Anadrol and anavar together reddit

Anadrol also commonly nukes peoples appetite and probably wouldn't be tolerable for more than 8-12 weeks max. 1-eyedking. Never run oral steroids without a base, especially when they heavily suppress you quickly. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Just to learn the compound and how you react to it. ie this isn't a totally crazy idea. [Compound Experience Thread] Anadrol, Oxymethalone, Drol, Adrol. Archived post. I've ran both of these compounds singularly up to 40mg dbol and 100mg anadrol a day but I've never ran them together although I'm starting them both on Monday at 30mg dbol and 100mg anadrol. Typical results from an Anavar-only cycle. either directly via metabolites or those metabolites fucking with e2 clearance or aromatisation. Masteron, proviron, primo, stanolone (maybe forgot some). AJizzle1990. There's a fair amount of crossover. They provide reasonable advantages and limited sides. Get on 200mg test and 25-50mg anavar per day. It's a stronger cycle but you'll get a ton of First time using this drug and I love it. Abombs gives me insane strength. I'm planning out my next cycle and I'm thinking I want to run a 10-12 week cycle of Test C and Anavar, but I'm considering stacking Dbol for the first 6 weeks as well. This provides a useful archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. My current weight is 54kg and height is 5"5' Anavar increases strength a lot but anadrol is on another level in my experience. Two of my friends actually have done this a few years ago and I asked about his bloodwork. All the side effects and weight gain is right in line with what I’ve heard on many podcasts as well so im pretty confident now that it’s legit. Anadrol is known for its ability to rapidly increase muscle size and strength. Test is required for everything dude just get with the program u will only get bigger and better results and u wont risk becoming infertile. This is because the kidneys, not the liver, are primarily responsible for metabolizing Anavar. Gained about 10 lbs of water weight/nitrogen retention and looked very full. Anavar is also a DHT derivative, and supposed to be minimally liver toxic, so it 'matches' primo to some extent. I prefer 50 to 100 mg of Anadrol over Anavar. Only one way to find out. I also purchased their “Supra Testosterone” which is 400 mg/ml of their sustanon type blend. The primo might work for you on that low of a test dose or it might not. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Stacking Anadrol, Dbol and Anavar together . Got 100 25mg Tabs. Once the compound is broken down on the first pass, the second pass causes virtually zero stress, for the same reason normal Injectable steroids don't cause much if any liver stress. The other use is, in the final weeks of contest prep. Looking to throw in an oral or two and was thinking of doing low dose dbol and anavar together. strength gains have been impressive, vascularity noticeably increased and just overall having a feeling of being slightly pumped all the time. The DHT family of steroids are almost all the slowest to bring about suppression. Adrol should theoretically be dry, but it indeed exhibits wet characteristics in most people. 50 mg Anavar day. Anavar is one of the least suppressive steroids so a lot of beginners will use it. Whether or not anavar is better for you than those drugs comes down to why you want temporary strength (are you just fucking around, or do you have a competition), whether or not you're ok with extra weight (ie adrol may make it harder to stay in your weight class), and your overall response (will you get into fights if you Just pick one and use it as a Kickstarter for the first 6 weeks, var if your cutting, anadrol of your tryna bulk up Reply reply Spiritual-Cod-2552 Compounds. Just want to add 10 mg twice a day maybe increase it to 30 mg 3 times a day if no side affects. • 1 yr. Week 1-12 Anadrol 100 mg/day + Deca Durabolin 200 mg/week. Anavar is a better fat burner due to its stimulation of T3 levels in the thyroid. Ideally the user should have experience with drol and dbol before stacking. 3 Options. However, unlike other oral steroids, Anavar is not significantly hepatotoxic. OP • 2 yr. Take both. Multiple Anadrol cycles in, max 50mg/day with good results, does kill appetite and the first week noticeable increase in power and aggression at the gym. Alcoholics batter their liver for decades before they die. These are the key hormones responsible for penile growth. This is to break my cycle plateu. You’re talking about running 960 test 150 tren 350 anavar 350 anadrol 200 masteron 600 EQ Jan 9, 2024 路 Anavar or Anadrol for Bodybuilding. However, there is a way you can bridge here - start the test C and run your 50-100mgs of anadrol for 4 weeks. It also has the ability to store creatine to a much greater level so consuming creatine along with Oxandrolone will cause far greater IF (and this a big if) you can tolerate 20mg of superdrol for 4 weeks then I'd suspect it would be superior to 50mg of anadrol for 8 weeks. All my labs look great. When I started anavar I completely quit vaping, which I was very addicted to. I tried making injectable Aromasin for kicks, as well. You'll only know once you've ran it. Little concerned about excessive prolactin sides, but I have plenty of Caber on hand. So expect to fluff up a bit on it. I can stack it with some injection too for better results. Switching from Anavar to Anadrol after 4 weeks cycle? 馃拤 Anabolic Steroids 馃拤 Hey what’s up guys, so I’ve been on cycle for 4 weeks…5mg LGD, 50mg Var, and 200/wk Test E. The follow-up cycle for this may begin with a dose of 20 mg instead of 15 mg and may be extended up to 8 weeks. It's not as harsh as tren a. Goals: bulking, increase strength, improve workouts via better pump. The goal of these threads is to gather a wide variety of user experiences and feedback. 300 mg Tren A week. On cycle training – Usually twice daily. This week we are discussing Oxymethalone aka Drol, Adrol and Anadrol. you might got bunk testosterone. No deca dick at all on these dosages. Or when you put primo and anavar together, there’s something really special happening between the fullness, roundness and glimmer that comes from primo, with the dryness Yes you should use a test base. [Compounds] 馃弸馃徎‍鈾傦笍 Anadrol (Oxymetholone) 12/7/2023. Good morning 鈽曪笍. com . Deca Durabolin is an effective injectable steroid that users can stack with Anadrol, increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength. Anavar is a very mild steroid, in regards to side effects, and thus is popular among beginners and women. Option 1 - The One I want to do: Around 5 1/2 Weeks - 50mg 3x per week on rest days. anadrol and anavar are way less of a commitment than tren, you can cycle those, once you go on tren peds are lifelong commitments, there’s superdrol and anadrol and i personally think superdrol is better because of it’s better strength gain effects plus it’s hair safe. Compounds. So anavar is better in the sense if you need to be in a weight class. Help with first cycle - 35yo male, Considering Test + Anavar. Apr 28, 2020 路 300 mg Deca week. Before he started the anavar, he has been taking clomid 50mg EoD for 1 months, his test is 795ng/dL and his LH is 19, well Var is mild and dry and good for cutting, anadrol is wet and dramatic and usually better for bulking (but some swear by it for cutting as well for strength/intensity maintenance). Saintsfan33. They both differ in their mechanism of action supposedly. Specific effects: increased vascularity, boulder shoulders big delta, huge pumps in the gym and even when walking. , which led to a 1,200% increase in market price. These threads are extremely useful as an archive Primobolan (DHT derivative, doesn't aromatize, non-liver toxic) + dbol (aromatises, acting as a quasi test base, liver toxic) was a popular golden era cycle. Practically it is retarded (compared to just having an actual test base). 20 mg/day. Is anybody getting prescribed Deca, Anavar or Anadrol through a clinic anymore or is that gone now While Anavar is a tried and tested steroid, it is very hard on the kidneys and isn't recommended for the same during as a normal injectable cycle. ago. Anadrol and Deca Durabolin Cycle. Anadrol. Anadrol is harsh on your liver, stacking three orals without any clear picture of the risks involved, what to do for pct, etc. Stop running Anavar only cycle with Clomid!! I see so many post lately about running oral steroid with clomid to boost testosterone. I personally love the way var makes me feel and acts pretty quickly. No, anavar is nothing compared to halo, methyl dht, mibolerone, etc. I'm a bit surprised because I was led to believe it made you feel like shit and View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. 25mg is nice… 50mg is nicer. Take TUDCA, taurine, n acetyl cysteine, glycine. This is a typical Anavar-only cycle for beginners. ) Week 1-16 Test 200 Week 6-16 Tren 350-400 Week 1-6 Anadrol 50. 3 I. Anadrol for strength. For men, a typical beginner cycle may include 20-30mg of Anavar and 30-50mg of Winstrol per day for 6-8 weeks. 50 or as little as half that amount. Apr 4, 2023 路 I’ve found that a balanced stack can lead to impressive results while minimizing side effects. These threads are extremely useful as an archive winstrol generally has more effect on maximal voluntary muscle contraction. Lately I noticed lots of novice level AAS users who are looking to throw a mild oral into the mix or even some entry level guys who want to do strictly oral only cycle, and for some reason they always seek anavar (oxandrolone) as their first yes it does. To spend 3weeks at the beginning of a cycle with one of the combinations, then finishing the the same cycle with another combo. Overall a very feel good PED. Don't get me wrong you'll gain muscle and strength while on but you will piss like 70% of it once you come off plus pct and that fabled anadrol strength goes away immediately too. I wouldn’t do it anymore cause it’s overkill in a weird way tbh, but it’s your choice at the end of the day. This is close to a mirror of a cycle I did years back. I normally use Dbol or Anavar to kick start a cycle but this year I've decided to go for Anadrol. You won't do it. I took a break for about a year. Less toxic for var though and it feels cleaner. If your looking to increase your strength and push a lot more do 10mg dbol pre workout. id probably go on anavar 50/day for the first 6 weeks of a cycle. Haven't run for longer than 4 weeks at a time. Discussion. It doesn't stunt my appetite. I'd like to hear you guys experiences with them both together. Anavar for physic and stamina IMO. You can do a really high dose Anavar cycle and still have pretty much no more water retention than normal. Pros: -Less liver toxic (skip first pass) -Better bioavailability -Stomach friendly (no heartburn, gastric perforation) -Quicker absorbed -Lesser impact on HDH/LDL -Lesser impact on SHBG -Higher peak plasma concentration -Less metabolites of the drug -Drugs are stronger or weaker because That is why it is not advisable to stack orals. If ur taking test with it, anavar. This will help you hold onto some of the anadrol gains (but none of the water weight). Stacking two powerful steroids like Anavar and Anadrol can increase the risk of adverse effects and may put excessive strain on the body, particularly the liver. It does this by increasing the level of the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells. Anavar is one of the most mild orals side effect wise. Awesome results so far, added it to the last 8 weeks of my blast. These threads are extremely useful as Jul 31, 2023 路 Anavar is often used for cutting or lean muscle gains, while Anadrol is favored for bulking and significant muscle mass gains. Rough night sweats and also aggression which is very abnormal for me. I don't get prolactin sides from anything, so whatever progestonic binding affinity it has doesn't touch me. Anavar is a relatively mild steroid that can typically be run for 8-10 weeks with little issue. Greg Doucette tried to say that LGD and rad 140 were stronger than anavar. 50mg Anadrol made an immediately noticeable difference for me. Currently on 500 mg test e per week. There have been anecdotal reports (with blood work) showing the use of Enclomiphene during a SARM cycle will completely mitigate signs of suppression, as a result of base testosterone levels doubling or some cases nearly triple, from the use of Enclomiphene. It’s a beautiful day to discuss one of the premiere strength steroids, Anadrol! Every Thursday we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. This week we are discussing Oxandrolone aka Anavar or Var. effrightscorp. Can please somebody guide me about the dosages and PCT and everything. Anadrol is basically a bulking steroid because it increases nitrogen retention which leads to anadrol also seems like a maybe, convenience of an oral, basically the same as anavar (in terms of sides, that i’ve seen) except it’s not for cutting and more for bulking. DOSAGES: I’ve run it at low (<300), medium (<600) and ~higher (<900) doses. Background: 35 year old male 190lbs (Typically fluctuate between 183-195) I've been working out pretty much my entire life and have always stayed in decent shape. On it right now, 500mg test/wk 50mg anavar per day. If you have legit anavar, you feel it in like 15 minutes. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. But dbol will probably give you more actual muscle mass while Adrol will lean more towards steady strength gains. This is why creatine and Oxandrolone work so well together as creatine increases muscle ATP. This week we are discussing Anavar (Oxandrolone) . if you take drol, your total estrogens go up. Do some fucking research then think long and Dbol will help with estrogen part of trt Add dhea and pregnelone. I’ve previously been prescribed Deca and Anavar through my online TRT clinic. var extends time to failure rather than maximal strength and does some stuff to GC repector. Reply Anavar (Oxandrelone) want to add to add to my TRT. I have associated bloodwork for all of these compounds. Interesting. I’m not planning to compete until next year, just want to hit 700 on squat and 405 on bench before I turn 20. And if you're trying to cut and put on quality muscle, yes, anavar does just that. Anavar dosage 40mg vs 60mg? I have enough anavar for 23 days of 60mg, or 34 days of 40mg. Example: Day 1 – Legs (AM) Chest (PM), Day 2 – Cardio (AM) Back (PM), Day 3 – Delts (AM) Arms I've trained for just over a year and have heard that you should wait until after 3 or more years of training before you take steroids. However since it is an oral steroid it does put strain on the liver due to it being hepatotoxic. Var has less sides and is considered the safer of the two compounds. This is your 2nd cycle, so you probably shouldn't. I really think that tren e puts on quality muscle, maybe test, promo, npp, and tren e. Some of these are common second compounds for later cycles. 500mg Speaking from my own experiences, Anavar is a cosmetic drug not a strength drug, so he isn't going to feel anything taking one 25mg dose. Took plenty of fish oil and my joints were fine on the winstrol. This would be a mild and suitable cycle for a first-time steroid user. I am not any athlete and just doing it for bodybuilding purposes only. 160mg a week eod injection. Regarding strength and anavar. This is completely wrong. However, the same does for anadrol and winny. Whereas, 100 x 25 mg tablets of Winstrol can cost just $90. I'm on day 10 now, been running it at 90mg/day. If he wants to try steroids one time (this is also stupid), I would recommend Anadrol, but to feel it pre-workout you usually need at least 75-100mg. Using Creatine with Anavar is important since Oxandrolone causes ATP to be reduced in its method of burning fat. Sep 8, 2019 路 Anadrol and anavar 100mg Ed of each was insane. Extremely effective at holding onto muscle in a steeper (1-1. In a very short time did some insane changes Happened. •• Edited. You’re on go mode every second of the day. Lastly, you can use them as a trial run to see how your body tolerates anabolic hormones, for a short run of about 6 weeks. Some of the milder DHT orals (Anavar, Winstrol, primobolan) can be used for 4-6 weeks before suppression becomes a concern. It’s important to integrate proper nutrition and training during this period to maximize gains and fat loss. In medicine Yes nanadralone is also a great stack. First time with Deca as well as Anadrol, and highest Test dose I’ve yet to run. If your goal is to minimize sides, the anavar is a solid choice. 100 x 20mg Anavar tablets cost around $230 on the black market. While still not ideal, I do agree that oral only cycles are better than sarms only cycles. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. My advice for all the beginners drooling over anavar. I suggest getting the Kindle version of Anabolics by Llewellyn and researching a LOT more. You could see bigger and better results for the money. Do yourself a favor and don't even go over to r/steroids, they'll tear you a new one. Real anavar hardly exists even from reputable suppliers. Oct 29, 2023 路 2. 2. Option 2 - 50mg ED For 7 weeks. Tighter belly and increased vascularity in the first week. I love Tren and usually run the test lower with Tren but upped it a little due to the addition of Deca. Here's a breakdown of its composition and how it works in the body: Contact on Tele @ DRKrono OR Email: elizabertkruusima@ gmail. Liver values are surprisingly decent. So anavar for barley any sides or dbol for more gains depending on your goals. Gains were epic but Tren A kicked my ass at 350 back then…. okey i got it did you got a bloodwork while on cycle? also testosterone undecanoate is very very slow ester it takes time to build but also takes 5 months to clean. I had read that Anadrol also had some serious water retention, similar to Dbol, but haven't seen anyone in this thread say it was bad in their experience. Oxy's: Oxymetholone / Anadrol For me, it's far drier than Dianabol. 1. 2g NAC + 2g vitamin C for liver support. I used the Roid Testkit and both results came back positive as Oxandrolone. 4. It's biggest benefit, in my mind, is the extremely low water retention. I wouldn't run the bridge with rad140 Dbol is a wet compound. Oct 25, 2023 路 5. EQ can crash E2 with some, and I've heard that others have no real issue with that Anadrol can make prolactin spike. Yes, even compared to tren, mg per mg anavar Compounds. I know it might sound counterintuitive to run Anavar and Dbol during the same cycle, but I've been doing some reading and some schools of thought say that Anavar tempers the Feb 16, 2023 路 Anavar is significantly higher priced than Winstrol due to it previously being monopolized by Bio-Technology General Corp. Anavar will increase lean muscle mass, but nowhere near the extent of Anadrol. On week 7 of var now, gone up 10 lbs in weight since introducing the var. It is a fairly decent cutting steroid. Have seen where plenty of guys have done it. Basically I'm just looking for advice and some explanation on the two steroids. Oct 27, 2023 路 Anavar is a c17-alpha-alkylated oral steroid, which is beneficial as the compound will be fully active after bypassing the liver. There used to be a ugl that would pay anyone $1,000 if anyone got their car tested and it showed that it was true anavar. From my experience Anavar is quite a dry compound, and Dbol is well known for making one retain a lot of water. DHT discussion [Discussion] Discussion. Mild sides but also mild gains and look. These threads are extremely useful as an archive I always did 50mg anadrol and 25mg anavar. Yes it is a steroid, but is relatively minor in anabolic effects compared to other steroids. EDIT Good looking out testtrensdrol: "Anavar, winny, anadrol, sdrol, and OVERVIEW: Primo is the Pfizer to Tren’s Johnson & Johnson. Id add npp/deca if you wanna bulk more. Going injectable orals, or sublingual just means all the stress is back loaded on the second pass. Reply reply. 3. So i decided to take Anadrol but I need some expert guidance for this. So if you are gearing up to cut for a contest, Anavar might be perfect. Side effects: increased blood pressure, debilitating pumps making cardio difficult. I’ll be in a bulk and implement it mid blast (600 test 300npp). Swallow the rest. Only difference is anavar is more expensive because u dont really wanma only be running 20 or 25mgs go with atleast 50, which is 2 a day so u will need at minimum 2 bags. I can really feel it working the energy and aggression is something else. Jestopherson23. 6. Tbol probably better for recomp due to the fact it lacks the “hardness” var gives but will yield more muscle gain for sure. Week 1-12 Anadrol 100 mg/day + Testosterone Cypionate 500 mg/week. Anavar is surprisingly potent. ) Week 1-16 Test E 500 Week 6-16 Tren E 200 Week 1-6 Anadrol 50. indicates you have a lot more research left to do. Diet - On average 3500kcal, 275-300 pro, 450-500 carbs, 50fat. 10mg is to low bro. Id run the anavar with yk with a test base and then you’d have to pct with Anadrol Dosage Days. So that Anavar /yk11 stack will heavily suppress/shut down you. Yeah I was gonna say. Take off week 5 and 6 and then start rad140 at 10-15mgs a day. Really liking the results, so far very few sides, just a gyno flare up and needed to switch serm (Ralox) but I had gyno from puberty so I expected that. When to choose tbol vs anavar is very very easy: Anavar is the king of oral steroids, and maybe even roids in general, for fat loss effects. The liver can heal itself from almost the brink of total destruction. The Benefit/Side ratio is arguably the best in the game. ADMIN MOD. You can definitely get strong off of anadrol only, but you'll most likely feel like shit when you crash your hormones and lose the majority of your gains when you come off of it. Here's a breakdown of its composition and how it works in the body Available on tele @ DRKrono OR email: elizabertkruusima@ gmail. No balls. 2/1 test to deca ratio and you'll feel great. Usually on 200 mg test e cruise so deca + anavar was a small "blast". So, if muscle gain is the goal, use anadrol and escalate the dose if Anavar (oxandrolone) is a synthetic anabolic steroid derived from testosterone, similar to Anadrol but with a different chemical structure and potentially milder effects. Been on TRT for a year. But you'd use winstrol or anavar for that. It doesn't make me angry like Winstrol. Option 3 - 75mg ED for 4 weeks. I’ve only ever used anavar as an oral. Buy Oxymetholone (Anadrol) The same amount of stress is induced. 5 Months 200mg CYP 5 Weeks Anavar 40mg daily results Compounds. Var is much more likely to be fake when purchased black market. Even tho winny is good for bulking as well as cutting if ur gunnu trash ur liver with 2 orals just take Feb 14, 2023 路 Anadrol will cause a lot of weight gain, whereas Anavar won’t. Anadrol increases muscle mass reduces body fat and provides numerous health benefits because it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As a strenght athlete this is very interesting and i believe it is not commen knowledge: "Yeah, so anyway the best drugs in general for increasing strength are testosterone, dianabol, anadrol, trenbolone and by way of creatine retention and synthesis, anavar. Mild in nature, strong in strength increase and tissue accrual. Both mild one is metabolized by the liver the other mostly the kidneys use NAC and Astralagus values never got too concerning for me. 5k) deficit. The goal is to document experiences for others to refer to for years to come as we grow With tbol and var you would see lean gains and strength increase without a ton of sides from estrogen because neither aromatize. Deca Durabolin is not a toxic steroid like Anadrol, so side effects won’t be a lot more severe than running Anadrol by itself. Anavar is known to trash your lipids pretty bad, but not raise your liver enzymes Tbol is more likely to raise your liver enzymes and mildly trash your lipids. It doesn't touch my hair (nothing does). (dont check my maths it's fkn close enough and I don't want to count my pills) I have been playing around with 40-60mg doses for like 5 days have have not noticed hardly anything, just slightly increased vascularity. It’s about as hard in the body as any steroid and many can only tolerate running it for 2-3 weeks before The fact that Anadrol has caused penis growth for you in such a short period of time suggests an incomplete puberty and likely ongoing hormonal deficiency. Superdrol is taking a proverbial tank to a knife fight. Nov 18, 2023 路 Oxymetholone is one of the more affordable steroids and certainly cheaper to use than a cycle of Anavar. BUT many cannot tolerate superdrol at that dose beyond 2 weeks and many people can tolerate more than 50mg of anadrol for even longer. You’re pumped 24/7, pumps in the gym make you feel like your gonna tear through your skin. The fact that we mainly use Anadrol for only a few weeks also keeps overall cycle costs down: Standard 50mg pharmaceutical-grade Anadrol tablets can cost as much as $2. BigLeSwoleski. Get anadrol if u want something stronger not winstrol. If it suppresses your E2 you'll need to up the test or drop the primo. Now if your looking to look more on the “aesthetic” side do 50mg anavar or, hear me out… 20mg RAD140. Ah, the song of my people! To date I have brewed and used injectable versions of: Dbol, Sdrol, Adrol, Tbol, Anavar, and Winstrol. Ridiculous pump and fullness. anavar seems like a maybe, it’s very convenient that it’s an oral, but there’s also the liver risk. For bodybuilding, Anadrol is a much more effective steroid than Anavar. It renders the use of a testosterone base pointless (unless on trt), because regardless Theoretically if you provide an estrogen base it will work. During my most recent consult last week I asked to get back on low dose Deca and was denied. Reply. Anadrol is an awesome counterpart to nandrolone because the aggression makes you feel while nandrolone can make people apathetic; lends to almost euphoric workouts for me. U GH day. In terms of sheer mass-building potential, it is unrivaled. Also i would do 10mg dbol, 20mg winny, 20mg anavar if all above is in check (everything sublingually) If you dont have any problem with pinning, use test Test is best. Anavar (oxandrolone) is a synthetic anabolic steroid derived from testosterone, similar to Anadrol but with a different chemical structure and potentially milder effects. com 1. Get bloodwork done for free testosterone, DHT & IGF-1. Stacking Anadrol with other compounds like Testosterone Cypionate or Deca Durabolin is essential for an advanced Anadrol cycle, as in the two example below. Don't see much change in liver stress on 25/50 drol dbol compared to 40-60 dbol or 100-150 adrol, but gains are crazy. It’s the only guaranteed mainstay besides Test in every blast from now on. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet. I've also brewed up some M1T, but I've yet to run it. You should probably just run either just Test/EQ or Test/Anadrol. On the doses you're planning the anavar will be doing the heavy lifting. Put it under your tongue for 5-15 min. I also train and compete in BJJ for about 8 years now That question was regarding water retention. Jul 5, 2023 路 Anadrol is a powerful steroid that has been used by bodybuilders and athletes for decades. Injectable var is also difficult to brew; recipes I've seen all involve a decent amount of guiacol. You’ll look 1% less bf just by taking it. Adex and Caber on hand as needed. Going to get bloods pulled this week before starting. Anavar is better for strength when factoring in tbol has the ability to put on more mass/BW. Obviously I got 500mg Test Base. This sounds like a great cycle. It's much stronger than Anavar or Turinabol. Most workouts are either conditioning or heavy compound lifting. My last bloods were on Jan 5 was on doing same mg’s of test but wanted to lower my estrogen TRT help. It does have a propensity to significantly lower HDL more than other steroids though. although anadrol and superdrol are more potent and kidney toxic. 75mg 4x Per week on training days. These will help liver and joints. Dose: 100 mg daily as split dose for 6 weeks. For those unaware, each Sunday we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. If you are low bodyfat anavar is the way to go. Also have Superdrol and some TrenA I could make use of. Meaning I personally would use a test base; it is an accepted rule to not do oral only steroids cycles aka this. Dbol has way more sides but it adds more mass and is known to be a bulking oral. Did 200mg test e + 200mg deca per week and 25 mg anavar daily this spring. Anavar does not stimulate strength by the same People pedal dbol as anadrol / anavar alll the fuckin time… Its common knowledge that 95% of people that think they are on anavar are on something else. geardedandbearded. • 2 yr. Yes you can run Test/EQ/Anadrol together. So approx 280 - 1400 mg of Testosterone Undecanoate, 50 - 350 mg of Anavar and 350 mg of Anadrol during the time frame I mentioned above. All about that synergistic effect being greater than the sum of two individual orals. fa an ez mi hj gh cu bn yt bg