold, italic, links, and more. lineLimit(1) . Oct 10, 2019 · iOS 15. max) Edit: As of SwiftUI Beta 5, Text has a default line limit of nil, so text in Text will wrap by default. There is a new wrapper called @FocusState that controls the state of the keyboard and the focused keyboard ('aka' firstResponder). Dec 31, 2021 · where BadgeImage is just a wrapper for SwiftUI's AsyncImage that simply handles the URL object creation (ignore the VStack and Spacer just there for the picture). Oct 18, 2024 · The Text view in SwiftUI is one of the most versatile components, offering developers the ability to display static or dynamic text with ease. truncationMode(. Apr 24, 2015 · You need to write text in the setTitle method: nextButton. In the example below, turning the toggle on changes the text being displayed, but it gets truncated instead of wrapping Sep 6, 2024 · To allow text to wrap onto multiple lines: Text("This is a long text that will automatically wrap to the next line in SwiftUI. Jan 12, 2021 · As the title states, I am looking for a way to wrap multiline text inside of a shape in SwiftUI (see image below). However, if the "new" text is longer than the original string displayed when the form first appeared, it won't wrap correctly. All concatenated Text views need to generally follow the same alignment rules. Note: helper rectReader is taken from this my post. – Oct 10, 2023 · Portrait mode: Everything is totally fine, UI is rendered exactly as I expect. I tried using . border(. Alternatively, use a 'UILabel' (via 'UIViewRepresentable') with an attributed string (specify line height in the paragraph style). I've seen in a demo that it automatically handles RTL, and when placing stuff using View's body, it always Jun 27, 2019 · How do I make a line break with Text() if the text is too long to display in one line? (Something like lineBreakMode in UIKit) If I type in a long string it just adds „“ on the right side of th Jun 14, 2019 · Wrapping the view with ScrollView fixed the issue, since when keyboard appears on the screen, View height decreases so Text component can't find enough space to display it's content, ScrollView enables Text to display whole content in multiple lines Jul 15, 2019 · This will also work for multi-line text to fit the height of its parent. Is there a way to get the text to wrap without the UITextView being scrollable? Jul 16, 2023 · In this blog post, we delve into an integral aspect of displaying text in a user-friendly manner – incorporating line breaks in SwiftUI text views. I want to prevent words from being cutoff mid-line, but can't figure out how to do so. red) . Is this a bug or a feature? (Sidenote: both Texts are also inside a Group on that I set . The problem I'm having is that in dark mode, the text is shown in black colour with blue as hyperlink colours and thus the text can't be seen. adaptive(minimum: 80)) means we want the grid to fit in as many items per row as possible, using a minimum size of 80 points each. I'm working on a SwiftUI project with cards that contain text. font(. headline)) to the left. struct HTMLText: UIViewRepresentable { let html: String func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<Self>) -> UILabel { let label = UILabel() DispatchQueue. system(size: 120)), . leading, spacing: 25) { Text(text) Text(text) Text(text) } } } Now embed the VStack into a scrollView . . lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping; Update to Swift 4 Mar 30, 2020 · Supporting Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) — A Practical Guide to iOS SwiftUI App… “One conversation can change a life forever. Because the scrollView expands automatically, when the view will not fit, all Textfields will show the complete Text without using Layout Priority. white) Now I want the background color to change to black when the user turns on the dark mode on iOS. You need to declare a view that conforms to NSViewRepresentable Jun 12, 2019 · I have two Texts that should wrap lines below each other in a VStack. Jun 20, 2022 · there's an issue with SwiftUI's Text view while having multiple lines. But the . I have similar code to populate the text in the UITextView. The limit on the label's width stops this rightward growth and causes the text to wrap (and the label to grow downward instead). Dec 17, 2020 · Can we have a multiline text field in SwiftUI?I'm talking about something equivalent to Wrapping Text Field that is available for Cocoa. To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow . frame( minWidth: 0, maxWidth: . systemMedium and . Use the truncation Mode(_:) modifier with one of the Truncation Mode values to indicate which part of the text to truncate, either at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. leading) for text alignment) – Oct 5, 2023 · Adding a lineLimit to the Text does not work as the limit applies to the entire text. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it: Basic Text Display. Hide User Input Using a SecureField in SwiftUI; 8. frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: . dark) } } I recommend watching the Introducing SwiftUI session for more examples of SwiftUI and how powerful the previews can be. This seems bizarre and buggy to me, so I don't think I May 10, 2020 · SwiftUI text does not provide a lineHeight property (line spacing is a different beast). 4 / iOS 13. Aug 10, 2020 · I am trying to make an app with a background image using SwiftUI. center, Dec 8, 2021 · I would like to prevent line breaks in a parts of SwiftUI Text - for example, when I have label like Car speed is 10 m/s. In the full code below I also implemented a CustomTextField where editing can be turned off but still be selectable. You can preview a layout at different dynamic type sizes, and for certain strings at certain sizes, it'll wrap one word early where there's clearly still room for one more word on the same line. New in iOS 15. Whereas, the editMode is toggled correctly when a custom button is used. tail) that will render the text, inclu Apr 20, 2021 · This makes the VStack take up as much horizontal space as possible, then aligns its contents (Text(fruit. 4, I'm trying to display a sheet with a few stacked Text views. Style a Text Editor in SwiftUI; 9. 4 (black border is only for demo) Jun 6, 2019 · For wrapping Text in a Form . 1) Remove padding at top layer, so. So just look: var body: some View { Text("Some word Some word Some word Some word") . This can be done using a frame modifier. Code. And now your "easy" turned into "hard". Button(action:{}) { HStack { Text("Hello") Spacer() } . Sep 30, 2020 · My solution was to add a function to my struct that will tell my widget entry whether the text is one (potentially really long) word — which I don’t want to break at all — or whether it is more than one word, in which case it’s fine to break it. That is, I want a Text object set to . As SwiftUI evolves, the capabilities of Text continue to expand. Sep 30, 2020 · The . leading) . | // bounds This is number 3. . If you don't limit the label's width, it will just keep growing rightward, potentially continuing off the screen. Create a new View Representable. Jan 12, 2021 · I need to display some text in a SwiftUI Form that will change depending on the current state. Text("A long string that we want to wrap across If you’re using styled text, assigning a new value to this property applies the line break mode to the entirety of the string in the attributed Text property. When the text is a single line, all is fine: But when the text reaches the limit, something weird happens: What I want to achieve is simply that the text wraps, can anyone help me? The code Apr 25, 2022 · I want to keep each sentence in the paragraph it's own Text view, because it has unique functionality on hover. size. You decide to go with Layout Layout protocol The protocol has 2 requirements: Apr 16, 2022 · Example from link above, with . however, it sounds like you may be referring to mock data for previews. g. i would argue that mock data is perfectly suitable for DEBUG/simulator builds (for which you can use a compiler check) and so is not worth the effort Jul 29, 2016 · It is strange since I created the UITextView using a storyboard and in preview mode it looks like it's width is less than that of the UIViewController. Jan 11, 2022 · What I'm creating is a LazyVGrid with many UITextView as "cells" inside, but the text does not wrap when it exceeds the parent width. aspectRatio(contentMode: . Sep 19, 2019 · The full code. By default, Text views in SwiftUI handle multiline text. Is there a way to systematically access the standard, dynamic background color for SwiftUI views, regardless of whether the user be in Light or Dark Mode? For example, I know the following can be used to get the primary (e. Please keep content related to SwiftUI only. Jun 10, 2020 · I've created a custom sheet in SwiftUI with the background color White . How can I achieve this with SwiftUI? I implemented it as the following, but it does not look how I want it to. dark ? "In dark mode" : "In light mode") } } Also, it automatically updates on the change of the environment color scheme. Dec 1, 2022 · Updated for Xcode 16. Along with that, users usually get an option to expand and view the long text, or collapse and keep it truncated. main. primary but I don't see anything similar for getting the background color. It’s literally built right into SwiftUI’s Text view, so you can write code like this: As a note, If the string is "Welcome to Synonyms!", the "to" stays on the first line, it almost seems like SwiftUI wants to display the text in the smallest area possible when you have more than 1 line. ⚠️ Note that if you want to make it focused at the initial time, you MUST apply a delay. systemLarge widgets both handle word wrapping and scaling properly as far as I’m concerned. You can limit width in several ways. " Jul 8, 2021 · VStack { // Here is the default text - see in the screenshot that it properly wraps the text HStack { Text(lorem) } . – May 29, 2020 · Here is fix. colorScheme key of an Environment variable: struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\. Create a Text Field with an Optional in SwiftUI; 5. There are two parts: The content (ex. For example, the following code will not take effect in dark mode preview: var body: some View { Text("Hello World") } But after wrapping the content in a NavigationView, dark mode preview works as expected: Oct 22, 2021 · That is a bit more involved. Format Text Input in a Text Field in SwiftUI; 6. Defining one property that stores the text string we are working with. For iOS programming related content, visit r/iOSProgramming Dec 7, 2022 · The design team asks to wrap tags on subsequent lines when they do not fit the view width. setTitle("This is the very very long text!", forState: UIControlState. Aug 5, 2021 · However, if I activate dark mode in the system settings I get a strange highlighting effect in the background whenever I focus the TextField with the cursor. WrappingHStack(16, id:\. Request the size from the Attributed string on a fixed width. I know we can interpolate an Image into Text with SwiftUI, but this doesn't help since the number of images is variable and has to be fetched from a URL, so I have to use AsyncImage. For example, this will center several lines of text as they wrap across lines: Nov 8, 2019 · there is no compiler check (as i mention in the above answer). title), . Jun 7, 2019 · Or, you can even chose to preview light and dark mode at the same time: static var previews: some View { Group { ContentView(). With default settings, the label might break like this 10 m<br>/s, which I'd like to Jun 14, 2019 · This seems to be a bug in Xcode 11. height' since the font point size probably shouldn't ever need to be larger than the parent's height if that's what you're trying to fit. Jul 17, 2022 · A solution appears a bit complicated because Picker is not native SwiftUI control, but has UIPickerView at backend, so we need combination of already mentioned one to get rid of compression contains and another one to calculate most long label and compress picker explicitly. Sep 15, 2019 · SwiftUI. On macOS, unfortunately, you have to fallback to AppKit and wrap NSTextView. Examples of line breaks in English, Korean, and Russian Dec 3, 2019 · I am trying to animate value change in a text using withAnimation but it doesn't seem to work. For Swift programming related content, visit r/Swift. I cannot see anyway to achieve a fixed height that is more than one line (with text occupying multiple lines) and dynamic width. Aug 15, 2024 · Text is the most common kind of content that apps contain. Style a Text Field in SwiftUI; 7. title) and Text(fruit. But I can't find a dynamic color for background like Color. And another to try the new Layout protocol. In SwiftUI, displaying text is both straightforward and versatile. I originally thought the syntax was causing the following problem ( only 1 line desplayed, and extra ellipsis is also displayed ) : But you're right the syntax should work as intended as you tested. struct Fruit: Hashable { var title: String var headline: String } struct ContentView: View { let fruits = [ Fruit(title: "Pomegranate", headline: "Sweet, bell-shaped fruits that have been enjoyed May 26, 2015 · This is what causes the text to wrap. infinity, minHeight: 0, Jun 27, 2024 · Using the overlay () modifier in SwiftUI, we can elegantly wrap text within another view, ensuring the text is positioned and sized relative to the primary content. Tested with Xcode 11. Then I use the result of that function in the . By default, SwiftUI appears to wrap the text on words. infinity). Try to create an HStack and each view in it will get the same frame modifier as . Currently I'm using the WrappingHStack from here. padding(16) } However adding one word changing the wrapping: Mar 15, 2023 · This is not a supported behavior in SwiftUI and would need to be built custom. However, swiftUI will sometimes cutoff the text mid-word and put a single (or a few) letters on a new line. It all works fine as long as isScrollEnabled = true is set on the UITextView. ") } This creates text like this: This is number 1. With the \. My options seem to be: single line text with dynamic width, or fixed width with dynamic height. Jul 15, 2023 · Dive into handling multiline text in SwiftUI with this insightful guide. text) color: let textColor = Color. clipToShape(MyShape()), but that just renders any text not within the When a text view contains more text than it’s able to display, the view might truncate the text and place an ellipsis (…) at the truncation point. middle. I have a UITextView, in a UIViewController, that was created using storyboard. This is number 4. Sep 14, 2020 · i'm writing a SwiftUI app and would like a container view which "pushes" its children into a row and, once the row fills up, starts wrapping subsequent children to the subsequent row—in o Sep 1, 2019 · In Swift, as shown here, you can use NSMutableAttributedString to embed links in text. Share. height' The initial font size can also be set to 'g. primary for colors of the text etc. We’ll cover how to customize text with various modifiers to adjust its font, color, alignment, and more, enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of your SwiftUI views. seems to bring the behavior that these Text views will size themselves to always ellipsize rather than wrap. Jun 18, 2019 · Among the many properties of the Text view, I couldn't find any related to text alignment. One of your colleagues suggests wrapping a custom UICollectionView with a UIViewRepresentable. The text will fill the available space, and then, eventually, be truncated. padding(16) . fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true) and wrapping the text in a VStack as I thought that the HStack could be stopping it from wrapping to the next line. It's only needed for the first one. html. Aug 6, 2024 · This article provides an in-depth look at the Text view in SwiftUI, one of the most essential components used for displaying read-only text in iOS applications. You could try to align the 'firstTextBaseLine' to get the desired behaviour. infinity, alignment: . In this post we see capabilities on macOS 11+ with Swift 5. struct TextView: UIViewRepresentable { typealias UIViewType = UITextView var configuration = { (view: UIViewType) in } func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<Self>) -> UIViewType { UIViewType() } func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIViewType, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<Self>) { configuration Dec 28, 2019 · var body: some View { VStack(alignment: . Create a Text Field in SwiftUI; 2. But it seems like when I use the scaledToFit modifier on my Text view, it prevents the words from wrapping. Sep 5, 2019 · Text("Some Text") . 0 in WWDC 20. As shown in the screenshot, the last line is not wrapping. To achieve text wrapping, simply pass nil as the argument to the lineLimit modifier: Text("This text is too long to fit horizontally within its non-NavigationButton container. Dec 1, 2022 · As an example, let’s create a simple SwiftUI wrapper for UITextView as the basis of a rich text editor. If you want to change that, use the multilineTextAlignment() modifier to specify an alternative, such as . ") . import SwiftUI struct TextMarkdown: View { let markdown: LocalizedStringKey init(_ content: String) { markdown = LocalizedStringKey(content) } var body: some View { Text(markdown) } } Now wrap the text as follows: May 30, 2020 · Ok, here is a bit more generic & improved variant (for the solution initially introduced in SwiftUI HStack with Wrap). Jun 27, 2019 · SwiftUI's Text type has a modifier that allows text to wrap if the text is too long to fit horizontally within its container. contentShape(Rectangle()) } Long Answer. We deal with all sorts of text length everyday, but when it comes to long text we often need to cut it off and display just a part of it. async { let data = Data(self. Use the Text view to display a simple string. I've been mildly annoyed by this in the past, not specifically with TextFields but in the way SwiftUI wraps words. fixedSize(horizontal: Nov 5, 2023 · @roosterboy Thanks for checking. Jul 4, 2019 · Since I have found another solution I would like to share it with you. ImageWithTextOverlayView(image: "large_image", text: "My experience with EAP and Income Protection") ContentCardSummary(text: "Research shows that our social enviroment significantly impacts our biology") ContentCardMetaView(readTime: "10 min read", name: "Jessica Bell") Jun 22, 2022 · In the code below, running on macOS 12. From automatic text wrapping to controlling line limits. Simply create a new SwiftUI file, wrap the existing "Hello World" Text() inside a ScrollView, and create the text with a long string. Create A Scrollable Text Field in SwiftUI; 4. frame(maxWidth: . 3 of 61 symbols inside <root> Text. minimumScaleFactor(0. Dec 28, 2023 · Text in swiftUI already has great behavior and flexibility out of the box, and the rich ecosystem of default viewModifiers extends its behavior in a really intuitive and powerful way Jul 3, 2019 · I am making a swiftUI calendar and met a weird truncation problem of SwiftUI Text View. import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello, SwiftUI!") The problem with multi line text rendering is the label needs a fixed width up front, before laying out the glyphs. colorScheme) var colorScheme var body: some View { Text(colorScheme == . , I would like to force SwiftUI to keep the m/s (or preferrably 10 m/s) together (but still allow it to do linebreaks elsewhere in text). numberOfLines = 0; // Dynamic number of lines nextButton. Create a Text Editor in SwiftUI; 3. Note: as height of view is calculated dynamically the result works in run-time, not in Preview Introducing SwiftUI. Jun 8, 2019 · The explanation for why this is happening is found in Matteo Pacini's answer: using the predefined . It likely alters the way SwiftUI manages the resizing of text content. background(Color. blue) // Here is text that is scaled down, but prevented from wrapping, even though // we have allowed it to use 2 lines. But you know the height after laying out the text. A temporary workaround is to wrap your content inside a NavigationView. 3 and 1. truncationMode(none) (SwiftUI): UIKit: byClipping does not wrap the text and only shows the part that fits in the view, hiding the rest. It takes a lot of interplay with PreferenceKeys. Jun 30, 2019 · Agreed, this is most definitely a bug and it's very easy to reproduce. Strangely, if I had a padding on the Text two views above it (see comment in code), that triggers something, and the Text wraps. In SwiftUI, you can change these values using the corresponding view modifier. titleLabel. center, or . gywyejeyajxuefxeohunfrkpmxykgsxdhvulbvkfzxviwuptdhqtbstbkgakt